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Author Topic: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)  (Read 2406250 times)

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5790 on: July 31, 2011, 09:06:23 PM »
Pffft guys, stop Talking about your boring computer games, here's Declan's mid holiday update: staying at Exon_Virus' house is awesome it's like 40 degrees celcius here (summer weather back home is 10 degrees and heavy downpours). In other news I've managed to decipher the Greek alphabet and I can confirm that Greek beer Is thouroughly nommable.

Greek beer........... (drools uncontrollably at the thought of a new beer yet to be tried)

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5791 on: July 31, 2011, 10:11:07 PM »
Greeks ARE known for their beer.

Oh wait...

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5792 on: August 01, 2011, 03:24:05 PM »
Just finished the wall of text.

I do think Halo, did better then CoD. As far as online compared with campaign. They do focus a lot on Campaign, yet more on Matchmaking.

In my opinion, Bungie may have a lot of n00bs. But they have a great fanbase. Who appreciate them.

I hope WiiU have some sort of achievement/trophy/something system. And, online, basically at all really. Something.

I really just don't like Call of Duty, never really have, I COULD play it, but no.

Halo Reach, I think, focused about evenly, on Campaign, Matchmaking, Forge etc. I play it almost every day. But still, they could've put more thought into Campaign. Maybe all the other game modes drew them away, but those modes were in 3 as well, and that game had great story, on a side note, reach Campaign, still it just didn't have the Halo feel. Forge is great, I've forged, to many levels to count. Custom games, is great. Theater, well thought out. Firefight, fun. Matchmaking fun, I think Bungie, focused a little to much, but they did add on more that they didn't have time to do before. Campaign, again, was alright, but didn't have that Halo feel.

Meh, I'm tired, so I won't add nao. Mebbe later.

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5793 on: August 01, 2011, 08:38:26 PM »
To get an idea of the quality of a game, imagine online and singleplayer as two separate games.
What would CoD be worth without online? Halo? A large percentage of people only buy the game for online, and would happily drop single player to save a few bucks, especially with CoD. THAT is a sure sign of poor design. Great multiplayer does NOT make up for terrible single player, because single player is a different game completely.

I mean, be honest, would you have bought Halo if it did not have online play? Personally, I didn't even know Metal Gear Solid 3 HAD online until after I bought it, and it wasn't really on my mind at all when I bought 4. As for Rising, I intend to buy THAT as well, online or not.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5794 on: August 01, 2011, 08:49:57 PM »
Fry while you make a point, you need to realize that some people don't actually like single player games.  While you may want an in-depth single player experience, not everyone does. 

I like both personally.  I but games like Halo/COD for online multiplayer mostly and games like resident evil 4 and fallout 3 for the single player game.  Hell I bought GTA 4 for the single player and found out it had a multiplayer completely on accident (I didn't read the manual).

What I'm saying is, just because a game focuses on multiplayer more than single player doesn't make it a bad game.  Some people prefer multiplayer and some people prefer single player and most of the time those people prefer different games.

EDIT:  This is off the video game topic but,

I'm sick of people on PO using SR and Legendaries!

That is all.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 09:12:30 PM by Bing »

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5795 on: August 02, 2011, 12:52:55 AM »
I like trains.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5796 on: August 02, 2011, 12:59:35 AM »
i play chicken with trains.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5797 on: August 02, 2011, 01:22:11 AM »
I personally don't care about multiplayer.
Story and gameplay are always more important. As well as I don't even bother with multiplayer unless I have someone I can play with. But what I really look for is difficulty.
Halo has been stupid easy, even on legendary, since Halo 3. The same can be said about Call of Duty. I haven't been challenged since 4, even on multiplayer. Bad Company made me sigh with its unlimited syringes of healing, etc, etc.

So I started to notice a trend. I'm always dissatisfied with 1st person shooters. They have garbage stories (Halo most certainly does unless you go out of your way to read the books), repetitive gameplay, and they don't even try to make the game difficult anymore. Halo Reach sort of did I guess, but unless I had 3 friends playing with me, we could plow through it no problem, and even if we did have a total of 4 people, its quite easy to get through as long as you communicate with friends.

Then I discovered Touhou, IWBTG, castlevania, and RTS games. They thrive on creating challenge for the player.
Then Touhou got mae looking into JRPG's; games that are known for their complex stories, and floods of subplots, micromanagement, and single player modes longer than a single night on the couch (Honestly MW2, if i can sit down when I get home from school and plow through your campaign on veteran to be finished before 10 PM, I'm seriously dissapointed)

But I'm starting to realise what's happening. Developers(And I'm saying this in a broad sense, there are exceptions) aren't making games we like, they're making games that we're satisfied with. That is, a game that can be enjoyed by the public, yet have the minimum amount of effort put into them from a creation standpoint.

How does one go about doing this? Make the game multiplayer based. Suddenly, you're making 12 square maps with little to no AI instead of making a 50 hour game filled with predetermined enemies, and a gigantic map to explore. You no longer need any story, you no longer need voice actors(for the most part). Its almost like you're making an incomplete game, and letting the players themselves finish it. If you make empty shells of soldier #65739 for multiple users to fill and shoot eachother with, it costs much less than making a gigantic narrative with characters developing throughout.

And these people are going to keep it up. Because the public is dumb enough to shovel it in without noticing they're playing a game that requires minimal effort to shoot out.
What we need to do as consumers is not give into buying incomplete games, and wait for something that is released with a good story AND multiplayer.
No more of this "CoD is only worth it because of the multiplayer" Make the developers work for your money, don't let them throw a game at you that was created in a year, where the servers are already up, and the graphics/physics engines have already been created. They already have all the tools they need to make a game set up and sitting there in front of them, but we're letting them hammer two boards together and say its a hockey stick. Make them put off games for 2-4 years at a time, let them sand it down, and shape it properly. Don't let them give you something you already have at full price, when all its worth is dlc.
The thrill in playing a game does not come from our chances of winning. It is the weight and pressure of losing that fuels our fascination. It is why people challenge, why they gamble and why they compete. The adrenaline that comes from defying defeat is what motivates us.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5798 on: August 02, 2011, 01:28:19 AM »
wow... personally i only really play black ops for the zombies mode. its lots of fun (for me) and keeps me busy. and i have no one to play with, so yeah i look for games to keep me busy with single player, but if you can plow through the game in less then 5 hours (which i can do for Halo 2) on the highest difficulty, you have way to much time on your hands. here's my suggestion: get a girl friend, make some friends, get a job, JUST GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE MORE OFTEN!

Offline Silver

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5799 on: August 02, 2011, 02:11:25 AM »
wow... personally i only really play black ops for the zombies mode. its lots of fun (for me) and keeps me busy. and i have no one to play with, so yeah i look for games to keep me busy with single player, but if you can plow through the game in less then 5 hours (which i can do for Halo 2) on the highest difficulty, you have way to much time on your hands. here's my suggestion: get a girl friend, make some friends, get a job, JUST GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE MORE OFTEN!

Or you know, the game could be crap and too easy. Did you ever think of that? I have plenty of friends, I have a job at Future Shop. I play guitar. Make movies. Win AWARDS for those movies. Girlfriend? No sadly. But I'm also not going to go "Oh, I want a girlfirend." And start walking around asking people out. Cause you know, I'm not a chansey tool who thinks girlfriends are something that everyone must have.

How about instead of you taking a shot at me for beating a game, you actually contribute to the goddamn conversation, instead of HURR HURR go outside? And no, "Play Nazi zombies cause its fun" is not a legitimate addition to the conversation.
I beat MW2 on veteran in five hours because the campaign is short as hell. Not because I sit there practicing. I played the campaign twice. One on hardened and once on veteran. Its a bad game. Nothing more to it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 02:17:01 AM by Silver »
The thrill in playing a game does not come from our chances of winning. It is the weight and pressure of losing that fuels our fascination. It is why people challenge, why they gamble and why they compete. The adrenaline that comes from defying defeat is what motivates us.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5800 on: August 02, 2011, 02:18:21 AM »
 :o if only you were more passionate about other things... i can say this because i don't have a life, and nothing better to do. take my word, its not cool.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5801 on: August 02, 2011, 02:20:29 AM »
*Glances out his window at Krystal's house*
Tried that. It doesn't make me any more satisfied with crap games.

Some people thrive on multiplayer, sure. That doesn't mean that the most common and popular games to date get to have garbage single player. Seriously, I like the idea around FPS. I want to see more of it. But I want it to be good. Not the crap being churned out every year by Bungee and Treyarch/IF. Basing an entire game on multiplayer is just stupid if you plan on doing it more than once every few years. Don't we already have SOCOM? Exclusively multiplayer, right? So then multiplayer must be great for it! Or you could try TF2. First Person Shooter is SUPPOSED to mean "A shooter from the first person". Instead, it means, "Crappy singleplayer that the devs tried to make up for with multiplayer. Oh and it's a shooter in the first person."

Seriously. What the hell. First Person Shooters are the most common and popular games as of now. I'm being robbed of potential gameplay here.
As far as difficulty goes, that's another glaring issue with First Person Shooters. I can plow through the CoD story using ONLY pistols. On veteran. That shouldn't be possible for me unless my life is dedicated to CoD, which it definitely isn't.

Metal Gear, on the other hand...
I tried playing Extreme Mode on MGS4. Mind you, Frenchfry is to MGS as Silver is to Touhou. I was OBLITERATED. It's nigh impossible to survive extreme mode unless you have all the gear it took you five other playthroughs to stockpile. Even then, your health recovery items and ammo have been cut down to evil integers of five (Five health recovery, fifty tranquilizer rounds, five hundred lethal rounds). Don't get me wrong, I could beat it easily enough if I used Stealth Cameo (Makes player completely invisible) and gunned down all the guards with a silenced sniper rifle. But it gets harder still. Playing on extreme, your goal is generally to get the Big Boss emblem. To get this, you can't be spotted by the enemy ONCE, which is very nearly impossible on extreme, you can't use Stealth Camo, you are not allowed to kill ANYONE, limiting your ammunition to fifty insignificant tranquilizer darts, AND you have to complete the entire game in five hours. On the hardest difficulty. You are then rewarded with the hilarious Big Boss face cameo, making disguising Snake's head as a skinless corpse with only one eye and causing any soldiers that see you to wail in fear until they black out.

Trust me, it's not easy. And I'm our resident Metal Gear freak.

So, uh... why is that challenge absent in Call of Duty? Why can I mow down their greatest challenge to the player using their worst weapons? Why do I have to shoulder the burden of four player's worth of zombies on round twenty five before I feel like I'm being pushed?

And Halo, same thing. I don't even OWN any Halo games, but I'm not even phased by the difficulty until I flip on all the skulls and go melee-only.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5802 on: August 02, 2011, 02:30:34 AM »
i think any one who plays games for more then 3 hours is in need of a real world life (me included). I personally only recently got into FPS, because my mom was/is a nut and i find them loads of fun. we all know what they say about opinions: We all have them, but some are more important than others.  ;)

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5803 on: August 02, 2011, 02:40:39 AM »
Rex, just 'cause you play video games and have no life, doesn't meant that everyone else that plays video games has no life.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #5804 on: August 02, 2011, 02:41:44 AM »
Cause I'm not passionate about guitars and friends. Yeah. Thats what it is. Yep. I totally have a thousand dollars to buy a guitar. Thats just pocket change. Had it cutsom built. But everyone does that right? Had it imported to Canada. Pfft what am I saying?! Thats just every day poop right? Everyone spends thousands of dollars on custom built instruments, money that you don't really have, all the time right? Go to parties in the summer where theres at least 40-50 people, get poopfaced drunk and wake up next to a gril in a tent in my friends backyard.
Yeah, I need to get out more.

Anyways, back onto videogames.

Right now, I'm playing the Persona games. I'm almost at the 70 hour mark on my first playthrough, and I don't know if I'm getting near the end. The gameplay is turn based RPG, so nothing special, but it works. The persona system is really damn cool though, what iwth all the skill inheritance, fusing persona's to get other personas and whatnot.

The Persona system is so damn complex that you can easily spend 3 hours fusing them, spend all of your money, and still only have actually made 4 personas.
Waiting to build up enough cash to get a PS3 so I can start console gaming again.
10 Year old brother got the 360 in the divorce. Asshat.

Anyone else have a game thats particulary worth mentioning that they're playing?

Rex, just 'cause you play video games and have no life, doesn't meant that everyone else that plays video games has no life.

The thrill in playing a game does not come from our chances of winning. It is the weight and pressure of losing that fuels our fascination. It is why people challenge, why they gamble and why they compete. The adrenaline that comes from defying defeat is what motivates us.