Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Player made clans

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[This is a merged topic for the discussion of player made clans/guilds/organisations. - Alais]

Original Post:

From the idea of team rocket etc. there could be teams or guilds.  Not a bad team of course but a group of people playing together training together for a more group focused gameplay.
   Or is this already in effect. sorry for the waste of space if it is.

Also an achievement system. For exaple, Get a pokemon to level 10, 20 etc.  log on during a pokemon universe anniversery and just stuff like that so bored players have more to do than just train and battle pokemon.

Guilds are already going to be implemented in the game. As well as smaller teams.

We got'cha covered, awesome stuff like this is in the plans.

Ok thats cool.  8)

If there are going to be guilds (not sure if this has been discussed), would it be possible to have a special guild (An organization of NPCs most likely) that would consist of the best of the best. 

An example would be kind of like the ??s in the pokemon Gameboy series. Every player (it may be impossible to do every player but maybe 10-20 a day?) randomly comes across one of these players (every so often) and battles.  These ??s wont be too too hard but the difculty could be set higher than the average NPCs around.

These random events would give trainers something to look forward to because beating them has the potential to earn rare rewards. (maybe not rare but decent rewards)

When a player's character gets to a certain level, a new set of pokemon would be used in a battle to continue to give the player something to work up to.

After finally defeating these ??s , the player could get rewards ranging from money to items to lottery tickets to pokemon etc.


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