Creative Discussions > Art Work

Daniel's Art Work

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Hello Everyone my name is Daniel and i would like to share some of my art work
Most of my art work is on my main Pc and it doesnt have any internet connections currently so ill edit this later (btw some of my first sprites were saved as Jpg. so theyre kinda low quality) anyway hope you like it ^^

Ps that airplane is just an edited submarine from E/S/R :P

Pps also accepting reqeusts for fusions

lucario and Umbreon?

Mr Pokemon:
Those are some pretty cool fusions. You should consider becoming a pixel artist for PU. It would help a lot to have more people on the PU team.

Evil skiploom now the world has now ended.


--- Quote from: LucarioX on June 18, 2010, 07:09:34 PM ---lucario and Umbreon?

--- End quote ---
here it is

--- Quote from: Mr Pokemon on June 18, 2010, 07:27:52 PM ---Those are some pretty cool fusions. You should consider becoming a pixel artist for PU. It would help a lot to have more people on the PU team.

--- End quote ---
i would love to become a pixel artist sadly im just 15 so they probably wont let me join >.<


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