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Author Topic: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +  (Read 7316 times)

Offline Naoko

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[Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« on: July 17, 2010, 06:37:07 PM »
Accepted profiles for the roleplay will go here.
I'll post them, so no worries about that. :D
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 09:33:30 PM by Amphy »

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 04:51:00 PM »
PU Username: Chibivampire
Char. Name: Sana
Pokemon: Ralts
Char. Age: 5 (Mm... =w=...)
Char. Gender: Female
Char. Personality: Lonely. Shy, and often runs away from people.
Level: 13
Char. Bio: Chiibs was separated from her family when she was little. She had to live by herself in the forest, with help from nice Pokemon.

((Chibi edited... Muahaha... Fear my goddess-like powers over the forums... >_>!!))\

With her trusty friend... :3

Char. Name: Haru
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Char. Age: 6
Char. Gender: Male
Char Personality: Playful, Cheery, Brave
Level: 13
Char. Bio: Cyndaquil was born into a wonderful family. But a few years later he lost his family to a group of terrible trainers. Since then, he has been learning how to stand up for himself, and protect the people he finds dear. Etc: Sana.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 02:47:08 AM by ChibiVampire »

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 04:56:35 PM »
PU Username: ninja neb
Char. Name: Scy
Char. Age: 18
Char. Gender: male
Starter Pokemon: Would be great if i could have a Dratinin but i know that won't happen, so Charmander will do
Char. Personality: Scy would desripe himself as a person who can be relied on. He is determined and kind, also is shy since he has lived a life away from people. Active and resourceful, very giving, he also hates any one who steals, people who would harm another person purposely and peple who disturbed the peace around him.
Char. Bio: Scy lived in the mountians with his uncle, a dragon tamer and has done so for 16 years, as Scy's parents were both arrested for secretly trying to help Team Galactic get back on thier feet with the money, and the power what thier status brought, as they both worked at a huge corperate biulding under the boss himself, who was also secretly funding team galactics revival. Scy's uncle, his mothers brother, was one of the people who had fought against team galactic, and ever since then, they lived together, alone away from people. They were self reliant people, grew thier own food with the pokemon his uncle had to help them. When ever they did need something from a major town or city, Scy's uncle went alone, so Scy would not see the harshness of the world, as his uncle called it. Scy grew up to believe his in his uncle's believes, and that when he ventured out into the world, he should battle against any evil that should rise with all the power he could muster. As soon as he hit 18 years old, Scy's uncle told him it was now his turn to go into the world, to start his adventure with pokemon and people, so Scy would grow up even more to be some body who can be trusted by everyone, and maybe one day redeem his family's name from the black mark caused by his parents.

His uncle, being a dragon tamer, had many dragon type pokemon. Scy was brought up around these pokemon, and developed a passion for the Dragon type pokemon. His uncle refused to give him one of his own, as he taught that the power of the Dragons is something that should be earned, and not given. Knowing this, Scy set out to obtain his own dragons, and grow with the pokemon to form his own bonds, and maybe one day earn the power of the dragons.

Appearance: (Still looking ><)

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 05:04:59 PM »
PU Username: LucarioX
Char. Name: Eric
Char. Age: 15
Char. Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Turtwig
Char. Personality: Brave, Weird and of course Funny.
Char. Bio: Matt always liked Pokemon, and waited a few years to go on his adventure so he could mature and be more prepared then everyone else.
Appearance: (to be posted soon)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 09:51:35 PM by Naoko »

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 05:11:08 PM »
PU Username: duotent
Char. Name: siran
Pokemon: gyarados
Char. Age: 2 days old
Char. Gender: male
Char. Personality: shy because he is so young and newly hatched
Level: 2
Char. Bio: he was borned during the experiment at lake rage were team rocket tried to force evoultion on pokemon while he was being borned the signals hit hes eggs shell and gave it a problem were he would have to evolve in his first battle which he did after a while he was transported to kanto because the bigger gyarados would hurt him so they sent him to prof oak to study
Appearance: very small no pic soz cant insert

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2010, 05:39:05 PM »
PU Username: Naoko
Char. Name: Chelsi
Char. Age: 14
Char. Gender: Female
Starter Pokemon: Pikachu
Char. Personality: Chelsi is kind and understanding. She isn't shy around people, in fact she loves meeting new people, but she was never one who liked to talk much. She is more of someone who would listen to someone's story. She cares for the ones she loves and is very determined.
Char. Bio: Chelsi grew up on her mother's farm while her father worked as a gym leader a few cities away. She has always loved Pokemon and dreamed of traveling with them. When she turned eleven, her father retired because he had gotten ill and needed to go to the hospital. Chelsi wanted to go on a journey like her father had did and she would make him proud. Her mother thought she wasn't ready yet, so she was forced to stay home. With Team Lunar running around, it wasn't safe for a little girl. So now that she is fourteen she has permission and has officially set out on her journey.

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2010, 12:44:19 AM »
PU Username: Mr Pokemon
Char. Name: Juke
Char. Age: 18
Char. Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Chimchar
Char. Personality: Juke is your classic tough guy. Although he is young, he still has plenty of battle experience. He trains himself alongside his Pokemon, always striving to become stronger.
Char. Bio: When Juke was just 2, his father died in a car accident. His mother raised him for 4 years before passing away due to cancer. The tragic memories of his childhood stuck to him forever, but Juke has survived, and to him, that's all that matters. Because of the way his life led him, Juke is not very social, only having lived with people for 6 years. Only rarely will he come across people, and they are mostly Team Lunar. After seeing the horrible things that Team Lunar has done to people and Pokemon alike, he has set a goal to harm them the most he possibly can. After all, he has nothing else to do.

Offline Naoko

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Re: [Profiles] + Pokemon: A New Generation +
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 08:21:35 PM »
PU Username: Monzta
Char. Name: Renji
Pokemon: Pikachu
Char. Age: 6
Char. Gender: male
Char. Personality: Brave, a bit over-confident and is very social.
Level: 6
Char. Bio: Renji was stolen from it's family when it was an egg. He somehow ended up in the streets and taught himself how to defend and survive. He likes making friends but doesn't seem to find any pokemon interested. He likes fighting trainers that want to catch him to prove how strong he is.