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Author Topic: Poke' stats?  (Read 27916 times)

Offline Urmel

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2010, 07:19:27 PM »
Maybe the client could recognize that you have clicked on the X-Button on the right top. That would be good.
There are a lot more ways to close the client. E.g. with the Task Manager or by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and choosing close. So that is far from good.

Of course it will suck if you get disconnected because of connection problems, but there is no way to detect this. I'd rather make sure that the lamers get caught than make sure nobody gets punished unjustified.

Offline Mr_Dark

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2010, 08:28:31 PM »
What if our internet connection experiences problems during a PVP battle and we get kicked off the game? Will the server recognize that as quitting and punish us?

No. For the server a disconnect is a disconnect, there's no way of checking this.
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Offline ghostman50

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2010, 08:33:31 PM »
First I want to say that the leaderboard is a good idea imo. But then there should be two leaderboards. Yes, two!

The first one should show the stats of the normal game. The second one should only be about events like tournaments. I think, only tournaments show who is skilled.

Or how about 4-5 leaderboards.

Im one of those guys that like to see where I rank among others. Even when i know that I horribly stink at something, the satisfaction of knowing that I did something better than the other guy keeps me going.

The leaderboard doesnt have to be too too extensive (maybe just top 25-50) but there could be one for :

  • # of badges
  • Player Exp

  • A leaderboard for total lottery winnings (if that idea sticks)
  • # of Pokemon

  • Separate leaderboard for tournament standings
  • If Kuhn's hunting idea goes through, there could be a board for # of hunting missions completed

Im sure there are many other things that could go along with the leaderboard idea.

Just offering a few suggestions

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2010, 08:37:21 PM »
Maybe the client could recognize that you have clicked on the X-Button on the right top. That would be good.
There are a lot more ways to close the client. E.g. with the Task Manager or by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and choosing close. So that is far from good.

Of course it will suck if you get disconnected because of connection problems, but there is no way to detect this. I'd rather make sure that the lamers get caught than make sure nobody gets punished unjustified.

What if the PU team is forced to update the servers, resulting in an en masse kick?

Would there be a way for the PU team to provide reparations if this were to happen?
Am I a ghost or a man? Or a man-ghost offspring that come from mi father's inexplicable penetration of mi mother's ghostly woman parts? Or am I a child imitating a man's ability to change into a ghostly form in order to preserve mi appellation?

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2010, 09:04:19 PM »
Maybe the client could recognize that you have clicked on the X-Button on the right top. That would be good.
There are a lot more ways to close the client. E.g. with the Task Manager or by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and choosing close. So that is far from good.

Of course it will suck if you get disconnected because of connection problems, but there is no way to detect this. I'd rather make sure that the lamers get caught than make sure nobody gets punished unjustified.

What if the PU team is forced to update the servers, resulting in an en masse kick?

Would there be a way for the PU team to provide reparations if this were to happen?
We will of course not close the server for updates without notifying our users so they can log out and save their data. In fact, we will just make sure everything is saved when we close the server.

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2010, 09:37:00 PM »
Even if we close the server, it'll wait until all users are disconnected so all data is saved.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2010, 06:24:06 AM »
What if our internet connection experiences problems during a PVP battle and we get kicked off the game? Will the server recognize that as quitting and punish us?

How about, instead of punishing everyone, the system leaves the punishing up to the trainer that stayed. The trainer could chose to "Punish" or "Forgive" the other.

Offline Mr_Dark

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2010, 10:57:50 AM »
How about, instead of punishing everyone, the system leaves the punishing up to the trainer that stayed. The trainer could chose to "Punish" or "Forgive" the other.

This may be added later on. I've put the function (somewhere) on my todo list.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


Quote from: Frenchfry545
That settles it. I'm starting a new religion. It's called "Misterdarkism".

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2010, 10:05:10 PM »
If "punish" or "forgive" is implemented, it will create a feeling of resentment from the player who is punished if it is easy to tell when a "punishment point" is added after a battle. Perhaps a colour system, or a description with ranks could be used (excellent commitment, very good commitment, good, reasonable, variable, below average, poor, very poor), rather than the exact number of apparent forced disconnects. For colour, you could have an icon with a colour gradient from green to red for percentage of battles not completed, so that one battle won't make a noticeable difference.
Remember, unless we say it will be included, a Team Member's speculation and ideas are still just speculation and ideas. Though it may be more likely to be included, there are no guarantees!

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Offline Flannery

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2010, 09:07:20 AM »
Maybe, just maybe, we could add that when entering the PokéLeague (PvP), you will have to sign 10 pokemons up. This will allow any trainer to use a combination of those 10 when he/she chooses 6 to battle with as normally and then later on he/she can choose another combination of those 10 pokemons which are signed up.

Any opponent will be able to see which 10 pokemons are "in play" and the levels of them, but not which ones the player has chosen for his/hers next battle, nor any stat or move of the pokemons.

I'm not really into this idea. But that's my opinion. I'll state the pros and cons that I know of.

Pros - More variety for PvP battles, Know your opponent's pokemon, You can attempt to confuse your opponents.

Cons - It isn't so much fun (in my opinion), The creator(s) of pokemon gave us a 6 pokemon party already (why need 10? It's already possible to customize with 6), I don't like the "make a different party in between battles" method, because it's like giving handicap in your time of need (because when fighting the Elite Four of the pokemon games, they want to challenge you and they don't allow any handicaps like adding in and taking out pokemons in the 5 battles ahead, except for potions, and changing the order of the pokemon party).

I don't mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to state what I think.  =]
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 09:11:46 AM by Flannery »

Offline Kamaran

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2010, 10:31:24 AM »
Remember that in PU you won't be fighting the brutal 5 in the Pokeleague, but regular players just like yourself. Having ~10 pokemons to choose between will add a variation in your gameplay and may course confusion among your opponents on what kind of team to set.

If you choose to only use 6 pokemons all the way through, is fine with me. That is your choice.
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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2010, 11:03:24 AM »
What would happen, if nobody disconnects? What does the winner get? Money?

If so, you don't have to punish the disconnected one, the person, who stayed, could get the prize, so there wouldn't be a difference for him.
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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2010, 11:09:25 AM »
Another issue that deals with statistics are quitters. In alot of multiplayer games, one may come across a few sore losers after a while. I would hate to have mi experience ruined by a bunch of kids that are afraid to lose. DO you think it owould be possible to add a flee counter? or something telling opposing trainers how often this player is most likely to quit a battle.

When we will implement the stats we can make it as extensive as we want, so yes it'll be possible to show how many times a player has fled from a battle. Although it's not possible to run from PvP battles, but then it's still possible to just close the client and disconnect from the server. If you do this you will be "punished", like the opponent gets 40% of your money and all your Pokémon will be fainted.

What if our internet connection experiences problems during a PVP battle and we get kicked off the game? Will the server recognize that as quitting and punish us?

I still think you should get punished just like the rest of them leavers. Because anyone can just abuse this method. They'll find a way for sure.

i think this is quite unfair to those people have poor internet connection.(NO OFFENSE) for an example Malaysia internet connection is suck.I have frequent disconnect.Although i called them,the same problem keep on.

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2010, 08:21:51 PM »
i think this is quite unfair to those people have poor internet connection.(NO OFFENSE) for an example Malaysia internet connection is suck.I have frequent disconnect.Although i called them,the same problem keep on.

We can't make everyone happy.
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Offline ghostman50

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Re: Poke' stats?
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2010, 08:48:36 PM »
Maybe, just maybe, we could add that when entering the PokéLeague (PvP), you will have to sign 10 pokemons up. This will allow any trainer to use a combination of those 10 when he/she chooses 6 to battle with as normally and then later on he/she can choose another combination of those 10 pokemons which are signed up.

Any opponent will be able to see which 10 pokemons are "in play" and the levels of them, but not which ones the player has chosen for his/hers next battle, nor any stat or move of the pokemons.

I'm not really into this idea. But that's my opinion. I'll state the pros and cons that I know of.

Pros - More variety for PvP battles, Know your opponent's pokemon, You can attempt to confuse your opponents.

Cons - It isn't so much fun (in my opinion), The creator(s) of pokemon gave us a 6 pokemon party already (why need 10? It's already possible to customize with 6), I don't like the "make a different party in between battles" method, because it's like giving handicap in your time of need (because when fighting the Elite Four of the pokemon games, they want to challenge you and they don't allow any handicaps like adding in and taking out pokemons in the 5 battles ahead, except for potions, and changing the order of the pokemon party).

I don't mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to state what I think.  =]

Like Kamaran said, the 10 pokemon idea would be limited to PVP Pokemon League matches.

In the anime's indigo League, a similar format was used so its nothing "illegal" about it.

I wouldnt mind seeing mi opponent sqirm after realizing that i have four level 80 metapods.


But I was curious to know if EXP (IV/EV) would be gained in PVP matches?

A part of me wants Exp to be gained but another part of me wants to keep mi level 99 Gyrados at level 99 in order to qualify for the under 100 tourneys


Another question, that i have, has to do with player disconnections.

Out of pure noobiness, a player may decide to stall a match to avoid/defer the punishments that Dark mentioned earlier. Im sure some of you have played turn-based games and have been punished for leaving or verbally abusing the stalling player. I would not want to lose 40% of mi money and a horrifying disconnection percentage because of a few player's noobiness.

 To avoid all of that, a timer per move could be implemented.

Is there any plans for that?


Am I a ghost or a man? Or a man-ghost offspring that come from mi father's inexplicable penetration of mi mother's ghostly woman parts? Or am I a child imitating a man's ability to change into a ghostly form in order to preserve mi appellation?

"She's so sharp, depressed teenagers use her to cut themselves."  - Greg Gutfeld