Pokémon Universe > Game Features

be able to become Team Rocket????


i have an idea where you can once you get to a point that you can joint team rocket, where if you lose against team rocket, you will lose money or poss you lowest level pokemon you have on you or
an item that you have to give up,

its team rockets task to take over pokemon universe, which can be done by beating all gyms, the league and having a over  50% of players joined in to team rocket, or having the top 10 people on the top 10 player board??

but to make it hard for team rocket they are limited to having only  pokemon like jess and james or something like this.

also thinking about this we could have groups that you could join and have a badge to show u have join that group,

just an idea


Tom Gregory

There is no team rocket

Y Not Team Galactic?

This has already been disussed, here http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php?topic=325.45 Next time use the search bar before making posts.


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