the gyms should be very hard an challenging so that not everyone can just win, therefore when u win a gym badge it actually feels like an accomplishment.
Think about the normal pokemon games, every single person who plays it wins the game, and they can all easily get every pokemon in the game. they are no challenge at all.
You shouldn't want the game to be easy just you can simply beat it and forget it. this game should be very hard so that when you beat a gym leader or actually accomplish something then you have a higher sense of satisfaction for your hard work.
Instead of being one of those whiny people who just want the game to be easy as possible and get everything your way just so you could do it, you should want the game to be more challenging so that way the weak/lame trainers cant do what you did and your badge actually means something
So the people who can't beat the gym leader on their 1st time should have to wait to be able to challenge them again.