Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0 <Noon; Cloudy>

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Well... I decided to make a Pokemon RP for people to join, and be a part of. So I hope this is Running..! ^_^!

All I need now are Character Profiles! Look below for the skeleton and below that for the Starter Pokemon! First come first serve with the Pokemon!


Its been 11 years since Ash became champion. Ever since then Professor Oak and his buddy's have been having problems discovering new Pokemon. So so far it's only been from the Kanto just up to Sinnoh Dex. Recently all the Pokemon have been spreading from region to region finding new habitats they can call home. It was easy to find a Pokemon you want, you just have to know where to look. New trainers have been only seem to be coming from New Bark Town, so it was made a law that all trainers were sent there so set out on their journey. For that reason a new building was Established, it was named, "The Transport". You could still travel to another Region, thing is... You would have to make it all the way to Olivine and take a Ferry. But it would be best to earn all your badges first. Ash became Champion, but he wasn't for long. Two years later, a mysterious trainer defeated him without even trying so then Ash was beaten, and Lost the title of "Champion" Even though, it was still every trainers dream to beat the Elite Four, Beat the Champion and become it. Like it was a Coordinators dream to become the best, and Breeders to do what they are good at. But still, there was always Team Rocked that did bad things, stealing peoples Pokemon, Selling them, anything you could think of. So you always have to be careful, They were still out there.


The rules are simple for this RP...
0. OOCC!
  -If you want to have Out Of Character Conversations go ahead, just please put them in Parenthesis so we don't mix it up with your post!
1. Obey these rules!
  -If you are caught disobeying or breaking these rules you will be kicked out from this RP.
2. No Killing anyone!
  -You can kill them if you send a Message asking them if you can kill them. If they say yes, Go right ahead, just tell me before you do that.
3. Cursing!
  -Well... I guess cursing is allowed. Just don't do saying it in every sentence. Like... "EEF this abd EEF that!" Yes... I say EEF... So? >.>?
4. Romance!
  -Well... I doubt anyone will be having their Romance session, but Its encouraged! Just keep it PG-13 please~! ^_^!
5. No God Modding!
  -Please? Really? You can't control another person, only they can, you can't tell them what to do if its not you!
6. Spamming!
  -Not really allowed so don't do it. If you spam you get a strike. 3 strikes, your out. Cheesy I know... Almost didn't want say it... ^_^!
7. Posts!
  -Please keep yourself from posting one sentence posts please... ^_^ Try to be as detailed as you can. This is a Semi-Lit RP.

Profile Skeletons

(Copy and paste onto a message and send it to me, with your own information filled up.)
Pokemon Trainer
User Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Like... Are they nice? Kind? Gentle? Things like that.)
Starter Pokemon:(Choose from the list below this post) Nickname:(Optional)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(Tell us how old you are. When you get your first Pokemon your like... 11 or something, but you don't HAVE to be that young. Be as old as you want... Not too old... >.>!)
Appearance:(Put a picture so we know what they look like! ^_^)!

Team Rocket Member
User Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Are they mean? Cruel? Angry?)
Starter Pokemon:(For Rocket's you can choose Zubat or Rattata, The usual. You can still catch.) Nickname:(Optional)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(You can be an Adult, but you can be a teenager too :3?)
Appearance:(Put a picture so we know what they look like! ^_^)!

User Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Are you lonely? Scared? Sad?)
What Pokemon:(What Pokemon are you?)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(How old of a Pokemon are you? >.>?)
Appearance:(Put a picture so we know what they look like! ^_^)!

Just make your profiles and send the to me in a message. When you see them posted in the Profile Page, you know you have been accepted and can post when I open. Not Before.
If you need an example, look at the one I made. Sorry if its not up yet. Still working on it... x3!
... I think that's all for this... :3

JerryEDIT: Since Chibi hasn't been around for a long long time, send them to me instead.

Starter Pokemon

Starter Pokemon List! First come first serve!!!!
For Trainers
x2 each


Team Rocket
x4 each
other... (Explain)


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