Pokémon Universe > Game Features
Photographs in the game?
My last thread about the save system lead to legendaries, which then made me ask myself.
Why not introduce photographs like in HGSS, or enable your character to take pictures (with poses, etc)? Then, you can hang some nice pictures in your house, or 'guild' (which has not been confirmed yet).
Some pictures with the legendaries that you saw while doing quests will be inscribed in your memory.
Perhaps that will also go with the level of the trainer. The higher, the more photos (s)he can produce.
Sounds like a great idea. I wouldn't mind taking a few pictures with the females and hanging them on the wall of my house.
Except there's one thing I don't like about your idea.
--- Quote ---Perhaps that will also go with the level of the trainer. The higher, the more photos (s)he can produce.
--- End quote ---
Well anyone can have his/her views. I was thinking along the lines of; the higher your level, the bigger house, more money, can afford to buy more frames, etc...
:D Yeah, I know, Jerry. I really like your idea though. I can see myself having a lot of fun with it. ;)
Oh, and I haven't officially welcomed you to PU yet, so WELCOME! 8)
Oh, thanks! :)
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