Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Quest Grading System (Post Quests Here)

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--- Quote from: Sazhuy on May 13, 2010, 01:15:52 AM ---Thanks everyone for their thoughts and come to think of it i guess i could make it more of a series of quest. So i understand what you mean spirit, seems like i need to learn from the master as being the best way to learn at all since i intend to become a story writer someday.


Earning Your Sealegs

--- End quote ---
I now want to be a pirate :D. here's my rating (tell me if I'm being annoying or unreasonable)

Storyline-2 (pretty good, hopefully more to come)
Length-3 (The description made the text of the story itself longer, but all in all it seems a similar length)
Reward-1 (I'm not really sure why he rewards you with a shellbell? Doesn't really seem related)

Also, as a side note to Mr Pokemon, I thing you should introduce a new criteria, practicality as this is a very important factor.

Feedback: I really like the idea of becoming a pirate. and making this quest the beginning of a series of quests is also a good idea. you added more dialog and added the requirement to fight the wild pokemon which is also good.

overall i liked it. can't wait to do the quest.

Mr Pokemon:
Declan, I have added the practicality criteria, and now quests will be graded out of 24. Don't forget to use all of the criteria when grading!
Overall, the people who are grading are doing fine. You are giving good feedback and reasonable grades. Also, keep in mind that the rewards and details are lesser criteria, meaning that they can only count for up to 2 points.

Here's my grade:
Length-3 (A little too short, still)
Total-21/24 88%
Feedback-This quest is better than your original, but there are still a few parts you could improve on. For example, the reward. If people think they will get something like a shell bell for the reward, would they keep continuing with pirate quests? I know it sort of fits the theme, but I think it should be something bigger, like a water stone or something.

Another thing I'd like to say is about the fact that you have to get feathers from wild Pokemon. I think you had a good idea with you having to prove yourself to him, but I'm not sure this was the way to do it. I have a few ideas of what you could do, though.
-Fight him in a battle. He has 3 pokemon, a level 30 Kingler, a level 30 Aipom, and a level 32 Poliwrath (the Pokemon and levels could change)
-He follows you and you must beat several Fearows/Pidgeottos while he is watching
-You must get something for him in another town
Otherwise, it's a good quest and there is only a little you need to improve on.

Why not add this reward too:

"If you need to travel to XXX island (there are no other means to go to that island), just let me know and I'll take you there."

On this island, chatots will be common, and the beach will be a little like the beach of Island One in FRLG, where you have random invisible items on the sand. These could include nuggets, some pokeballs/greatballs/ultraballs and less occasionally, leftovers or some other items.

Plus, this island can be in itself another quest... so much more to exploit!

Oh... my rating?

Storyline - 3 (the fact that the captain proposes you to be part of the crew, but only later realise that you are too young)
Ideas - 4
Length - 3 (the story is ok, but the quest to take part in is quite short)
Practicality - 4
Details - 2
Reward - 1
Total-17/24 71%

Don't take my judgement too seriously, I usually try raising the 'level'.


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