Pokémon Universe > Development

Get the know the team: Mr_Dark (God edition)

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Oh, well I already knew Mr_Dark was cool. D:
The whole scary thing was actually a factor in that.


--- Quote from: Frenchfry545 on September 12, 2010, 05:15:00 PM ---Oh, well I already knew Mr_Dark was cool. D:
The whole scary thing was actually a factor in that.

--- End quote ---

Lol, join the IRC to know him better :D

"42. How much do you weigh? around 75kg (yes my BMI is good)"

wow a Skinny nerd. Good luck finding someone like that in the U.S. =P


--- Quote from: Annie on September 16, 2010, 07:06:48 AM ---"42. How much do you weigh? around 75kg (yes my BMI is good)"

wow a Skinny nerd. Good luck finding someone like that in the U.S. =P

--- End quote ---

I'm not skinny, I prefer slim :) My body is still somewhat trained from when I did kick-boxing. ;)

What did you do as a child that made you want to become a programmer or helped you? (or teenage´)


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