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Author Topic: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm  (Read 7313 times)

Offline Amphi

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[Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:18:33 AM »
This is a story about a young ninja by the name of Amphi, he was taken to one of Orochimaru's many prisons to be experiemented on and later was freed by Team Hawk's Sasuke Uchiha, and Yuki Kitsune.

Chapter One: Released:
Deep in the mountains surrounding Kumogakure: the hidden cloud village, lies a secret prison, this prison was one of Orochimaru's special prisons. The place reeked of old, coppery blood. Experiments after experiments takes place in this hell on a daily basis. One misfortune soul, Amphi lies in a cell curled up, crying out desperately as blood seeps from around the lower spine where two tails were just recently attached, courtesy of that bastard Orochimaru, and trying to fall asleep to ease the pain. Amphi is now a meager six years old at this time, he has been in Orochimaru’s lab since minutes after birth. Amphi’s father, Mikami Utaka, was the one who brought him to this horrid place. Now you may think Mikami was doing this to save his own ass from Orochimaru’s twisted experiments, but in reality he was one of the few in Kumogakure who actually followed Orochimaru, mostly as a spy for that stupid man. The minute Amphi was brought into that prison Amphi was infused with pieces of the two-tailed monster cat, once sealed inside of the woman named Yugito Nii, as of that moment Amphi no longer was a normal human-being, but now a neko, technically, as he had light purple colored cat ears.

As Amphi awoke he noticed that he now had two tails attached right at the end of his spine. He did not know what had actually went on during those few days of tests and surgery. Everything was in a blur, he was somewhat confused and noticed maybe 10 or 12 guards normally stationed at shifts right outside his cell running towards what looked like dust, lit up by a bright light, which could be sun light. As the guards ran through the dust, one by one they were sent flying back and had what appeared to be several life-threatening wounds.

“What’s going on?” Amphi asked one of the guards, “Why is that wall broken in?”
The guard simply replies, “Team Hawk.”

Amphi continued staring out his cell as the one foot thick reinforced steel walls started to close around his and many other’s cells, Orochimaru’s futile effort to hold onto all of his prisoners and “ass- slaves”. As the cell was completely closed off it became dark, and a strange dampness started to seep onto Amphi from the ceiling, as he looked up he heard a couple loud bangs on the cells around his.

“Oh my chansey god how hard is it to release all these people?” a mysterious female voice said, “ Sasuke why did you let that stupid snake make it so hard to break into these places?!”

“Oh quit whining, we’re already to the last cell.” Sasuke muttered to the female

Loud bangs were heard just as Amphi moved back against the wall of his cell, far from the reinforced steel caging him in, as he starts to wonder what is happening the steel is suddenly broke open, and the female whom the voice possibly belonged to was standing there with a chakra cloak shaped like a fox stood the grinning evilly.

“Finally, the last one is released!” The strange looking woman said as Amphi stared out at her, “hey kid, you ok?”

“yes…” Amphi said quietly

“What’s your name kid?” the woman asked.

“Amphi..” The timid boy said as he continued staring, “What’s yours?”

“Yuki is my name.” She said as she helped Amphi out of the rubble, “lets get you home.”
As Sasuke was carrying Amphi home, Amphi noticed how many other prisoners were going away from that horrid place, many were shouting in joy, while others were just quiet.

“So uh, Amphi is it?” Yuki asked
“yes?” Amphi quietly replied.
“How come you have those cat ears and tails? Yuki pointed out, “Was it the snake?”
“Uh huh….” Amphi answered quietly once again.
“Sasuke, how come he isn’t talking much” Yuki asked
“Orochimaru did some pretty strange and bad things to this one” Sasuke said in an annoyed voice.
“Explain, please, what exactly do you mean?” Yuki asked as her curiosity seems to get to her even more.
“Well you see I read this ones profile in the lab, and it said he possesses two different kekkei genkai, as for what they are, the profile didn’t say.” Sasuke sighed heavily as he finished the sentence.
“I see, so Amphi can you tell us?” Yuki stared at him with curiosity in her eyes.
“Umm, I only know of one and that is the ability to use Storm Chakra, like my mother, I think.” Amphi said staring back.
“hmm well I think we’re almost to your home, is that it?” Sasuke stares down the road at a lone house on the outskirts of the Cloud Village.
“I don’t know, how would I? I’ve only been there for my few birthdays, but I think that is” Amphi stared off at the house getting closer by the second.

Sasuke knocked on the door a couple times, as it seemed to take awhile for the residence to answer the door. Finally after about a minute of waiting a young boy, who looked about 10 or 11 answered.

“What do you want?” The boy asked in a raised voice.
“What is your name? And are your parents home?” As Sasuke asked this an older looking man appeared in the door way and suddenly grew very nervous once he realized who was holding his son.
“His name is Kakashi, and mine is Mikami Utaka” The old man stated as he looked up and noticed how he was talking to. “Sa-sa-sasuke Uchiha! How did you get here, and why do you have my son?”
“Orochimaru is dead and I am freeing all the former prisoners, I believe this one belongs to you” Sasuke said in a casual voice
“Yes he is mine, he can go inside” Mikami said, “You may go now Mr. Uchiha”
“One thing Mikami, enroll that boy into the ninja academy, otherwise I’ll be back to kill you.” Sasuke stated cruelly
“Fine, I guess I have to now” As Mikami said this he stared at Sasuke with a deep hatred.

Amphi walked into the kitchen of the house and noticed a woman standing there,known by everyone as Mitsumi and also the mother of Amphi, she turned around and her eyes widened in happiness as her baby boy was finally home, Amphi ran over to her and jumped into her arms and they just stayed like that for a long while.

Yuki Kitsune is character created by one of my friends from school known as Sasuke Luver on Naruto fan
Never Underestimate the Kindness of other Humans.

Offline YouHearThat

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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 04:43:08 AM »
quite enjoyable to read  ;D

love Naruto and things related to it
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Offline Amphi

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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 06:41:05 AM »
thank you ^ ^ lol i have 3 more chapters already written although theyre posted on naruto fan
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 06:57:55 AM »
The people there are mean to me... ._.
Could you click my links daily?

Offline Amphi

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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 07:19:44 AM »
how are they mean to you?
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 07:41:40 AM »
Could you click my links daily?

Offline YouHearThat

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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 04:29:39 PM »
thank you ^ ^ lol i have 3 more chapters already written although theyre posted on naruto fan
I would love to read more !  :)
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Offline Amphi

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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 05:57:31 PM »
chapter two

It was a somewhat dreary morning a week after Sasuke, and Yuki brought Amphi back to his family on the outskirts of Kumogakure, from Orochimaru’s lab. This was supposed to be Amphi’s first to the Cloud Village ninja academy, he was feeling very nervous as he is different from every other student there. His mom had bought him a set of new clothing, he was now wearing a white collared, zip-up, T-shirt with only one sleeve on the right arm, the left arm is sleeveless. He also has tan colored pants, somewhat army like with bigger sized pockets. On his left arm he has a black arm band that goes from the wrist up to his elbow. On his head he has black rimmed goggles with orange lens. As Amphi and his mother walked to the academy many men, women, and children alike, pasted glances, snickered, and gave evil looks at poor little Amphi, his mom managed to shield him from most of this. Once Amphi and his mother got to the academy he was to report to the head sensei to figure out who his teacher would be.

“Well hello there, Darui, I haven’t seen you for awhile” Amphi’s mother, Mitsumi, said as her and Amphi approached the Head of the academy.
“Yes, long time indeed, my old friend,” Darui stated as he put a hand out towards the young Amphi. “Who might this little guy be?”
“This is Amphi, he will be enrolling in the academy today if that is alright.” Mitsumi smiled softly as she said this.
“Well Amphi, I’ll only enroll you here if you shake my hand,” Darui says this in a relaxing calm way as his reaches his arm out a little more.
“Okay.” Amphi says quietly as he shakes Darui’s hand gently.
“Thanks young man, and might I add those are some really nice looking ears.” Darui says this as he ruffles Amphi’s hair
“Oh, Darui you’re so nice to him” Mitsumi says in a slight laugh.
“Okay little man, lets figure out who will teach you the ways of the ninja.” Darui says this as he goes to his desk and looks through the drawers. “Okay then, here we go, Amphi well, hmm, oh I got it you will be placed with Samui, she will be teaching you how to do various ninja arts such as the basic clone jutsu and how to throw shuriken and kunai.”
“Okay,” Amphi quietly says as he looks over at the window and notices little kids around his age peeking in, most likely, seeing who the new kid will be.
“Oh don’t mind them honey, they will get used to you eventually,” Mitsumi said to ease Amphi’s nervousness.

After Mitsumi was finished filling out some forms for Amphi’s medical insurance and some parent contact papers they were ready to bring Amphi to meet his new teacher. As they walked down the hall to his classroom they got a few passing glances, mostly kids who had never seen a human with cat ears and two tails, it didn’t seem to bug Amphi as much anymore as he was starting to get used to it. As they drew ever closer to his classroom they heard the sounds of shuriken and kunai hit the wooden bull’s eyes that students use for practice. Mitsumi opened the door to the class room sitting in a chair next to the door watching the students was a tall woman, with blonde chin-length hair, and also has a large bust similar to Tsunade’s.

“Well hello there.” The woman says looking over at Amphi, “You must be Amphi.”
“uh huh,” Amphi says this as he nods his head slightly
“Well I’m Samui, I will be your sensei and I’m glad to meet you,” Samui gives a kind looking smile after she says this
“So Samui should I just leave Amphi with you then?” Mitsumi asked curiously
“Oh, yeah don’t worry he’ll be fine in my hands,” Samui says in an upbeat attitude
“Okay, honey, you have fun now, and I’ll be here after school to pick you up,” Mitsumi smiles gently as she hugs him and kisses his cheek and starts leaving.”
“Buh bye mommy,” Amphi says this as he opens and closes his hand in the air like a little kid would normally do when they wave.

“Okay then Amphi, I got something for you,” Samui says this as she digs around in a bag at her side, “here we go”
Samui hands Amphi five shuriken and two kunai, along with a holster for his kunai, and bag to hold his new shuriken.
“These are for me?!” Amphi said in astonishment.
“Yep, all for you, do you like them?” Samui says happily
“YES!” Amphi hugs her as he says that.
“ Okay then lets get to practicing then,” Samui said as she leads him to a spot in front of a target. “This will be your spot from now on when we come to target practice, okay?”
“Yes, sensei,” Amphi said happily.

Later that day as he was finishing his homework, while waiting for his mother to come pick him up, His mother walked in casually, just as Amphi turned in his homework to Samui sensei.

“Hi dear,” She smiled happily, “How was your first day at school?”
“It was fun mommy…” Amphi said somewhat quietly, “Even though no one would talk to me.”
“Oh honey, its alright.” She told him gently, “You’ll make friends some day”
“Don’t worry my new student,” Samui said, “Your mother is right.”
“Alright, you ready to go home now dear?” Mitsumi asked Amphi
“Yes momma.” Amphi said quietly

As Amphi and Mitsumi walk home thunder strikes in the distance, and a storm starts rolling in. People start to hurry home and take cover as it starts to down pour. Mitsumi pulls an umbrella out of her bag and holds it over her head with Amphi close by her side.

“We better hurry dear, we don’t want to get too wet, get on my back I’ll get us home faster” Mitsumi says as she has Amphi get onto her back.

Mitsumi sprints home as fast as she can while holding onto her son, and the thunder rolling in the background. As they near their home they notice Mikami standing outside in the rain with an evil look on his face, staring directly at Mitsumi and Amphi.

“What took you so long?!” Mikami yelled at Mitsumi. “You were supposed to be home 30 minutes ago!”
“I’m sorry Mikami, Amphi was finishing his homework,” Mitsumi stated to the angry father, “Amphi you better go inside.”
“Yes momma,” Amphi starts to walk inside but is stopped by his father, “dad, mom told me to go inside.”
“Too bad stay out here,” Mikami throws Amphi at his mother, “He’ll be sleeping out here tonight, now get in there and make our supper you wench.”
“I’m sorry Amphi.” Mitsumi gives Amphi a hug as she says this to comfort him, “I love you and I’ll bring you your dinner once your father’s done eating.”

Amphi curls up like a cat would against the siding of the house crying, as he feels unloved once again, He hears his mother inside the house screaming at his father and someone being beat against the wall, a couple minutes later Mitsumi comes on with a bowl of ramen and gives it to Amphi, She had black and blue marks all over her face and says that she loves him, and gives him a blanket and hurries back inside, to keep from getting yelled at.
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 05:58:11 PM »
chapter three

Amphi stared at the so called food his father just placed in front of him, on the floor. His father stared at him with a deep hatred. It is about four years after Amphi’s first day at the academy, he still is hated by most of the other students, today is the day of the graduation exams, for both Amphi and his brother Kakashi. Amphi’s father gave Kakashi the equivalent of the best breakfast ever, well pretty much anything could be considered the best for Amphi as his father only feeds him cruel, and this form of cruel is even worse than most prison food. As Kakashi finishes his breakfast he throws the remaining bacon on his plate at Amphi. The bacon was slightly cold but not bad enough to just throw away. Kakashi may have been mean and hated, he still was willing to give Amphi his left over food, as he didn’t like to waste food, or anything for that matter.

“Time to go dumb ass” Mikami yelled at Amphi, “Get your ass up we need to get your brother to HIS graduation exams now!”
“Um, Mikami, Amphi also has his exam today too” Mitsumi said as she helped Amphi up and handed him his back pack, as Mikami and Kakashi left. “You can walk with me to school.”
“Yes mommy.” Amphi said timidly to his mother as he swung his back pack onto his shoulder.

It was a bright sunny day, the first in a long while, Amphi and his mother had high hopes of his graduation, for it meant at least in the cloud village that one would gain respect, even if a minor amount, which Amphi, longed for so much. As Amphi thought about the exam as they were walking, him and his mother noticed Mikami and Kakashi walking back home already, Kakashi had a bright new cloud village head band on, he wore it similar to how Zabuza did. Amphi stared in astonishment as they stopped to talk.

“Wench, you better hurry and get that boy to the academy.” Mikami scowled at Mitsumi. “And remember what happens if he passes right?”
“Yes, I know don’t worry” Mitsumi said somewhat sadly
“Then get going…” Mikami said as he gave Amphi a deep glare.

Amphi and Mitsumi continued walking at a steady pace, as they knew they had all day to get the exam done. As the drew closer a few fellow academy students wished Amphi good luck, but the few students that already had their headbands just glared and didn’t care if he passed or not. As they entered the main building of the academy Samui was waiting at the entrance for Amphi.

“You ready hon?” Samui smiled softly as she said this. “Lets get you into the exam room.”
“Okay…” Amphi says this as he follows slowly behind Samui and his mother waited at the entrance.

Samui and Amphi walked for what seemed like hours, at least in Amphi’s mind, but really it was maybe one minute or so. As they walked in Amphi noticed a table with three chairs at it two of them were filled by another academy instructor and they head of the academy Darui.

“Well, hello there Amphi, how are you?” Darui asked kindly
“Good…” Amphi said shyly “Thank you for asking”
“Okay then, if you would just stand right there on top of that “x” in the middle of the room we can begin your exam.” Darui said in a more serious manner, “Well Samui, are you going to sit?”
“Oh yes, sorry I kind of just zoned out,” Samui snapped back into reality as she says this.
“So, Amphi, there is a series of basic things I would like to see you do before we grant you the title of an official ninja of Kumogakure.” Darui checks some papers as Amphi fidgets nervously. “hmm, okay then, Amphi I would like you to do these three things in orders: First- you see the three targets placed without this room?’
“Yes” Amphi looks at the targets, one on each wall, except for the one behind him.
“Okay, let’s see you throw either your shuriken or kunai, at them” Darui says this, watching Amphi intently.

Amphi pulled two shuriken and a kunai out of his pack, he threw the first shuriken at the target to the left of him, it just barely hit the target, he threw the second shuriken at the target to the right of him, this time hitting it directly in the center. Darui and Samui glanced over at the bull’s eye Amphi had just gotten with surprise as Amphi readied his kunai. As Amphi threw the kunai it suddenly slipped out of his had, and was just about to hit the floor, but he managed to catch it with one of his tails so it didn’t count against him. He readied the kunai again, this time throwing it directly in front of himself at the target that was at his eye level, this throw was based purely on instinct, he did not even try, this kunai was also thrown at a faster speed than Amphi would normally be able to do, it was a second bull’s eye. Darui, Samui and the third judge looked behind them at the kunai and noticed that it was emitting a smoking lightning type chakra.

“This must be your storm release chakra, huh Amphi?” Darui says as he continues staring at the kunai.
“I-I- I don’t know Darui sensei.” Amphi said in a state of shock.
“Well considering this happened, we’ll completely disregard the first shuriken you threw, as you seem to have a basic level of control over a type of chakra that isn’t easy to control.” Darui says, “I think we’ll give you a 100% for the first part, now on to the second part…”
“What is it I have to do now? “Amphi stares at his sensei.
“Okay then, this time you will be performing a basic transformation technique.” Samui says as her stares off into space. “Please transform into Darui please.”

Amphi does a few hand-signs and focuses all his chakra, transforming to an exact copy of Darui.

“Well done Amphi, you may release the transformation now,” Samui says as the third instructor writes down a few notes.
“Finally, the final part of the exam, if you get this you’ll automatically gain the status of cloud village ninja” Darui says happily, “The last part of the exam is the basic clone jutsu, all we need you to do is create a basic clone.”

“Yes sir,” Amphi says this before making another series of hand-signs and focuses some chakra and then suddenly a poof of smoke fills the whole room, as the smoke clears there is an exact duplicate of Amphi standing next to him. The clone poofs away as the three instructors applauded.

“Well done Amphi,” The three instructors said in unison.
“You are now an official ninja of the cloud now,” Darui happily hands a black head band to Amphi, “Congratulations.” The three say in unison.

Amphi walks out with his newly acquired headband, and his mother pulls him into a big hug as she congratulates him. It was somewhat late at night because they ended up getting to the academy later than expected earlier in the day.

“Let’s start for home.” His mother says gently
“Yes momma” Amphi says in a happy more upbeat voice than usual.

As the walked home Amphi told hid mother how the exam went, and how he got a perfect score, and even utilized his kekkei genkai, the storm release, even if by accident. Mitsumi was somewhat surprised at the fact that he had gotten a perfect score, mostly because even Kakashi, the highest scoring student in the class didn’t even get a perfect score, he got 87% mostly because of part one, the target practice. When they got home Mikami was just getting the mail, and stared intently to here what went on at Amphi’s exam.

“He passed Mikami.” Mitsumi said with a suddenly sad look on her face
“Okay then, Amphi pack your things, you’re moving out.” Mikami said to Amphi with a really annoyed voice.
“Yes sir” Amphi says this before running inside and packing his few possessions, and comes out with his one bag.
“You’ll be sleeping out here tonight again.” Mikami said, “Tomorrow you’ll be moving in with your new sensei…. Get to sleep now”
“Good night dear,” Mitsumi hugs him as she says this and wipes the tears from her eyes, “ I love you”
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2010, 05:58:59 PM »
chapter four

It was somewhat early in the morning when Amphi was rudely awakened by his bastard of a father.

“Get the hell up it’s time for you to go!” Mikami yelled in Amphi’s face as he pulled him up by the shirt collar, and hits him across the face with an incredible amount of force.
“I-I- I am, quit it” Amphi said after which his father threw him in to the side of the house.
“I’ll be bringing you to your new home today, you have three minutes to pack all your useless stuff and be ready to leave.” Mikami snarled.
“Okay…” Amphi said quietly as he got up with some newly acquired bruises now on his right cheek and arm.

As Amphi packed up his few possessions he wondered who he would be staying with and where that would be, he was somewhat hoping that it would be far away from here but he didn’t want to leave his mother alone, he was also wondering why she wasn’t the one who was bring him to meet his new sensei, mostly because his father rarely wants anything to do with Amphi. As Amphi finished packing his stuff his father came out of the house and walked over to Amphi with an annoyed look on his face.

“Finally done moron?” Mikami asked with impatience.
“Yes, father…” Amphi said as he avoided look directly at his father’s face, and he gets up slowly as his father begins walking at a somewhat fast pace.

The father and son walk for what seemed all day, finally they stopped to get food well food for Mikami, which he ate in front of Amphi, Amphi’s stomach growled as he stared at the large bowl of ramen that his father was basically attacking.

“What the hell are you staring at, boy!!” His father angrily asked
“I’m hungry too father” Amphi said innocently
“Well, here’s my left over change,” His dad said before throwing a small amount of change at Amphi,
“Father… this isn’t enough to get anything,” Amphi stared at down as he realized the mistake that he just made by saying this.”
“Its to pay the owner to let you eat out of their garbage, now go give them the money.” His father snarled once again.
“Yes, sir…” Amphi quietly said before walking over and handing the owner the small amount of change, and then went to a garbage and picked something off the top of it and took a small bite, just enough to stop the stomach aches that were happening from a lack of sustenance.
“You done, boy?” his father yelled.
“Yes, father…” Amphi said quietly

They father, and son duo once again started off to Amphi’s new sensei’s home. As they got near their destination the sun seemed to get brighter and the air seemed to get thinner, more likely because Amphi hadn’t yet noticed that the whole way to the sensei’s home it was a slight incline. Once they were almost to the top of the mountain. Amphi noticed a somewhat strange area that was flat of top of the mountain and surrounded by a giant bubble of sorts, almost like chakra. As him and his father walked through, Amphi felt a strange sensation and suddenly a tall dark figure appeared in front of them within seconds of passing through this “barrier” of sorts.

“Yo ,yo, yo, who do we have here?” The dark figure asked with a strange beat to his voice
“Who the hell are you?” Mikami asked impatiently. “Where is the sensei for my stupid boy?”
“Well, if that boy, right there, is named Amphi, I believe that would be me, motha chanseya.” The strange man said.
“What kind of sensei are you, you stupid punk-rapper woman.” Mikami snarled
“The best, now if this boy is Amphi, give him to me and I’ll take care of the rest foo.” The man said calmly as he winked.
“Yes, it is, get over to him boy,” Mikami scowled as he pushed Amphi over to him. “Have a good life, you stupid boy.” Mikami disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Amphi stared up at this man with astonishment, he was really tall, had at least seven swords randomly placed all over his body. He was also somewhat dark-skinned, at least compared to what Amphi was used to seeing.

“Well, Amphi it’s finally nice to see you.” The man put his fist out in front of Amphi as he said this, Amphi flinched when he saw the fist coming towards him. “Awwuh, come on, don’t leave a brotha hangin’”
“Yes, sir” Amphi bumped fists with him when he said this.
“Now don’t go around calling me sir, do I look like an old man to you?” The man asked.
“No sir, you don’t…” Amphi said quietly.
“Now, little man, what did I just finish saying about the “sir” thang?” The man said, “weren’t you even told my name?
“No…” Amphi said quietly as he looked down, “I’m sorry”
“Now, now, now, little guy no need to be sorry” The man said as he placed his hand on Amphi’s head. “Name’s Killer Bee, but you can call me Bee, brotha.”
“Okay Bee-sensei” Amphi smiled slightly as he said this.
“So, I heard you have the ability to use the storm release, that’s quite impressive.” Bee said
“Yes Bee sensei” Amphi said looking up at him with a proud smile on his face.
“Well, for now were gonna concentrate on some other training, I was told you might have another ability, one that hasn’t been awakened yet.” Bee said as he stared down at the smiling boy. “Though that’s for later, for now you look hungry let’s go get you some food.” Bee started walking towards the dojo looking building in the middle of the plateau, surrounded by a pond, Amphi followed Bee to the house, once they got in Bee gave Amphi some food, and they ate together both with large grins on their faces.
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2010, 06:32:31 PM »
awesome :)   Mikami is an ass lol

continue with this awesome work
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Re: [Naruto Fanfic] Tales of the Storm
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2010, 12:58:59 AM »
yes i know Mikami is an ass :P
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