Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0 <Noon; Cloudy>

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Background Information

Lets see... This post will be here for answers if you need them. It will just be here as a reference post. I will post more If I feel it is necessary, so keep an eye on this. :3

With Pokemon there will be no 4-move limit. So you can use  the full move pool.
If you have a Pokemon that can only Evolve from trading, go ahead and trade with someone.
If you have a Pokemon that can only Evolve from happiness, please don't say its happy and evolve it. Be fair.
If you decide to be a Pokemon, that makes you better that the other wild Pokemon, so My character will be after you. ^_^!
If you are a Rocket Member, just show up, you don't need to come out from anywhere.
You cannot catch legendary Pokemon without asking me. If I agree I will take role of that legendary. If you catch it, it might disobey you in battle. Just to make it fair... ^_^! The only time that you can encounter and find one, is with a RP Favor. You will see a few post's down.
What else, what else... Well... That's it so far. If you need anything just ask in OOCC or send me a message.

White List

(So far you are doing good. I list the RP members here. If there is an "x" by your name, that means you get an RP favor.)


Black List

You don't want to be here. If you see your name here, that means you are at risk of being kicked out.

Current Members

and more.... but Im lazy.
maybe Ill make Jerry do it. =P

The Way Battles Work Here

You see... I am trying to make it, to where it goes turn by turn. Member 1 makes their move. You can do it however you want. Jumping off a tree, hitting them from up above because your falling, Ect... Member 2. You can either... Say you got it, and the attack sent you flying, and you hit the wall, or crashed into the ground. Or something, or you could say that they missed, But you can't say they hit the wall then they missed, you can say what YOU did... Only what YOU did, they can say that they did. But please, Don't go saying they missed every single attack. If I see that, its not fair, you get ever so closer to being kicked out.


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