Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Player made clans

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--- Quote from: ghostman50 on January 07, 2010, 08:01:02 PM ---If there are going to be guilds (not sure if this has been discussed), would it be possible to have a special guild (An organization of NPCs most likely) that would consist of the best of the best. 

--- End quote ---

Yes this has been discussed, use the search function.

I like the achievment Idea.
Maybe in the form of badges from the proffessor or something?
Or maybe like a list on your pokedex?

It doesn't really matter to me the way it comes in.  It could be like a whole new gadget or gizmo a trainer gets along with their pokedex. :-\

What about the idea of a player made clan.

these clans would form under the name of a certain player and then could have X number of members, but the benefit of being in a clan could lead to a clan tournament of some sort. and also once you are in a clan you would remain in it until removed by the leader.

their would be no limit on how many clans you may be a member of at once but you would only be able to enter a tournament under one clan name at a time.

for clan tournaments the players would need to be in a clan, then the leader would select a certain number of players, this number being 3, 5, 7,... (an odd number depending on the rules for the tournament)

then once the tournament starts randomly the players would be matched up against players of the opposing clan and battle each other with the basic tournament rules using x number of pokemon.

the winning clan would be decided on which ever clan wins the majority of the battles.

then the winning clan would proceed to the next level of the tournament, while the losing clan would be ejected.

also since i believe the clans should not be limited to just a few friends/players. the clans should be able to hold multiple users even if they are not singed in. this would work best with an array, or working off a friends list server (for those programmers out there).

if you have anything else to add or comments to add please don't hesitate to post. I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts about it and i hope you like the idea.

Well, while having been briefly discussed previously, there will be a 'clan' We don't know yet how that will be called, like clan, or guild, etc.

Only high levelled trainers would be able to create a clan.

Apart from that, I don't recall anything else.

Oh, I'd like to add;
Will there be members of 'clans' who will have special privileges, like assistant, or admin (in the clan) to the creator, and perhaps others?
In some games I've played, each member has to pay a quota to the clan's 'savings'. Are you, programmers, considering that too in the game?


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