Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Hunting (Idea)

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I can't believe that I am making a post just to say one thing;

That sounds right. I agree.

Vampire Warlord:
I would like to add-
A quest center seems to be needed in these situations, as it would be a weird experience-
You take a quest, forget about it, accidentally do it, and all of a sudden a random message pops up-
Also, to keep track of quests, an acccepted and completed quests screen, to kkep track, like if you did what I said and then check the quests screen-
"Oh, better get my reward!"
But overall, i like the idea. It seems balanced, and honestly, I usually nedd to be on Victory road to get money.
So, yah. I think it's a great idea.
And the "Kill x monsters" thing do suck d***.


--- Quote ---So we are talking about daily/weekly/monthly quests which will reward in either a rather small cash amount or an item.
--- End quote ---

Err, well yeah. To keep people from redoing the quest over and over and over again. :P

--- Quote ---I'll see to it that the quest/story-writer team will consider your quest idea and of course we will, as always, be open for more ideas.
--- End quote ---

;) Awesome. I'm getting tired of being so poor in Pokemon games. ;_; It'd be nice to have something to fall back on when times 'get tough.'

--- Quote ---The way you control inflation is to balance money created (through quests) with money destroyed (through npc sales, got to make people shop there enough). No amount of thinking will get this right the first time cause you don't know how much of either the players will do. Basically, make a guess at how much a quest gives and patch later :p
--- End quote ---

Ah, thanks for explaining that. :)

--- Quote ---You take a quest, forget about it, accidentally do it, and all of a sudden a random message pops up
--- End quote ---

Lol. Well, in these types of quests, unless you catch like, 15 Pikachus, I'd doubt that'll happen. xDDD

-Ahem- Just had another thought. Which, yes, is another idea sort of, but it does tie into these sorts of quests. xD

Instead of money/items--it's always a nice surprise to get cheap bundles of experience from time to time. Which leads into my afterthought: If, hypothetically, quests do give out experience from time to time, it'd be cool if the player could choose what Pokemon and (how much) to give it too.

Example: Received 400 Xp from...Old Lady.


Since the point of these types of quests are to have the set Pokemon...not-fainted, giving a small amount of Xp to the player might be a bit...cleaner then money or items (for the ingame economy and the player's trouble). ;)

Besides, I don't know of yah'll's plans, but someone's going to get choked if players don't get some kind of Xp Share.

xp as a reward for your player character is fine, you did the quest, you learned something, etc.

If you can think of a way to justify (story-wise) how xp could be given to Pokemon as a reward, then sure. xp isn't like vitamins, it's supposed to represent actual experience in the field. You'd have to write it like...

I know a thing or two that might help your Pokemon, but I sure don't trust a kid like you not to tell everyone. So which Pokemon should I tell?


The old lady shares a secret with Pikachu.
*whisper whisper*
Pikachu gains 400xp!

Good point. :O

And yeah, just an idea. Of course I wouldn't put it past an old person to insult you after you just finished helping them. xD

On another note. It'd be nice if, the Quest is being tracked or something of the sorts, for a message to pop up as you catch the different(or same) Pokemon. Something like:

"You caught a [Insert Pokemon Here]! This Pokemon is on [Insert NPC's Name Here] List! Would you like to add it to your party or send it to the [NPC]?"

 To avoid making things too complicated...for the player. :P


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