Creative Discussions > Art Work

Pokemon Speed Painting

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Hmmm, any chance we could recruit this guy?


--- Quote from: Declan_23 on September 01, 2010, 09:45:44 PM ---Hmmm, any chance we could recruit this guy?

--- End quote ---

You could always try contacting him to see if he'd like to join. Or contact Mr_Dark or Urmel and see if they'd like to contact him.

He's obviously very good and we could benefit greatly from his talents. Especially since the graphics part of any game usually takes the most time and resources.

I especially like the Lugia image

These type of pictures takes quite some time to make though. He said he took 4-6 months to make the Lugia picture alone.

Though I'm sure the art we need would be easier and quicker.


I looked at his deviant art page and saw an image that was amazing.


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