Pokémon Universe > Development

Get the know the team: Mr_Dark (God edition)

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--- Quote from: DivineX on September 16, 2010, 01:21:32 PM ---What did you do as a child that made you want to become a programmer or helped you? (or teenage)
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As a "kid" I started making simple websites with PHP using pre-made scripts I found on the PHP communities. After I wanted to change something in these scripts so I started to "hack" them, just remove/alter something and check-out what happened. This helped me understand how scripts worked. When I was familiar with that I started re-writing pre-made scripts or wrote my own simple scripts.

After a few years of scripting PHP I wanted a new challenge, writing a desktop application. That's when I started to experiment with real programming languages like C#, Delphi, Java and VB. I just looked up some tutorials on the internet and started to program (trail&error). Due to the basic knowledge I gathered while scripting PHP, I had no real problem picking up the new syntax.

I mainly used C# for my applications, but sometimes I just wanted more control on how memory and objects are used. That's when I tried C++ and a few months after that I was writing the PU server :)

For people who want to learn desktop programming I recommend C# (.NET) and/or Java. These languages are fairly easy to read/understand and have a large library behind them with lots of pre-made functions. Also buy a good book this helps a lot.


--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on September 16, 2010, 03:24:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: DivineX on September 16, 2010, 01:21:32 PM ---What did you do as a child that made you want to become a programmer or helped you? (or teenage)
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As a "kid" I started making simple websites with PHP using pre-made scripts I found on the PHP communities. After I wanted to change something in these scripts so I started to "hack" them, just remove/alter something and check-out what happened. This helped me understand how scripts worked. When I was familiar with that I started re-writing pre-made scripts or wrote my own simple scripts.

After a few years of scripting PHP I wanted a new challenge, writing a desktop application. That's when I started to experiment with real programming languages like C#, Delphi, Java and VB. I just looked up some tutorials on the internet and started to program (trail&error). Due to the basic knowledge I gathered while scripting PHP, I had no real problem picking up the new syntax.

I mainly used C# for my applications, but sometimes I just wanted more control on how memory and objects are used. That's when I tried C++ and a few months after that I was writing the PU server :)

For people who want to learn desktop programming I recommend C# (.NET) and/or Java. These languages are fairly easy to read/understand and have a large library behind them with lots of pre-made functions. Also buy a good book this helps a lot.

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Follow-Up Questions:

 -What kind of Apps did you make?
 -Can you Give an Example or two?
 -Do you still have any of the Apps you've made?
-Made any Recent Apps (Within 3 Years) That are not related to PU?
-If so, what are they?

Sorry about asking A Lot of questions, but I'm a very inquisitve person.

What kind of Apps did you make?
All kinds of stuff, mostly when I wanted some routine work to be done faster I tried to write an app for it which would do it for me. And also small games. All the other stuff was just random and not really worth finishing.

Can you Give an Example or two?
- An application launcer. Small app which would get an application list from the server, then you could start these from the system tray (without installing).
- Tetris
- Pong
- Travian Bot, this one was pretty extended. It contained a web-interface where you could manage your accounts.
- And more which are not worth mentioning

Do you still have any of the Apps you've made?
Yes, probably have the source code somewhere in my development folder.

Made any Recent Apps (Within 3 Years) That are not related to PU?
The bot I wrote for Travian is the most noteworthy of all the apps I wrote. Oh and I also made a small lend/return (library) system for a school project (in C#), where you could manage books and lend them to people.

Sorry about asking A Lot of questions, but I'm a very inquisitve person.
No problem, if you have anymore fire away :)


--- Quote ---Sorry about asking A Lot of questions, but I'm a very inquisitve person
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There are few things Mr_Dark likes talking about more ;)

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--- Quote from: Raikt on September 08, 2010, 10:26:56 AM ---
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Do you still have one? That thing is ancient :o


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