Entertainment > LOTRO

[PC] Lord of the Rings Online

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--- Quote from: LucarioX on September 29, 2010, 02:27:45 AM ---I'll join tomorrow probably. Look for SolarFlare. That is the user name that I will use. I'll join your group but I cannot guarentte I'll be good at the game. Also I've never read or watched LotR, so what do you do in the game?

--- End quote ---

You don't have to know anything about LOTRO. It's just a LOTRO themed MMO :)

I used to play this game..
I wasn't fond of it at the time, but I suppose if you let me in your guild maybe I could get into it, who knows.



alright, I just re-downloaded the game

I completely forgot how to play.


You must relearn it! Be sure to make your character in Vilya and we can help you out :D

I am curious...

I would like to know what else there is to do in the game aside from fighting?

I get tired of doing the same old thing just running around and beating on things. If there's more to do, I'll give it a go!



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