Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Pokemon Locator
The Fireball Kid:
--- Quote from: NaviGator on January 27, 2010, 03:33:43 AM ---Maybe trying a progressive scale of things may work like
Battle 1 time = Learn name
Battle 5 times = Learn cry
Battle 10 times = Learn areas to catch
Battle 25 times = Learn name of next Evolution
Battle 50 times = Learn level it Evolves at
Battle 100 times = Learn what level it learns moves at.
Granted some of this could be filled in by catching learning moves or evolving, so if you run into a couple of people with Cubones and you want one soon you will find out where to go. Maybe it could spark some sort of reward system also since the professor always seems to want you to fill it.
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I was thinkin along that line too. But 50 or 100 times is way too many. I think you can just combine the next evolution and what level it evolves at. So it could be 5/10/15/20/25. I think thats a good amount of battles.
It's called a Pokedex. It's been in every Pokemon game since Red/Blue. Why should any of the features be changed for an online version?
I highly doubt noobs are going to be able to look up the locations of Charazard or any other high level Pokemon to catch them with their weak leveled Pokemon.
--- Quote ---Posted by: Kuhns
Insert Quote
It's called a Pokedex. It's been in every Pokemon game since Red/Blue. Why should any of the features be changed for an online version?
I highly doubt noobs are going to be able to look up the locations of Charazard or any other high level Pokemon to catch them with their weak leveled Pokemon.
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I didn't mean for it all to be about locating where to catch a Charizard but I like the idea of being able to learn and reference certain things about Pokemon I'm not too familiar with. Plus it could idealistically help with spamming from noobs of when does my vulpix evole into ninetales when everyone knows you gotta use a stone.
--- Quote ---I didn't mean for it all to be about locating where to catch a Charizard but I like the idea of being able to learn and reference certain things about Pokemon I'm not too familiar with. Plus it could idealistically help with spamming from noobs of when does my vulpix evole into ninetales when everyone knows you gotta use a stone.
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I understand that. But the idea of using the Pokedex as a 'know-all' Pokemon expert is kinda lazy. Spamming noobs is a part of any MMO, it's unavoidable. There's no fun in a game where everything is laid out for the player on a nice sliver platter is all I'm trying to say.
Besides, one should be ashamed to call themsleves a Pokemon fan if they don't even know which Pokemon evolve from the stones and which don't.
--- Quote from: Victory on January 27, 2010, 03:55:27 AM ---
--- Quote from: NaviGator on January 27, 2010, 03:33:43 AM ---Maybe trying a progressive scale of things may work like
Battle 1 time = Learn name
Battle 5 times = Learn cry
Battle 10 times = Learn areas to catch
Battle 25 times = Learn name of next Evolution
Battle 50 times = Learn level it Evolves at
Battle 100 times = Learn what level it learns moves at.
Granted some of this could be filled in by catching learning moves or evolving, so if you run into a couple of people with Cubones and you want one soon you will find out where to go. Maybe it could spark some sort of reward system also since the professor always seems to want you to fill it.
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I was thinkin along that line too. But 50 or 100 times is way too many. I think you can just combine the next evolution and what level it evolves at. So it could be 5/10/15/20/25. I think thats a good amount of battles.
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25 battles for each pokemon to learn a little bit of info ? That's wayyy too much since there's 300+ pokemon. I'd keep it simple 5 being the most battles to learn everything about it. or just catching it since i doubt you're gonna battle 5 celabies. But then again i dunno.
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