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Author Topic: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game  (Read 8715 times)

Offline Level5Pidgey

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[Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:26:55 AM »
Leo Edit: By Joining this "RP", You agree that you give other players permission to kill you.

That, and I think the level of Blood/Gore needs to be cut.

way too intense, Im INTO horror movies and this creeps me out.

Premise and Rules
You are on a ship. You're a serial killer, with a terrible self-control issue, and an itchy blogging finger. The premise of the game is that in each post, you are going to kill someone on the ship, and each time, you also get killed by the murderer in the post above you.

This means that in each post, you role play a different murderer, with a different Pokemon of choice, and hopefully, a different personality and feel. And then you die.

Your posts must be in first person, and contain your name, sex and a reason as to why you're on the boat.
You must kill someone in your psot in a Pokemon related manner.
You must then be killed off by the previous poster's character, in the method they wrote about.

Profanity is accepted,
Blood and Guts is encouraged,
Hilarity is rewarded.
Let's go. I'll start us off.

I pushed myself off the floor, the Murphy family of Fallarbor were never known for their sea legs -  and Thomas was no exception. Though, Thomas Murphy has always been known for other reasons. The assassination of the Mayor of Pallet? Maybe. The slaughter of a small troupe of Rockets in the Ilex Forest? Probably. The maiming of Mt Silvers Joy? Probably not... nobody to was around to see it, but my short mental fuse was alight - and I need blood.
I wretched for the last time before I indulged in my favourite sport... "Catch a Carp, Slap a Carp". The premise is simple.
1. Go out to the deck.
2. Get out my Old Rod.
3. Catch a Carp.
4. Brain someone with said Carp.
Seriously, it's the only reason I'd ever catch a ship anywhere.


After a good hour of fishing, I finally got a decent bite. "What? An hour for a Magikarp?" you ask, "Surely you jest". I do not. You see, the Magikarp has to stay concious for the whole ordeal - if it faints - it goes limp, if it goes limp - the amount of force you need to put into your clubbing skyrockets. And, when you're focusing enough of your attention on not vomiting all into your victim's hair - slapping effort is dangerous effort.

I held the 'karp triumphant - and ball'd it for easy storage. Now I needed to seek my mark.
Or, maybe my mark could stumble upon me...
I went down to the living areas, and sought out an empty room. The funny thing about ships? Everyone leaves their rooms unlocked. It's like the different setting begs different behaviour.
This person will pay for their stupidity.

I hid under the bed.
God bless single bedrooms.


I lied in wait.
Soon enough, a single person entered the room and laid on the bed.
I waited.
Then, they arose.
I heard the sound of brushing teeth.
More brushing.
More brushing.
The wearing down of enamel.
I got impatient - what was this person? A Goddamn dentist? "Who the chansey brushe---"


Did I say that out aloud?
Oh yes I did... damn!

My mark yelled - but it was too late.
I drew my Magikarp, who, as expected, stiffened out of sheer pathetic defence mechanisms.
God bless Magikarp.

Blood sprayed everywhere.
The victim was unconcious.
"karp karp"
I heard the skull give way.
"karp karp"
Bits of brain covered myself and my club.

It was done.
Now, I don't know what kind of material Magikarp scales are made of - they're not rock nor steel, but I knew that this passenger was not going to leave the ship unless by body bag.

I stole out of the room, and made a silent dash for my room on the next level - though... something felt odd.
I looked behind me to see a Hypno.
I glared at the Hypno and it glared back ... the room fell silent and cold.

"Hypno... you know what we do to those who lose their way during the night, right?" a female voice said.
Oh Jesus. I only hoped this wasn't who I thought it was.
"I've waited a long time for this Thomas"

"Now I'll do to you what you did to your last victim."
"Oh haha," I laughed, "Unlikely as I pretty much made his head expl... wait, Hypno can't do that right?"
"We'll see..."

I felt tension in my temples. This was normal when in the presence of a Hypno... but then I started to shake... I felt like vomiting... the tension increased until it was a headsplitting migraine.
Pun totally inte--


So, the next person has to write their own post where their character kills someone in a Pokemon related way, then gets killed by my character - and so on, oui oui?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 03:09:27 PM by Unbreakable »
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 10:13:25 AM »
Ah, to make for the Isshu region via cruise! I've not heard of murders there, but it was high time I did. I put on my red nose, rose from bed, and began to get dressed. Yes, everyone is the Isshu region will learn of the homicidal clown, Faloffle! I strapped on my overalls, and balloon pants, and gave my nose a taught squeeze, just for the pure ecstasy of the sound. God, what a great day to be a clown. I lit up a cigar, and made for the door.

As I patrolled the decks this night, it was mainly silent. I smiled and chuckled nonchalantly as I passed random patrols and patrons of the ship, and everyone gave a wry smile back to the clown! The liveliness of the ship near the main deck at night was surprising to say the least, but no matter, I'll head for the cargo bay...

As I entered the cargo bay, I saw a covered escape boat start rustling. I opened the top to find a small girl, and she said, "Shhh. Me and my brother are playing hide and seek." I chuckled, and with a smile I exclaimed. "Shall I help you hide?" The girl looked at me puzzled, of course she didn't know the meaning behind my words, this excited me. I whispered, "Come on out Ditto, transform."

As she realized what Ditto transformed into, I heard a low, shrill cry from the girl. Well, Butcher's knives aren't the most sightly of toys, but they certainly are the most effective. I covered the girl's mouth with my hand, and begin slowly teasing the blade into each of her eye sockets. This is a murder children aren't fit to witness! As she felt the pain, she began to sob uncontrollably and bite my hand. The pain was so invigorating! As her second eye rolled down my blade, I jammed the knife into her back and carved a perfect line along the spinal chord. I ripped out the spine and begin whipping her limp, dead body with it while whispering the song, "whip it, whip it good." With a wry smile, I covered her body back up and placed her pieces back in as well. I slowly started to walk away and whispered, this is a sight I wish I could watch if her brother finds her...

Ditto return. As I walk away triumphant and gleaming in red, I heard a strange noise from the kitchen. I entered hoping to get some more thrills in before bed, but saw nothing. I heard breathing from behind me, and started to turn around...Before I knew what was going on, I was on the ground in immense pain, It...It felt like dying, and my head wasn't working quite right. I started chuckling, realizing I was attacked, and my conscious slowly weakening...Hrmph...who would have thought the last thing I would see was a magi....*Thwack!!* *Spurrttt* *KarpKarp*

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 02:39:52 PM »
.... I am not pleased.

1.) RPs cannot be posted in unless Active
Yours is not.

2.) This actually breaks several Rules, Check the Global RP rules.
Ask everyone to follow them.

3.) This "RP" is NOT suitable for many people on here.

Go to the Crystal Arc RP> View my Characters actions: I did kill, but never another RPer.

You may NOT make your own Rules, if they ignore Global RP rules.

This isn't necessarily a bad Idea, but Not Here, this would be better in "In-Forum Games"
Profanity IS allowed, but to a certain extent

Killing another RPer IS allowed, with their permission ONLY.

I HATE loopholes, as some you used here.
and With that....

Here are your options:

-Change This RP to conform to the Global RP Rules
-Cut/Paste this to the In-Forum Games Board.
-Delete this.

Or just wait 7 days, either me or Jerry will Delete this topic.

Oh, and I have one last thing to say:

Yes, L5P... You are on the PU team.
Anywhere else on the forum, It wouldn't be my place to tell you this.
Jerry and I Moderate this Board, and we both think this "RP" is not fit for this board.

I have more power than you here, so read the Rules, Memorize them, and FOLLOW THEM indefinitely.

~~ Other than that, Happy RPing.

#Sincerely Unbreakable. ^///^
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 03:03:43 PM by Unbreakable »
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Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 03:27:56 PM »
.... I am not pleased.

1.) RPs cannot be posted in unless Active
Yours is not.

2.) This actually breaks several Rules, Check the Global RP rules.
Ask everyone to follow them.

3.) This "RP" is NOT suitable for many people on here.

Go to the Crystal Arc RP> View my Characters actions: I did kill, but never another RPer.

You may NOT make your own Rules, if they ignore Global RP rules.

This isn't necessarily a bad Idea, but Not Here, this would be better in "In-Forum Games"
Profanity IS allowed, but to a certain extent

Killing another RPer IS allowed, with their permission ONLY.

I HATE loopholes, as some you used here.
and With that....

Here are your options:

-Change This RP to conform to the Global RP Rules
-Cut/Paste this to the In-Forum Games Board.
-Delete this.

Or just wait 7 days, either me or Jerry will Delete this topic.

Oh, and I have one last thing to say:

Yes, L5P... You are on the PU team.
Anywhere else on the forum, It wouldn't be my place to tell you this.
Jerry and I Moderate this Board, and we both think this "RP" is not fit for this board.

I have more power than you here, so read the Rules, Memorize them, and FOLLOW THEM indefinitely.

~~ Other than that, Happy RPing.

#Sincerely Unbreakable. ^///^

Jerry was there when we made this. Stop complaining.

EDIT by mod: Yes, and I told you that I'll wait for someone else to look into it since I'm no the only mod here... =/

EDIT EDIT by Stephenkill2. - The rules of this rp are in the top and if any player finds them unsuitable, they do not have to partake. It is simple. What is occurring in this RP stays in this RP. I don't see how that infringes upon anyone else. Unbreakable, if you wish to talk about this, join us in IRC, and I'll gladly oblige.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 03:35:50 PM by stephenkill2 »

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 08:03:51 PM »
You aren't a MOD here, I am, Jerry is.

We made rules, We enforce them, They WILL be followed, I gave you options, Jerry agrees that they are suitable.

Comply with them, or this topic will be deleted.

Or I could make this easier for everyone, and move this to "In-Forum Games"

Im not saying a bad Idea.
Im saying this just isn't the place for it.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 08:13:37 PM by Unbreakable »
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 08:10:36 PM »
You aren't a MOD here, I am, Jerry is.

We made rules, We enforce them, They WILL be followed, I gave you options, Jerry agrees that they are suitable.

Comply with them, or this topic will be deleted.

What's wrong with it, how does it not adhere to the rules?

I have not seen profanity yet, nor is that a problem being eliminated.


As for the death of another character, it's the original poster's rule for this rp, it states that at the end, the previous character offs you, if people did not die,and they kept going,  the concept does not work.

Hence, this adheres to the rules, minus profanity, also, this does not belong in the games board, as you are roleplaying a murderer, it is not a short game.

I don't understand, what is the problem? We had Jerry's ok.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 08:26:10 PM »
You aren't a MOD here, I am, Jerry is.

We made rules, We enforce them, They WILL be followed, I gave you options, Jerry agrees that they are suitable.

Comply with them, or this topic will be deleted.

What's wrong with it, how does it not adhere to the rules?

I have not seen profanity yet, nor is that a problem being eliminated.


As for the death of another character, it's the original poster's rule for this rp, it states that at the end, the previous character offs you, if people did not die,and they kept going,  the concept does not work.

Hence, this adheres to the rules, minus profanity, also, this does not belong in the games board, as you are roleplaying a murderer, it is not a short game.

I don't understand, what is the problem? We had Jerry's ok.

Im willing to Overlook the 'Rule-breaking', seeing as that wasnt really the major problem.

Killing another Rper is allowed, if they allow it, Hence why I put the Disclaimer in the original post.

Profanity IS also OK, to a certain extent.

HOWEVER, The Global RP Rules are there, You must follow them, The RPs and Rpers both have to.

So the real problem?

Think about it.

It is an RP, yes, but its solely about Death, just with a pokemon theme.

Hear me out, I know you guys really want to keep RPing alive, I do too, but This is not the way to do it.

Now that I think about it, the Only rule this RP really breaks is: "No more than 2 main Characters are to be controlled by the same User in a single Thread.

This is more a game than an RP.

If you are going to keep arguing, Im moving this.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 08:28:43 PM »
Well then start a new RP and I'll take part, because no one is freakin' posting  :-\

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 08:36:50 PM »
Um, Hold on, Look Through RPs, Pokemon and Other, I'll make a topic so you can post your list.
Ignore the Lock Statuses.
Rp mods can't make RPs, I made 1 before I started modding, Kingdom Hearts RP.

I guess, I might as well move this, no offense.
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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 08:43:23 PM »
I don't understand why every RP in the RP forum has to have the exact same rule set and format.

Eh *shrug*
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 08:48:47 PM by Level5Pidgey »
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And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 08:49:02 PM »
I don't understand why every RP in the RP forum has to have the exact same rule set and format.

I second this.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 08:59:05 PM »
Global RP rules are followed by Every RP. You can add your own to it, as long as they agree.

Anyway. EXAMPLE:
 Has either of you RPed before?
When was the last time?

.Plan on RPing in a Current Thread? Kingdom Hearts RP?

Think for God's Sake: No Order=Chaos.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 09:52:45 PM »
Global RP rules are followed by Every RP. You can add your own to it, as long as they agree.

Anyway. EXAMPLE:
 Has either of you RPed before?
When was the last time?

.Plan on RPing in a Current Thread? Kingdom Hearts RP?

Think for God's Sake: No Order=Chaos.

I have rp'd, I probably have more experience than you in all honesty. I am an 8 year veteran of dungeons and dragons, and a 5 year veteran of warhammer fantasy. I also partake in many fanfic rp's, we just wanted a structured homicide rp, even if it isn't to your taste, it is still an rp, and was structured, and deserved to be treated as so.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2010, 01:04:03 AM »
Correction: Have you ever RPed on a Forum before?
If so, how long has it been since you last did so.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Re: [Pending] Pokemon Ghost Ship: A PokeRP Game
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2010, 04:46:03 AM »
RP'd on heaps of forums, latest was a year ago.
I have also had many been a mod/admin for many RP communities and games.

Please don't insinuate that if we disagree with you, we don't know what RPing is, or that we don't know how modern RPing works.

Oh, also, this is the first time I've ever had a board where people can make their own RPs, but cannot make up their own RPing rules.
If a person's RP's rules are bad, the RP will not catch on. Simple as that.
Forcing every RP to comply with your ruleset is something I haven't encountered before.
Most RP boards just allow RPs to run their course, as long as they aren't in violation of board rules.

I don't mind that the topic's been moved, and I don't mind how you run your board (that's your business) - but please refrain from insinuating we have no idea of what we're talking about.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 06:04:52 AM by Level5Pidgey »
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.