Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Screenshots to go with the weekly updates
As much as we would like to, there isn't much to show because most of the work we finish now is just plain code :P (I can make a screenshot of my development environment if you want ;))
I'm not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do. The screenshots might not be like the fullwindow screenshots we released when the site got online. But it's better then nothing right? Maybe a small teaser is better 8)
--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on January 09, 2010, 12:33:46 AM ---As much as we would like to, there isn't much to show because most of the work we finish now is just plain code :P (I can make a screenshot of my development environment if you want ;))
I'm not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do. The screenshots might not be like the fullwindow screenshots we released when the site got online. But it's better then nothing right? Maybe a small teaser is better 8)
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Honestly i wouldn't mind seeing a screenshot of the development environment and also occasionally teasers would be cool too ^ ^, and once you got enough content done an actual trailer would be nice (I know that's probably a ways off)
well, i don't really care what kind of picture it is, just so long as it's a picture of Pokemon Universe.
Counter Bug:
--- Quote from: boyben10 on January 09, 2010, 05:41:29 AM ---well, i don't really care what kind of picture it is, just so long as it's a picture of Pokemon Universe.
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