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Author Topic: A Random Pokemon RP~! O_O ~~ RolePlay Profiles (previous)  (Read 14662 times)

Offline ChibiVampire

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A Random Pokemon RP~! O_O ~~ RolePlay Profiles (previous)
« on: June 05, 2010, 07:16:55 AM »
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Link to the RP... Lol... x3!

This forum can only be posted on by me. In the RP, if your profile is not here, then you may not post.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 05:44:45 PM by Jerry »
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 06:03:00 AM »
Pokemon Trainer

User Name: ChibiVampire
Character Name: Tsubaki
Starter Pokemon:Eevee Nickname: Camellia
Personality:Nice, Kind and Caring.
Bio: Tsubaki was never really interested with Pokemon until she was given her Pikachu doll after her 14th birthday. She finally started her journey when she turned 15. Her first Pokemon was an Eevee.
Age: 15

« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 08:32:26 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 06:36:45 AM »
Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Amphy
Character Name: Amphi
Starter Pokemon: Poochyena
Personality:Shy, Timid, Follower
Bio: Amphi has always been somewhat nervous, his parents were abusive to him up until he turned 10 then he was sent to a foster home, his new foster parents were so nice to him, the promised him his first pokemon when he turned 16, The pokemon given to him was a poochyena, his poochyena also has one red eye and one blue eye.
Age: 16
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 08:23:15 PM »
Team Rocket Member
User Name: Mr Pokemon
Character Name: Diedrich (Sounds Team Rocketish, right?)
Starter Pokemon: Zubat Nickname: Vampy
Personality: Bossy, mischievous, and a little bit sneaky =3
Bio: Diedrich is a natural Team Rocket member. However, he seeks to become more than just a simple grunt. No one knows it within Team Rocket, but his goal is to take over the group. He trains his Pokemon as hard as he can and as much as he can, but he never seems to be able to beat the bosses. Now, he realizes, the time has come for change.
Age: 17 (hehe)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 03:16:36 AM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 08:24:31 PM »
Pokemon Trainer
User Name: YouHearThat
Character Name: Kino
Starter Pokemon: Charmander   
Personality: Determined, Serious, and Respectfully
Bio: Kino was taught the meaning of respect by his uncle, his parents died in a fire accident when he was an infant and was force to live with his strict uncle, his first pokemon was given by his uncle when he turned 15, just like Kino his pokemon also knows the meaning of respect.
Age: 15
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 08:26:16 PM »
Pokemon Trainer
User Name: Jerry
Character Name: Jerry
Starter Pokemon: Mudkip
Personality: Prefers to be alone most of the time, but is friendly. Ready to help anyone in distress.
Bio: Jerry was a victim of a great storm long ago... and a ground pokemon named Marshtomp helped him stay safe underground. It would move to a safer place if it felt that the shelter was going to be flooded. Some days later, Marshtomp was kidnapped by gangsters, Jerry unable to do anything against it. Now, Jerry specialises himself in Ground type pokemon. The ambitions of Jerry are to become one of the best pokemon trainer to take back Marshtomp.
Age: 15 years
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2010, 11:43:03 PM »
User Name: LucarioX
Character Name: Chaos
Personality: Motivated, to catch up with his friends.
Starter Pokemon:Torchic
Nickname: Flare
Bio: Chaos always despised Pokemon, he liked the idea of it all but all his friends left on their journey without him. He started playing Video Games to fill his time and take his mind away from his loneliness. Then his Dad bought him Pokemon Emerald. He said he would give it a try and he played it and loved it. So he decided even though he was a little behind he would go on his journey too and catch up with his friends.
Age: 12 (He did not go when everyone else did remember.)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 06:42:05 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2010, 11:43:36 PM »
Team Rocket Member
User Name: Declan_23
Character Name: Deccers
Starter Pokemon:Rattata Nickname: Tatters
Personality: Gruff, doesn't like wasting time. Acts mean to cover his inner feelings.
Bio: As Deccers' parents work long hours he doesn't see them much and as a result spends most of his time alone at home. He has developed a tough skin and is unaffected by the words of others. He decides to leave home without telling his parents one day after realising he has no reason to stay.
Age: 16

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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2010, 06:57:04 PM »
Pokemon Trainer
User Name: the one and only--((Some guy named...)): spirit
Character Name: Kin
Starter Pokemon: Treeko Nickname: Hatsumi
Personality: (like my pokemon?) Hatsumi is a kind hearted grass type pokemon, with simple goals: honor, respect, and happiness. He does not jump into an attack needlessly, but will not hesitate to engage in conflict if it is necessary, or serves some purpose.
Bio: Kin and his Treeko: Hatsumi, are very much alike; they spend much of their time training, whether that be physically, spiritually, or mentally. Kin met Hatsumi 7 years ago, when he was 14; Kin was playing by himself in a forest where he enjoyed climbing trees, and pretending he was saving the world from evil. While playing, Kin came face to face with a Mightyena who threatened his life, it was thanks to Hatsumi, that he was able to escape. It is true that when the two met, neither could fight or defend, but it was thanks to their prowess, and ability to maneuver threw the forest that Hatsumi called home, that allowed them to escape with their lives.

After that day, the professor permitted Kin to call his Treeko his starter pokemon. Hatsumi and Kin train constantly, still in the same forest they first met, but occasionally in others. Sometimes they will go away for days on end to train side by side in unfamiliar territory so that they may learn to overcome any optical regardless of strengths and weaknesses. It is Kin's belief that it be unfair for him to expect Hatsumi to be the only one exerting himself, and therefore the two of them are often found practicing many of the same techniques, even if that means finding unique ways of performing something otherwise impossible to them. Aside from their training, the two have chosen a life of solitude, and make their living by performing tasks almost as mercenaries. While the two choose to be more or less by them selves, they have been known to accompany other people and pokemon, even for long periods of time.
Age: Umm... 21, got my pokemon when I was 14
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 01:49:05 AM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2010, 05:47:19 AM »
User Name:   Roloc
Character Name:   Yanma/Yanmega until i am nicknamed by a worthy trainer.
Personality:  angry/arrogant towards all Pokemon trainers
What Pokemon:  Yanman/Yanmega (Rather be a Yanmega, but if you wish for me to start off as a Yanma that's fine. But i could be just an uncatchable Yanmega until you guys further yourselves as trainers in the RP story.)
Bio:   First caught by a mean, untrustworthy trainer. I was soon abandoned when the trainer founder a "stronger" looking Pokemon. After being mistreated many years by the trainer, i grew to despise...maybe even hate humans. But deep down I think i just want to find a trainer that i think is worthy of having me...and a little tender loving care wouldn't be so bad.
Age:    Young
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 05:51:30 AM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2010, 11:08:15 PM »
Team Rocket Member
User Name: Gammal
Character Name: Stein
Personality: Cruel, greedy, strategic and set on world domination

Starter Pokemon:Bulbasaur and Grimer
Nickname: Doctor Stein

Bio: Stein has droopy eyes the color of obsidian. His fine, short hair is the color of smoke, and is worn in an uncomplicated style. He is tall and has a feminine build. His skin is light-colored.
His wardrobe is unusual and he wears almost nothing but a white lab coat.
Stein is a very ruthless man, and will stop at nothing to achive his goal, he has found his home in the shattered remains of what once was a great organization called Team Rocket.


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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2010, 06:16:26 AM »
Team Rocket Member
User Name: Senriaa
Character Name: Wolfe
Personality: Merciless, sadistic
Starter Pokemon: Zubat
Nickname: his Pokemon have no nicknames.
Bio: Raised in the Orre region, Wolfe had always known desolation. The barren lands of Orre made his heart a barren land as well. He grew up a lonely, orphaned child, fostered by a mysterious woman with a Haunter. At one point in his late teen years, the Haunter had interfered with one of Wolfe's dreams, causing him to go insane and murder the woman who had taken care of him since infancy. Since that day, he has forever worn the sadistic grin of a Gengar. Realizing that he could never fix his past, he joined Team Rocket to make other people's lives miserable.
Age: 23
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 07:20:09 AM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: RP Profiles
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2010, 11:54:19 PM »
Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Tetsuo

Character Name: Tetsuo

Personality: Tetsuo is a boy who performs to be cool but actually is realy shy and has a hard time speaking to people. Though it can be he comes over like a rude person, it's not personaly, he is very kind if you know him well, he just won't show it at first.

Starter Pokemon: Pickachu Nickname: No nickname
Bio: Tetsuo always dreamed to be a pokemon trainer, but due to his moms protectiness, he never had the chance. He turned 20 and got sick of it so he descided to run off and start his pokemon quest. He brought his fathers pickachu with him, his father wasn't a trainer though, pickachu was more like a pet. Tetsuo is destined to change that.
Age: 20
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! O_O ~~ RolePlay Profiles
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2010, 07:34:17 PM »
User Name: Sazhuy
Character Name: Saz
Personality: He is a lazy little fox but enjoys to eavesdrop on conversations since juicy gossip is just the type of treat that fuels him. He tries to dodge battling since he believes he isn't that strong but when the time comes he will stand his ground. Saz can be very sneaky and with his small body makes him a formidable spy.
What Pokemon: Zorua
Bio: When Saz was hatched from an egg he was kept in a day care center but not for long when a group of men in strange black suits with an R on their chest came and took him away from his lovely family. When he was captured and shipped off to a facility he easily escaped the cage and ran away before they noticed. But now he is in a new region and a never before seen place, things have changed and now its time to grow up do whats right. To stop the men in black from capturing any more pokemon.
Age: 7 Months
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 07:57:56 PM by Amphy »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! O_O ~~ RolePlay Profiles
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2010, 02:57:56 AM »
Pokemon Trainer
User Name: Level5Pidgey
Character Name: Max
Personality: Max is a bit insane and socially awkward - but, he is a genius when it comes to Pokemon, especially with ridiculous strategies that probably wouldn't work for anyone else. He often speaks nonsense, and is somewhat hard to understand. Due to his mental instability, Max can be a little unpredictable, and sometimes rude or unsympathetic to the problems of others.
Starter Pokemon: Totodile Nickname: Max
Bio: Max had always had a mental illness - and so, like other children, he was encouraged to find an activity he really enjoyed and understood, and stuck to that. Maximilian loved Pokemon - and so from the age of 5, he was battling with mere Caterpie and Ledyba he found in his garden, and winning against the new trainers in New Bark Town. When his doctors and parents noted this aptitude, Max became the youngest trainer to leave New Bark at age 8 - with his companion Totodile, which, he also called Max. It is now 2 years later, and, Max is still on his journey to become a Pokemon master.
Age: 10
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 03:02:33 AM by Level5Pidgey »
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