[21:26] <&Mr_Dark> aye
[21:26] <&Urmel> and SDL supports it too
[21:26] <&Urmel> excellent.
[21:26] <&Mr_Dark> haha that would be extreme
[21:26] <&Mr_Dark> people download it and put it on their empty cards
[21:26] <&Mr_Dark> play over Wi-Fi xD
[21:26] <&Urmel> haha
[21:27] <&Mr_Dark> I think we would get more pixel artists
[21:27] <&Mr_Dark> since we have to do it on 32^2 or 16^2
[21:27] <&Urmel> chansey pixel artists then
[21:27] <&Mr_Dark> yeah
[21:27] <&Urmel> steal tiles ftw
[21:27] <&Urmel> :p
[21:27] <&Mr_Dark> just use original crap

[21:28] * kamaPhone (
[email protected]) has joined #pokemon-universe
[21:28] * Rizon sets mode +ao kamaPhone kamaPhone for #pokemon-universe
[21:28] * Urmel sighs
[21:28] <&Urmel> we should just switch back to 32^2
[21:28] <&Urmel> and steal EVERYTHIIIING
[21:28] <&Urmel> and get shut down by nintendo next month
[21:28] <&Bakagringo> lol¨
Random IRC stuff.