Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
[Quest] The gathering of the lost
(I kind of like giving one choice dialogue boxes on your end. This way you know what your character is going to say, without the game typing it up for you. I've seen it done multiple times before, so it shouldn't really matter.)
Location: A pokemon cemetery.
Requirements: The most current gym badge near the placement of the cemetery.
An old man is blocking an opening in a gate. Once talked to he will say:
"I'm sorry about your lost pokemon, but I cannot allow you to pass through. It seems some strange phenomenon is going on, and the spirits of the dead now walk. I'm sorry, but it's to dangerous to let you in. Try to come back when this passes over, alright?"
... (This part forward will activate if you have the gym badge)
Oh wait kid, listen up for a second before you leave. One of my friend's daughters seems to be giving her a lot of trouble. Pokemon trouble. You look like a trainer, and a decent one at that, perhaps you can help her out? She's a couple houses down to the left. Big one, can't miss it."
(Change the location however you want. I just put that there.)
After finding and entering the house the daughter will be up in her room in a corner.
If you do not have the quest, her dialogue will be "..." and nothing more, but if you do have the quest:
>I heard you're having pokemon troubles? I can help you if you wish.
>I can see you're not very talkative. I'll just come back later.
"My...my kirlia...why..."
>Did something happen to her?
"They. They took her away. I'll never see her again..."
>Just calm down, and tell me what happened. I can help.
"What can you do? You're just a simple trainer!"
You show your (insert badge name here) to the little girl.
"You! You have the (Badge name)!?
You heard about the cemetery, correct?
>Yeah, and Ghastly's and Duskull's and such are roaming right?
The girl shakes her head.
"No. They aren't ghost pokemon. I saw it with my own two eyes. You see, I lost Kirlia's sister a while back, and she's buried there. Me and Kirlia always paid respect to her every day. When we weren't allowed in we snuck inside. Everything seemed fine at first...
The girl puts her head down.
"But as soon as we put those flowers on her grave...
They came out. Pokemon ghosts, actual pokemon ghosts, I wouldn't have believe it if I didn't see it myself. Me and Kirlia ran away in fright, as any sane person would do, but...
>...I'm guessing that Kirlia didn't make it out, right?
"That obvious huh?"
>Why didn't you tell anyone!?
"Because no one is stu- I mean...brave enough to help me out. I even asked the gym leader for help, and he ignored me. You're the only help I got.
>Alright then. You wait here. I'll get your Kirlia back.
"You're welcome to try. I doubt that old geezer will allow you in, for your own safety, but...Thank you.
From here you walk to the old man who saids:
"Did you manage to help her out, trainer?"
>It seems the ghosts in there took one of her pokemon, and I'm going to save him.
"What?! Oh this is bad... I'm going to need to get the gym lead-
He pauses, and looks at you.
"Wait a second, kid, you BEAT the Gym leader right?"
You nod.
Alright then. I'm going to allow you to go in there, but you're going to need these.
He gives you the Silph scope, and a special tag.
"Don't lose that tag and scope, kid. That's the only thing keeping you from them. You see, while some of them are the actual ghosts of pokemon, some of them are merely ghost pokemon. That tag there will keep the ghost's away from you, and that scope will show you if they're a ghost pokemon. Alright, now, you ready?
If yes: Good, and be careful.
He moves away and you enter.
If no: Alright. Come back when you are.
From here on out you'll be inside the cemetery where ghost npc's of some pokemon will walk around (they'd probably just have a blue/light blue color scheme).
If you talk to them It will read: "The ghost seems to be ignoring you"
To the first pokemon you fight it would look like an average ghost pokemon, and you'll use the Silph scope to show that it's not.
(If this would be to hard to code, then remove this.)
You will walk through the large cemetery until you reach a shed. By talking to the shed door it will read:
>You open the door to the mysterious shed. You see Kirlia curled up in a corner. Do you wish to call out to her?
>No (Does nothing.)
>You call out to Kirlia. She looks at you and yells out in fright and backs up more to the corner. You feel a strange feeling behind you. You turn around, and see a Gengar and Dusknoir!
-You fight the two. If a pokeball is thrown, they dodge it.-
You win the fight, the two ghosts disappear.
>You call out to Kirlia again, and she walks up to you and grabs your arm.
-Kirlia get.-
HIDDEN QUEST ITEM (Take this out if you can't do it.)
Over a certain tombstone a still Gardevoir will stand still. If you don't have Kirlia it will read:
"The ghost seems to be ignoring you."
Just like any other ghost, but if you have Kirlia.
"Kirlia lets go of your arm and begins walking towards the Gardevoir spirit. The Gardevoir, ignoring you, smiles and hugs the Kirlia, who hugs back in tears. Gardevoir then hands Kirlia an item, and after obtaining the item he walks back to you and grabs your arm.
(I like it being a Gardevoir, because of evolution, but if you wish for it to be a Kirlia still, like how she died, then go ahead and change it if you wish.)
You then walk back to the town where the old man blocks the path again and saids
"While it's still a bit dangerous to go in there, the ghosts seem to be clearing up. I don't know what you did, (name), but you did a fine job."
You walk back to the daughter.
She, and Kirlia hug.
I can't thank you enough for saving him, trainer.
-If you didn't acquire the hidden item.-
"Here, please, take one of these. They're my most precious, and rarist items. You deserve one."
(Choose one of two rewards)
-If hidden Item was acquired-
"Here, trainer, please take one of- Huh?"
Kirlia seems to be tugging on the girls arm.
What is it Kirlia?
Kirlia hands the daughter the item given to her by the Gardevoir spirit.
"Kirlia this is...H...how did you..How did you find-"
She notices the tears on Kirlia's face as he hugs her."
>It was given to her by a Gardevoir Spirit.
The girl gasps.
Thank you. Trainer. For everything. You've saved Kirlia, and you brang back the most precious item in the world to me. Please, take these. It's the least I can do."
You get both rewards
-Quest End.-
(Jesus. It's funny how listening to a simple 8bit Halloween song can make you think of this so quickly.)
Hum... I like it. It reminds me of lavender town, and the depressing-ass music in it that I loved. Though, I don't think it should be Fuji that blocks entry. Fuji lives in a totally different region, and I don't think old people like to move. They only have another year or two, y'know?
Yeah I know what you're getting at, and you're right, but the SYLPH SCOPE MANNN
Seriously though, I always presumed that there was only 1 sylph scope. Therefore only 1 person can give it to you. If there are, indeed, multiples then I guess anyone could.
Have it be his son or something that moved there, and Fuji gave him the sylph scope as a going-away present.
I thought of that, but, I kind of wanted to stay away from that. It makes me feel like fan characters are being made and such.
Yet a fan-made game having Fan-made characters seems to make sense, now doesn't it?
Having it being his son would work out pretty well.
I guess that's for the admins to decide, if they put it in that is.
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