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Author Topic: [RP] Final Fantasy  (Read 5459 times)

Offline TrainerX

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[RP] Final Fantasy
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:50:10 AM »
  The continent has been in a war for 100 years. The last king was corrupted, and Drogan, the current king, is no different. Humans have been fighting a race from another realm. They are called Shadow people, and they are extremely intelligent, strong, and agile. They look a lot like humans, and are masters of dark magic. This magic was not seen in the world until they came. They have dark blue skin and red eyes. They can make themselves invisible in the dark, and they can see perfectly in the dark. The Shadow people are determined to conquer the continent, and will slaughter anything that gets in their way. Then another army was created. They wanted to stop the war altogether. They are called The Warriors of Light. The Warriors of light was started by 10 mages from a different continent. They named the army after a legend that told of 4 warriors of light who saved the world. These mages taught the army how to build airships. The diagrams were later found by both armies, who drew up their own plans for their own, larger airships. Now the whole continent has been split into 3 sections. The middle of the continent is the largest section, which is all controlled by Drogan. A smaller section in the west was taken over by the Shadow People, and the smallest section is in the east, and is the only land the Warriors of Light have been able to take from Drogan.
 All of the rules will be explained in the OOCC. A list of classes your character can be is in the OOCC. You can be a Shadow person, or a human. Humans can only be in Drogan's army or the Warriors of Light.

 pm me your profile and wait for me to post it before you start posting.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 09:02:10 PM by trainerx »

Offline TrainerX

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Re: [RP] Final Fantasy
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 10:34:09 PM »
 Trystan got out of bed and put on his armor, and then the red robe that all Red Mages wore. He walked down to the training room where another Red Mage was standing. "You're late Trystan." "I'm only ten minutes late." "It doesn't matter how late you are, you're still late." "Fine, I'm a horrible person for being ten minutes late. Can we just start training now Elifirid?" "Let's start by using fire on that target." Trystan casted fire, and the target burned up. Elifirid had him practice casting more spells, and then had him practice with a sword. When they were done, they went to get lunch. Before they got there, a man ran into the building, gasping for breath. "There are Shadow People to the north. They're going to attack the fort!" Trystan and Elifirid ran into the mess hall and told everyone. They all got their weapons and ran out of the fort. They went 20 miles from the fort and the general had them separated into platoons. Trystan was placed in the same platoon as Elifirid. They all got ready to attack. Soon they could see the other army approaching. "I've been waiting for this ever since I got to the fort!"
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 12:08:36 AM by trainerx »

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Final Fantasy
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2010, 11:12:18 PM »

"Ive been standing in Lookout forever, Im bored."
"You know your job is very important Tian."
"Doesn't make it any easier."
"Just keep focused, I dont want to take blame for you AGAIN."
"Are those?...."
"Yep, Shadow people, They look easy.... Here, take this bow, you are going to cover me."
"There's tons though, I don't-"

"no excuses, Itll be fine."
I raised my Staff of ancients, it was given to me by Village Chief Dalron. A light shone, "Lithia, Ready? Empower Tian's Bow."
A second shining figure appeared, another angel.
"Solin, You're with me."

I held the staff, and through its power, I summoned a Partisan in its place, and with my bearings set, The shadow People stood No chance.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline TrainerX

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Re: [RP] Final Fantasy
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 09:26:35 PM »
 The shadow people were getting closer. Archers started firing arrows toward the army. Their army started climbing a hill. The Warriors of Light stayed where they were. The other army came up the hill, firing their own arrows. "That army is huge!" A few arrows hit the ground close to Trystan, but none of the arrows were hitting him. Then the Shadow people charged. "Trystan, if they retreat down the hill, don't follow them. Their archers will be waiting at the bottom." The shadow people started attacking them. They were stronger and faster than the humans, and it was hard to fight them. Trystan kept casting spells while he fought. It was easier to cast spells without a shield, because you always had a hand free. He sliced the head off of one shadow person, and ducked as a another one rushed at him with a mace. Elifirid cast thundara at it's back, and then turned and stabbed another shadow person. One shadow person with a claymore tried to stab Trystan, but it missed and tore Trystan's robe. "This better end soon, we won't last much longer." They finally started to push the shadow people back towards the hill. "How are we going to win if they're at the bottom of that hill? Half of our army is dead, and we wouldn't survive if we charged down there."

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Final Fantasy
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2010, 01:39:57 AM »

"It means 'attack', Tian"
"I'd rather not."
"Im scared..."
"Then I'll have to tell the Priest you chickened out..even with a Bow."
"That tears it... CHARGE!!!!"
"Thats more like it. Lets go Solin."

I raged toward the mass of shadows strafing towards the village. The first group that met my partisan fell, and I never let up. I noticed a light Spark arrow, Tian had fired, and with deathly precision. Another mass of Shadow people fell. I gave a final shout, and with Solin's power in my partisan, I finished the rest off in a glowing ring.

"Why didn't you do that earlier, Starrite?"
"You can't expect me to do everything..."

My partisan assumed the form of a sage's staff, and Lithia and Solin returned home.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline TrainerX

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Re: [RP] Final Fantasy
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 01:09:57 AM »
 The army had been sitting near the hill, and trying to think of a way to defeat the Shadow People without getting within range of their archers. The general told them not to go, because the archers would slow the Warriors of Light down, and then the other army would charge them, so they sat there for hours. "That's it, if this general can't come up with a plan I will. Trystan stood up. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to go think." He walked away and sat on a rock one hundred yards away. After an hour, he finally thought of something. By the time he got back, it was dark. He woke everyone up. Once they were all up, he started telling them his plan. "First, we need huge balls of hay and a lot of rope." After another hour, the army came back with huge balls of grass. Each one was twelve feet tall and twelve feet wide. Trystan counted them. They had ten of them. He had the archers line up and light their arrows on fire. He had them shoot their arrows into the air, and they landed on the other side of the hill. Little fires started on the hill. Then everyone grabbed a rope and flung the balls of hay down the hill. They ran up to the hill ready to charge. "They think they need to charge. What a bunch of idiots." He watched the Shadow People look at the giant balls of hay. Then they rolled over the fire. All of the red and black mages casted fire at the balls of hay, and they all caught on fire. The Shadow people were running away. Soon they were all crushed and on fire. They had won. They started walking back to the fort. Everyone was praising Trystan, and he enjoyed it. They were still praising him at the fort. Trystan walked into his room and fell asleep as soon as he laid down.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 11:48:08 PM by trainerx »