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Author Topic: [RP]~A New Life-RP~  (Read 120468 times)

Offline Mr Pokemon

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[RP]~A New Life-RP~
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:49:11 PM »
Basic Information:
-This RP takes place in modern time
-It is a made up world, feel free to make stuff up, just not like a time machine or anything, technology is like modern day. The towns will be made by me!
-You must have at least 30 posts to join. Please do not spam to get these!(Removed, if you are not following the rules, I will have people ignore your posts and ask to have them deleted. So don't do it!)
-Your posts must be knowledgeable and have correct grammar
-You may start any of the towns listed in the post below
-Map~Yes, I know it's not the best quality..
-Currency in this RP is called Pokedollars. All money transactions will use this.

    ^It's a link^

How to Join:
-Send me a PM using the format provided below
-Wait for me to post on the Profiles page
-You're done! Begin Posting! (Simple, right? =P)

Application format:

PU Username:
RP Char. Name:
RP Char. Personality:
RP Char. Age:
RP Char. Bio:
Starting Town:
Starter Pokemon:
RP Char. Picture:

Starting Pokemon are...

For No Group:


For Kamelot:


For Group, choose either Kamelot, or none. (Maybe in the RP a group will be made. Who knows..)

Send this Application to me, filled out, in a PM.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 09:00:11 PM by ChibiVampire »

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: [Pending]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 08:26:04 PM »

Eukrye - A tranquil, quiet town surrounded by a forest. Here, there are many ponds and rivers to swim in, and many trees that children like to climb. Although few live here, they are all very kind and caring. If you have grown up here, it is most likely the whole town has raised you.

Gyran - This town is small like Eukrye, but instead, located near a large cave where most of the town's men work in mines. There are also some mountainous regions to the north and west. To the south and east lie roads splitting plains. These roads lead to larger cities. The people in Gyran are mostly strong-built and tough, and while some are as cold as the stone they mine, others have warm souls. Overall, it is a nice place to grow up and learn discipline.

Raichville - This rather large town is home to some of the most successful people the area has seen. There isn't a spot inside the town you can't see a mansion from. The people are rather snooty, and their children are mostly brought up by servants and caretakers, with a few exceptions.The town is bordered by forest on all sides but one, which contains a road leading to Gyran.

Olivais - The town of Olivais hosts a larger port than most will ever see. This port provides jobs for most of the town, where they work as sailors or stewards. Olivais is a penninsula, with open plains lying to the north. Not many who come here want to leave, due to the beautiful views and more than pleasant weather. The children here are raised by the sea, and go swimming just about every day. The people, for the most part, are kind, but strict when they need to be.

Pakittis - Pakittis is one of the largest cities in the region. It has grown through factories and businesses that lie within it. The people have very mixed personalities, because it is like melting pot of people from all over. Most people that come are just visiting, so many hotels have been built, along with restaurants and an amusement park. Despite the overall happiness of the city, young children can still be seen crawling the streets, with nowhere to go.

Jaggavay - Jaggavay is a very small town that lies on the side of a volcano. It has been destroyed and rebuilt multiple times, causing many people to leave. Because of the volcano, the town is very hot, and gets a lot of tourists. The tourists are the main source of income for Jaggavay, and it most likely wouldn't exist without them. The people are strict due to heritage, and children growing up here love to play in the jungle surrounding it, but easily get lost.

Viskos - The town of Viskos lies on an island in the middle of the sea. Like Jaggavay, it receives many tourists, which are a main source of income. The temperature is very high, and is mostly above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. A large resort lies on the east coast of the island, and is where most people like to take their vacation. The water is very clear on the sound side, which many people take advantage of by snorkeling and scuba diving. The people on the island are very laid back and carefree, and their children love growing up where they do.

Swan Point - The peaceful town of Swan Point contains people who love and cherish all life; almost to the point of worship. Throughout the town, you may find various statues of animals and plants alike. The people here are relaxed and friendly, and welcome any visitors to their home. Kids growing up here usually never leave.

St. Mary's - St. Mary's is a fairly large town with a lot of people pass through. Because of this, many hotels have been made, along with restaurants and stores. If you are looking for something, chances are, it will be here. Although the town is very well off financially, people are not necessarily nice.

Ungarid - The town of Ungarid is very large. Nearly everybody who lives there owns a farm, making the population not proportional to the amount of space. Its location is outlying, and visitors hardly ever come. People also don't talk to each other much, because you'd have to walk a mile to reach someone's home. This has lead to people not being very personable. Overall, it is a place most people avoid, and have good reason to.

Here is a Map so you can tell where the towns/cities are.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:08:36 PM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Pending]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 12:53:43 PM »
~Time/Weather Modifier~
Morning     Midday     Afternoon     Night

Sunny     Cloudy      Rainy     Storm     Cold     Snowing
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 07:05:44 PM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Pending]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2010, 02:48:45 PM »
The Story
The year is 2010, and everything is going fine, or so you may think. Nobody knows it, but there is a secret organization working to try to take over the world. They began in the region known as Angor, but their influence is beginning to spread. This brutal group, known as Kamelot, have pushed aside all threats, by killing or assimilating anyone who opposes them. Even though Kamelot has yet to be figured out by the public, there are rumors that the government is to be uprooted, started by someone who got away, named Kaine. Soon after the rumors had started, Kaine was found dead, and there wasn't a second thought about him. He was thrown away, and the rumors died out. Kamelot's plans are working perfectly for them, and people don't realize they are in grave danger. With Kamelot running the world, everyone would be their slave, and all opposition would be immediately eliminated. The leaders of Kamelot, known as the Knights of the Round Table, are located in a secret location somewhere in Angor. The key to defeating them lies there. Will you fight for Kamelot? Or will you Fight against them? Either way, the road is full of obstacles, are you willing to take them on?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 11:57:12 AM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Pending]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 05:29:03 PM »
You may begin posting...
Wait for it..


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Re: [Pending]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2010, 06:30:04 PM »

A boy sat alone, strumming his small harp he'd found thrown away years ago. His stomach ached with hunger, but he was too weak to get up and do anything about it. He was nothing but a street urchin, not worth anything. It was a wonder he had survived so long, but he knew he wouldn't make it much longer. He sat by the trash can in the alley, waiting for the icy hand of death to befall him. He would be crying but he didn't have enough fluid in him to make tears. He was cold, too. His clothes were shredded, and he didn't know if they were even clothes anymore, or just torn rags you could find discarded in a dumpster. But he didn't care about that. He didn't care about the cold, all he desperately wanted, what he desperately needed, was food. He barely had enough energy to keep strumming, but the notes warmed him. When he played, his spirit was lifted ever so slightly, just enough to keep looking for food, the thing that most people take for granted, yet it was the most valuable thing in the world to him. If he didn't fin!d anything in a few days, he knew he would die. Now the threat of death was just part of his day, he had grown used to it, just like someone else might grow used to cold water, or used to the taste of food in their mouth. The boy's eyes perked up as he saw somebody walking outside of the alley. Hardly anyone ever came here anymore, and every person who did brought the slight chance of food or something to drink. Slowly, and painfully, he began to crawl out towards the man. As the boy reached the light at the end of the alley the man jumped at the sight of him. The boy noticed that the man was wearing a suit, but payed no mind to it.

"Bah! Go away, you urchin! The likes of you should be shot!"

As the man walked further away, he mumbled some indistinct words, then went on with his day. The boy slinked back into the dark, with a grin on his face. He had managed to take a small piece of bread on the corner of the man's sandwich. He also had a name now. Urchin. He didn't really like it, but it was something to call himself. Urchin began nibbling the bread. It hurt. But to Urchin, everything hurt. He was just glad to have a scrap of food to get through the day. He went back to his harp an began playing again, with more energy. He played a song this time. One his mother sang to him when he was little, it was Urchin's only memory of his parents. The thought of them saddened him, and he stopped playing the tune. Soon, he returned to simply strumming his harp, today was better than most.

Not long after the man walked by, a Hoothoot hopped near the alley, lost. It had fallen from its hollow outside of Pakittis, and now wandered the streets trying to find its way back. It, too, had grown tired due to hunger, and almost given up on its search for its home. Its eyes blurry, it turned into the alley, Urchin saw it, but didn't pay much attention. Pokemon sometimes found their way into the alley, but it mostly amounted to nothing. This particular Hoothoot looked lost, but so did most of the Pokemon. In fact, most people who came near the alley were lost. Then something unexpected happened. The Hoothoot hopped up to Urchin, looked him in the eyes, and collapsed backwards, uttering a "Hoot, hoo..."

Urchin leaned forward, placing his harp to the side. The Hoothoot was breathing, but it looked to be in rough condition. Its feathers were torn in some areas, and some feathers were colored slightly with blood. Urchin realized that this Hoothoot was much like him. He stroked its side, uttering and partly croaking "It will be okay, everything will be okay"

It hurt.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2010, 01:20:19 AM »


     Kennie had woken up early, spending her time in the kitchen. It would have been the first time in a while when her parents were both home at the same time to eat with Kennie. She was cooking in the kitchen after months of practice, with help from the chefs that were hired by her parents. Kennie had befriended everyone in the Mansion where she lived. She had learned a lot from everyone, and became loved.
     "Mom and Dad like... Caviar, so..." Kennie was telling herself. She started on making the dish for her parents. Some of the chefs tried to help her, but she insisted she do it alone. So they just watched from the sides. Kennie was focused on the dish, and did as best she could. She always had a smile on her face when she was cooking, and whoever saw her thought of it as 'inspirational'.

     When she was done she sighed leaning against the stove behind her. She looked over at one of the chefs staring at the caviar. He looked young. Just a few years older than her. He must have been learning.
     "Would you like to try some?" She asked him, holding up the caviar with some crackers. He jumped embarrassed. He moved his hand to the back of his head and laughed,
     "Eh? No, It's okay," He said, Kennie just stepped closer.
     "Are you sure? I'd like it if you tried some. I want to know if you think its good..." She said blushing a bit, trying to look away. A few days ago, Kennie was informed by one of the maids, that this particular chef, or student, had a bit of a crush on her. Kennie stepped closer, "So... Will you try some..?" She asked again, just a bit more shyly. The chefs face started to turn red as he was being pressed back into a corner of the counter being offered food.
     The other chefs had an idea of the young mans crush as they have seen him constantly watch Kennie from afar. They stood still, watching how the turn of events would finish. The boy sighed, and after a moment smiled,

     "Alright, sure..." He said, Kennie smiled and started to spread some of the Caviar on a cracker, and then put down the tray.
     "Thank you!" She smiled. Kennie help the cracker with caviar up for him, as he took a bite. He chewed slowly, and then swallowed, and just looked at her. Kennie's happy face, turned sad, and she slowly lowered what remained of the cracker.
     "Is it... No good?" She asked.
     "No, thats not it..." He tried to tell her, "Its delicious."
     "Yes, honest..!"
     "Thank you." She said, hugging him.
     "Alright, alright... He said patting her head, "Go to the dining room with your parents. The caviar will be served shortly."
     "Okay~!" She said, letting go on the hug she held him in. Before she made her way to the Dining room, she turned and asked, "By the way... What's your name?" She asked.
     The boy looked back at her, and after a second he said,
... Haru..." Kennie smiled and made her way to the dining room, but then turned back to Haru,
     "One last thing!" She called out to him,
     "Hm? What is it?"
     "Do you um... Like rock candy..?"
     "Rock Candy? Hm... Yeah, I guess I do."
     "Okay, thanks... ... Haru..." She finished, shyly blushing. Haru jumped, his face a bright red. Kennie giggled to herself and finally made her way to the Dining Room.
     She made it early, being the only one there. She sat down, having her drink poured into a glass in front of her. Moments later her mother and father started to walk it. They took their seats, greeting Kennie. Soon after that a small green salad appetizer was served. And then the Caviar Kennie had worked so hard on.[/color]
     Kennie took the first bite of her work, and smiled. Haru was right. Kennie looked up at her parents. She saw they were both taking the first bites, and after a few moments of chewing they slowly swallowed.
     "How is it Mother? Father?"
     "... Get me the Chef who prepared this..." Said Kennie's mother. Her father was quiet.
     In a few moments Haru came to the Dining Room, and stood in front of her parents. Kennie could see his eyes dwindle to her.

     "This is disgusting!" Kennie's mom screamed at him.
     "Are you sure about that? It really is delicious..." He said, not meaning any disrespect.
     "Do a better job, or your fired within the hour!" She yelled at him. Kennie looked down. Tears building up in her eyes. Her parents were disgusted by her cooking. The tears started to drip and fall into the food in front of her. Haru's eye started to wander to her once again.
     Kennie stood to immediately, knocking the chair over, catching her parent's attention.

     "Kennie!?" This time it was her dad calling out. Kennie ran out of the Dining Room. She ran through the long halls, one after another. Running crying, with her eyes closed, she came to memorize where her room was exactly located. She opened and closed the door to her room. leaning against the door. She gently stepped over to a classical piano that her parent were able to put into her room. She traced her fingers along the keys, and sad down. She closed her eyes, pressing a few keys and started to play. It was a song she knew only too well. A song she only heard once, but took it to heart. One that was meant to be played in moments of Sadness and Sorrow.
     Under Kennie's bed, there was something moving. Stirring in the music. And a few moments later, it came out from under. A Caterpie crawled to the Piano. Not that Kennie could see, with her teary eyes shut, playing from her heart. The Caterpie crawled onto the a leg of the Piano, with the suction cups underneath its body. It made its way up, and crawling closer to Kennie's face. A few seconds before Kennie finished, she opened her eyes, jumping in surprise,
     "Rita?!" She went. And the Caterpie just smiled. "Jeez... Rita..." Kennie pouted, but then reached over, picking her up. "Sorry for keeping you locked up in here..." Kennie apologized. She stood up, with Rita in her arms, "Maybe we can go on an adventure someday. And get out of here..." Kennie always imagined adventures the two of them could have. But then she sighed, falling onto her bed.
     "Would we be ready for it..?"

((I need something to lure Kennie into finding another fellow RPer... =3= Are we all in different Towns/Vill/Cities? :3?))
Could you click my links daily?

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 10:56:39 AM »
((Please forgive me a bit of wrong spelling - English is my second language  :-[ ))


Agnes jumped off her Skarmory, looking around the city. So this is Pakittis... Agnes thought looking at the city.
"You did good Sky, return!" She said, returning Skrarmory to his pokeball. Agnes walked in the city, warping her cloack harder around her. She was, once again gratefull, she took it with her.
"Brr.... Luna, come out!" She said half in whisper, as she sent her Vulpix out. As soon as Luna was out Agnes spread her arms, and young Vulpix jumped in her lap. Now the two continued to go deeper in the concrete jungle. There was a pokemon reserch meeting next day, and Agnes had to attend insted of her mother, who was sick in bed. It was a meeting where professors and important people from the whole region gathered, to share information. Agnes liked such meetings, she was able to learn more about pokemon from diffrent parts of region. Stll, these meetings beacme more of a social event these days. Many families came with their children. Tomorrow's gonna be one big act... She thought, sighing...

On her way to the hotel where she was suppose to stay, Agnes heard a melody. Who would play a harp at this time of day? Withoiut hesitation Agnes walked in direction of the sound. It was a pretty melody, but so sorrowfull... Something about it pushed Agnes at the edge of tears. Luna in her arms sniffed the air a few times, than jumped off her lap on the ground and looked at Agnes like she was trying to say 'follow me'. Agnes nodded, as she ran after her. She could hear them getting closer to the source of melody, than it stopped. Agnes hesitated for a second, but Luna kept running, so trainer continued as well. Soon enough a difftent melody sounded, this one was more random, still sad...
Without warning Luna turned in one of the allies, the harph stopped playing. There by the trash sat a boy, not older than Agnes was, with an injured Hoothoot by his side. Agnes stood there, stunned. She heard of sad stories like this, but she never saw it with own eyes. Luna sat by HootHoot looking at her trainer with the 'help them' look. Agnes walked up to to the boy, searched her bag for a second, than pulled out a packet of cookies. She would give him something else, but that was all the food she had with her at the time. "Can I... teake a look at it?" Young trainer asked, pointing at HootHoot. Luna at that time heated her body up as she would be to use overheat, warming up air around her.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 11:00:29 AM by Sora »
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 11:06:54 AM »

Urchin looked up at a girl standing next to him in the alley. He immediately saw the small packet in her hand. Well, small to most people, but a feast to Urchin. He then noticed she was pointing to the Hoothoot, asking if she could take a look. Urchin nodded to her, he could barely talk. But, for the food's sake, he said "Are those-*Cough*-for me?" He hoped she would understand it.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2010, 11:41:01 AM »

"Well, yes." Agnes nodded and placed cookies besides boy. She than sat by Hoothoot and started to examine it. "Broken wing, scratches,... This one's in a bad contition." Agnes muttered to herslf, as she ingested some Hyper Potion on the pokemon, than gave him a poffin. "Are you thirsty?" She asked boy, handing him a bottle of water. "Anyway, what's your name?" She asked him qietly.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 11:52:25 AM by Sora »
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2010, 11:47:54 AM »

Urchin eagerly took the bottle of water, and drank a swallow. He could now speak easier, and said something to the girl. "You can call me Urchin.. And your name?"

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 11:51:39 AM »


"I'm Agnes" She said, warping Hoothoot's wing. "Is... this your pokemon?" she asked him, now standing up.
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2010, 11:55:14 AM »

"Agnes.. I wish more people were like you..  But this Hoothoot is lost, I don't know where it is trying to go, however I would like to return it. So no, it isn't mine I guess."

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2010, 12:06:35 PM »

Agnes nodded slowly. "Thank you..." she whispered, than pulled out her Pokegear and checked her location. "Oh, great it's on the other side of this city..." She mumbled to herslf, as she located the hotel. With one move she sent out a Skarmory. "Hello, Sky, would you mind teaking us to the Hotel, don't worry, I'll navigate you!" Agnes said, strokeing Sky's beak and giving him a poffin. Skarmory munched on poffin, than nodded. "OK, good boy! Now, do you have enough energy to get on Sky, Urchin?" She asked looking at the boy.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:15:37 PM by Sora »
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

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Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2010, 12:15:21 PM »

"I'll try, but I'm not sure" Urchin groaned as he lifted from the ground, standing up, taking the cookies, water bottle, and his harp with him. He walked up to the Skarmory, with a smile on his face, he was being treated like an actual person for once. Of course, it hurt really bad to stand up and walk, but it was worth it. This really was the best day of his life. Urchin didn't know how to get on the Skarmory. He was slightly embarrassed just standing next to it.