Creative Discussions > Art Work

Pokemon Speed Painting

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I was on youtube and i sat for a good while just watching these amazing drawings quickly become art.

Note: None of these are my drawings I would just like to show you these.

Lugia SP
Articuno SP
Skitty SP
Vulpix SP
Ninetails SP
Flareon SP
Eevee SP
Vaporeon SP
Jolteon SP
Glaceon SP
Altaria SP
Poliwhirl SP
Victreebell SP

Simply amazing

Omg so pro T_T.  How do they do the linework so fast mine always come out squiggly and i have to redo them like 30 times T_T

they video is actually sped up quite a bit, it probably took the person at least an hour or two, to do just one of those pokemon, also they are most likely using a tablet

Yeah I know.  I have a tablet and it takes me like an hour to do the linework LOL.  And it doesn't come out too well in the end even then. xDDD
Maybe I should have gotten a tablet that had paper-ish texture, mine is really slippery so its hard to make un-wobbly lines.


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