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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183724 times)

Offline duotent

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #480 on: June 20, 2010, 10:43:33 AM »

is being carried around by a happiny cause his egg is small enough.happiny escapes heaps of pokemon batle but always has the unluckiness to run into so many .refuses to
(POKEMON CHAOS) Eevee:tackle, quick attack, dig, shadow ball
(A RANDOM POKEMON RP)ponyta:growl
(NEW Generation)gyarados:splash tackle
allmy roleplay charcters and there attacks plus the rp thir for

Offline Jerry

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #481 on: June 20, 2010, 04:00:57 PM »
Jerry stayed the other half day in the pokemon centre, making sure that everyone was fit again He slept for about 5 hours, the previous night was very tiring. Night fell, and Jerry wanted badly to arrive at Dewford Town, and battle the Gym Leader there the in the next couple of days... He went out, and let his Marshtomp and Zubat out. He saw a building near the pokemon centre that he didn't notice earlier. There was some commotion there, and flashes of light could be seen. Jerry and his pokemon approached the building and tried to see what was going on. Ridel (if I remember well), the owner of this bicycle shop was giving away some of his new special bicycles.

- If you want a bicycle, it's the only day you'll be getting one for free! However to get one, you should be either a pokemon trainer, an athlete or a coordinator competing for the League, the Grand Triathlete Tour or the Grand Festival. I'd like to make everyone know that the bikes I make are the best! I already gave away 7 bikes to coordinators, another 10 to athletes and 8 to trainers. So, there are 3 bikes left for coordinators and 2 for pokemon trainers!

Jerry wondered for a while... a bike would certainly help. Dewford Town is far away from Mauville City, and he wanted to get there fast. He stepped forward, and showed his trainer card to Ridel.

- Hmm, seems like we have our ninth winner! Jerry, the pokemon trainer wins a bicycle!

After some flashes, Jerry sneaked out from the crowd.

- Phew, what a strange exhibition... and so much fuss about bicycles, it's weird!

Now, Jerry could ride to Slateport City in some minutes riding. He took the cycling road with Marshtomp in the bike's basket and at the end of it he gave the guard the charge of his bike. He said that he was going across the sea, and so, he'll not need it until he gets back. The guard accepted and told him that he could come to fetch it whenever he wanted. Jerry was some metres away from Slateport City when he saw a strange house. He got inside and noticed something shining, as if a hidden camera was aiming at him. He went closer and saw a man with some weird spectacles.

- You're sharp! How did you know I was concealed here?

Before Jerry could answer,

- I know, you came to take the challenge! Consider your challenge accepted! Welcome to the Trick House!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 05:12:48 PM by Jerry »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #482 on: June 20, 2010, 05:57:51 PM »

The Man called out an Aron and a Spinda. Chaos obviously was going to battle with Aura and Flare since they were his only Pokemon. Aron ran up to Riolu and scratched it with its claw and Spinda Punched Flare with Dizzy Punch. Aura hit Aron with Reversal and sends his hand back at a harder force it claws Aron face. Flare is too confused to do anything. Aron uses Dig and so does Riolu and they continue the battle underground. Spinda runs at Flare and a pulsating force of water comes out of its chest. Flare gets hit and takes immense damage but is still un-fainted. The jet of water that hits Flare recovered it from the confusion and Flare uses Shadow Claw on the Spinda. (When Pokemon talk in my RP part it is in Pokemon language except Riolu who speak both at once.) "So Riolu you think you can beat me, huh" "Yes" and Riolu hits the Lairon with a Sphere made of Aura and Aron faints. Riolu relaxes from underground waiting for the other battle to end. Flare is hit with a Faint Attack from Spinda and still survives...barely but Flare isn't done, it uses Scratch attack on the Spinda weakening it even more. The Spinda hits Flare with another Dizzy Punch finishing the poor Torchic. Riolu notices the lessening of Flare's aura and realizes it has fainted. Riolu jumps out of the ground "I guess I have to finish the battle!" Spinda runs at Aura with a Fire Punch and Aura uses Force Palm on its forehead with a Force Palm stopping it before it could hit him and fainting it. "Not as much intensity as I hoped for" "Good job Flare!" Chaos returned Flare to its Pokeball "You too Aura!" "Thank you..I try my best". The man was apparently shocked by how good Chaos did. Riolu jumped back into the hole and grabbed the Aron and came back. He put it at Chaos' feet. "This is yours I believe" "Yep he is now..Glad to have you on the team Aron I think I'll call you Iron" he threw a Pokeball at Iron and it shoke once...twice...three times and the Aron let itself be caught. "Fine....the thing is yours now" said the Man and walked away "Man that guy doesn't even care! It ticks me off!" "There are a lot of people like that Aura a lot of people..."
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #483 on: June 20, 2010, 06:04:54 PM »
Jerry passed through the door, and found a huge room, which seemed like a maze. He wandered inside, turning right, then left, again left... oh, a trainer was there. He seemed lost in that maze. He asked Jerry if he knew where to go. Jerry shook his head. He then said that he was disappointed, and wanted to battle to change his mood. Jerry beat his Ponyta relatively easily with Marshtomp by his side, and went on deeper in the maze. He finally made up to a steel door, and opened it.

Behind the door was a smaler room, and there was the weird man from earlier.

- You're sharp! You are almost better than me in 7 fields! There, accept this prize from, the Trick Master, and see you for further challenges! Ha ha ha!

The Trick Master disappeared and Jerry left the house still not quite realising what really happened inside. "Bah" he thought, "I'll just go on". Right then, he saw another pathway... "Strange, I wonder where does this path lead to." He asked a trainer nearby. The trainer told him that he'd tell him where it leads to if he was to lose a pokemon battle. Jerry this time battled with Zubat. Having a slight advantage, that the opponent's Shroomish didn't have; sight, Zubat managed to land some good aimed Leech Life, and closed the battle with a Wind Attack. The path lead to Odale Town, it seems.

- Did you hear that Marshtomp? We'll be going close to home by going this way, and perhaps we'll be able to take a boat at the old sailor's house! What's his name now... Briney was it? I don't quite remember. Anyway, let's get there!
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #484 on: June 20, 2010, 07:46:02 PM »

Chaos went over to the Pokemon Center and healed up all 3 of his Pokemon. He then went back to the Training in between Oldale Town and Petalburg City. "Okay time to train you Iron!" You brought Iron out "Ar-Aron!" "I can tell you didn't like being with that jerk that goes around stealing peoples Pokemon." "Aro-Aron." "I don't feel like that's the last we will see of that guy" "Me either" Chaos told Aura he could stay out of Pokeball earlier (some of you probably remember.) so Aura was right by his side. They got in the tall grass to train and spotted a disk laying there "Another TM?" Chaos saw that it was Aerial Ace "You get this from Fiona in Fortree right?""Yeah i think so" "Anyway Iron I think you can learn this move". He tossed it to Iron and it replaced Dig with Aerial Ace. "So what moves do you know" Iron clawed the air with a Metal Claws, Headbutted the air, Threw a Rock with a type of Ancient Power, and of course we already know the last move Aerial Ace. NOW lets train, they went into the Tall Grass and a Shroomish appeared "Wait, Iron can you battle later I just realized that Shroomish is grass and Flare is fire so he is better fit for Shroomish". He switches. Flare used Ember on the Shroomish, it was dead in one hit. "we need to move on soon you guys are way to strong". Flare started glowing "Hey whats goin' on!!!" "Ar-on!" "I think its Evolving!" Flare evolved into Combusken. "Combusk-Combusken!" "I think he likes its new form!. Combusken learned Double-Kick it has replaced Growl. "So now you know Scratch, Ember, Peck and Double Kick. Your a little behind the others though they are both level. 20. but still your doing great! "OK Iron now your turn to train a little!" "ARO-ARON!" They looked around "Hey there's a group of Poochyena's". Chaos, Aura, Flare and Iron walked towards them. "Ever done a three-on-three battle guys?" "Combusk!" "No" "Aro-Aron" "Well your about to!".
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #485 on: June 20, 2010, 08:38:34 PM »

After much walk, Kino have finally made it to Violet City. Kino grew tiring, his legs were hurting from the amount of walking he had to do. Argo was half asleep by the time, they arrived. Kino looked at the sky and saw it was getting dark, Kino thought it would be a good idea to get some sleep before they take on the Violet City's gym leader. Kino gently picked up Argo and headed for the Inn, hoping there wouldn't be hot springs there.

Kino got there and went to the clerk over the counter. "Hey, how much is a room for the night?" Kino asked, hoping it won't be too much. "Good thing you came today, we're having a special discount for new trainers" the clerk said. "Wait.... how did you know that I'm a new trainer?" Kino asked, surprised at the clerk's statement. "Well look at the pokemon in your hands boy!" the clerk laughed. Kino laughed with the clerk while he put Argo in one hand and took out his money with his other hand. "So how much for the night?" Kino asked. "250 pokedollars" the clerk said. Kino gave the clerk the money in exchange for the keys of his room. "Thanks!" Kino said as he went to his room with Argo in his hands. Kino opened his room's door, then gently laying Argo down on the bed. Kino closed the door, then went to sleep on the bed, dreaming about how he's going to beat the gym leader tomorrow.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 11:11:34 PM by YouHearThat »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #486 on: June 20, 2010, 09:34:03 PM »
Time Modifier!!


Morning     Noon     Afternoon     Night


Sunny     Cloudy     Raining     Cold     Windy     Clear
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #487 on: June 20, 2010, 09:57:34 PM »
Amphy awakened at the inn all refreshed from a good night's sleep, his pokemon were also ready for their first ever contest.  As Amphy walked to the Contest hall he noticed posters every once in awhile, advertising the contest he was about to participate in, he also noticed that there was a prize that the winner would receive aside from a ribbon, it was a pokemon egg.  Amphy really wants to win the contest now, as that egg is something he wants. Amphy arrived at the contest hall and starts preparing for the day ahead of him

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #488 on: June 21, 2010, 12:00:07 AM »

Tsubaki thought she was caught but sighed when she found it just to be Kin, "Oh... Hello Kin... What are you doing here..?" Tsubaki asked, but after looking at Kin after a while with him not saying anything, he began to morph down into a ditto. "Di... tto?" Tsubaki asked, and then it started to morph again, in a bright light, it expanded but not like before, when the light faded the Ditto took Tsubaki's shape. It lifted its finger to her mouth and smiled, and then started to walk back to the lab, "No! Don't go in there!" Tsubaki called out. She saw the girl make her way to the door, but then around the building. When Tsubaki caught up she saw Ditto slip through an open air vent. Tsubaki followed gently moving the egg so it wouldn't be hurt. When Tsubaki made it all the way through she saw the copy of her at the end. She raised her finger again, signaling her to be quiet and then she jumped out of the vents quietly. Tsubaki inched closer to the edge holding the egg and then jumped down after she hesitated. She landed without making a sound, looking for the Ditto. After quietly exploring she was able to see the 3 rocket members again, just feeling angry towards them. She looked around again, and then finally was able to see Kin, "Ditto?" She asked herself, but jumped when she Ditto's slime moved against her leg. She sighed, staying back to see what would happen.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #489 on: June 21, 2010, 02:38:53 AM »
Once Amphy was finished with his contest preparation he decided to go look around the various gift shops, he found something Tsubaki might like so he bought it for her, in hopes that she and even his other friends could make it to his contest today.
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #490 on: June 21, 2010, 02:43:25 AM »

-Chaos felt like he could do anything right here, right now. You trusted his team and liked all of them immensely. First up against a Poochyena was Iron. He jumped up and plummeted instantly back to the ground atriking the enemy with Aerial Ace. The Poochyena bit Iron, Iron retreated a few feet cluching his arm and Headbutted the enemy at full force. Poochyena flinched from its Headbutt "Yes" thought Iron "That gives me an extra turn to finish him.". Iron threw a rock through the air with an immense amount of strength and it hit the Poochyena finishing it.

-Then up was Flare who started out with a Double Kick but the new Poochyena countered with a Thief and took Flare''s Oran Berry and ate it "Oh god I swear you will pay for that!" "Wow that is a move a trainer had to teach it!" "Yep and they stopped selling the TM Thief around here they only sell it in Johto." "Yea" Iron jumped into the conversation. Aura (The only one who can talk in human) informed Chaos of their idea. "Yea something feels errie, how can a Pokemon relieved from its Pokeball alone go across the ocean to get here!" "Yea I know" "We can discuss this later, back to the battle!" Flare used Peck and Poochyena got annoyed at Flare and Howl at it instinctively "That counts as a move right Aura". He nodded "Okay then" Flare used a Ember and finished him off.

-Aura was last, he started his battle off with a Force Palm. Poochyena used Howl "Hahaha, wasting a turn on stats...foolish little Poochyena!" Aura used Aura Sphere and Poochyena retorted with a Bite attack. Aura used Reversal and finished it off. "Like we agreed these guys are weak, but they are not normal" "Yea but lets not worry about it now, we gotta train for the Pokemon League!!!

A few notes

-First off this is the text colors
Red= Chaos (Protaganist)
Green=Aura (Riolu)
Blue= Flare (Combusken)
Purple= Iron (Aron)
Orange= Any other Pokemon that talks in a battle (a Pokemon)
White= Normal Text

-Secondly yes the Pokemon talk but Chaos cannot hear them (Except Aura) they have their own Pokemon language (Aura translates from Pokemon to Chaos)

« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 03:03:20 AM by Amphy »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #491 on: June 21, 2010, 09:03:00 AM »
After camping that night, Jerry then went further into the path. He reached a small stream and further down, the path went on.

- Darn, we have to cross this stream to get to the other side. I guess we'll have to swim a little Marshtomp! Maybe Zubat can help us too! Come here Zubat!

Jerry pulled out Zubat's pokeball which opened. Zubat materialized and flew over the water in circles. Jerry removed his shirt and his shoes and put them in his backpack. His bag was made of plastic, so water would not get inside so easily.

Jerry and Mudkip jumped in the chilly water and swam towards the other side. Many water pokemon could be seen in the water, especially the Chinchou's with their fluorescent esca glowing in the deep waters. Zubat was guiding them from the air, warning them when a branch was flowing towards them, or where the water ran faster.

When they got to the other side, Jerry put on his shirt and ran towards Odale Town. He then headed towards his house in Littleroot Town, and saw Miss Bater preparing breakfast. He went inside and greeted her. Jerry showed her his new friends and got some dry clothes on, and took a swimsuit with him, just in case... He took some of the food and packed it in this bag.

- I prefer having breakfast with my friends outside. We'll make a campfireand train later on.

Jerry sid good bye to Miss Bater promising to visit her once in a while. He was now heading towards Petalburg. He'll be at Mr Briney's house soon and be at Dewford Town at latest in the afternoon.

While eating, Jerry heard some Spearrows chacking nearby. Marshtomp stood up, and went to investigate followed by Jerry. There was two eggs, rolling down the hill and Spearrows were flying towards them, presumably wanting to eat them. Jerry didn't know how the eggs got here, but he was going to protect them.

- Go Zubat! Use Confuse Ray and then use Wing Attack!

The Spearrows got confused and flew clumsily. Zubat zoomed towards them and all of them fainted. Jerry picked up the eggs.

- It's the first time I see pokemon eggs... They're cute! Let's keep them!

With new companions, Jerry went on... then, he saw a column of fire rise up in the air...

- Now, what's that!? Let's go Marshtomp!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:49:24 PM by Jerry »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #492 on: June 21, 2010, 07:25:34 PM »

Chaos thought he saw a column of flames in the air but it was so far away he couldn't tell, he ignored it. Chaos trained his Team some more. Chaos ran into a man "Oh hello" "Hi, wait your Chaos right!" "Yep aren't you that guy who gave me Flare!" "Yeah, you mind me seeing how strong he got!" "Not at all lets go!" "Oh my goodness your Bulbasaur has already evolved! already evolved!" "Yep so has your Torchic" "Combusk!" Flare appreciated the complement. "OK lets do this" "Yea" Flare battled for Chaos and Ivysaur for the Man.  Flare began with a Shadow Claw. Ivysaur grabbed its arm in pain and used Bullet Seed on Flare. "Its too bad that your Pokemon is type weak too mine" "Well they should be about even because it is soo Sunny out and that powers him up". The battle continued. Flare spat out Fire using Ember on the Foe. Ivysaur used Rest to recover "This is your chance Flare" Aura said to him. "Yea your right! I can do this." Flare used Double Kick to finish it but the Ivysaur barely hanging onthe its consiousness awake and used Giga Drain. Flare had barely any life left also and used a final Shadow Claw finishing it. Combusken learned Sand-Attack and replaced Tackle "Man it just leveled up 4 times, how strong was your Ivysaur!" "He was about to evolve." "Wow good battle!" "Yeah you too! You no what i'll give you this" He handed him a Pokenav "Wow I always wanted one of these, How can I repay you!" "Just battle me when you see me, okay" "Well okay! Bye" "Bye! See you around!" "Okay!!". When the Man left Chaos sat down and started messing with the Pokenav he had recieved.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #493 on: June 21, 2010, 07:48:04 PM »
Jerry reached the area of the road where the column of fire was seemed to rise. Two trainers were battling, one had a combusken, and the other was fighting with with a Swellow. Jerry remained slightly back, while watching the match. The Swellow was burnt, apparently hit by a powerful flamethrower, the one which went in the sky. The trainer with the Swellow wasn't worried though, his Swellow used Double Team, then Endeavor. The Combusken was disoriented... it tried a vain Sky Uppercut, but only hit a copy of Swellow. The two weak pokemon were facing each other, when the Swellow used Aerial Ace to finish off Combusken.

The trainer was a pokemon trainer trying to beat Norman, the Gym Leader of the town. They were battling outside the Gym. Norman told the trainer that he had a lot to learn still, and that he should take the challenge later on. Jerry waited for the trainer to go away, and then he came nearer to Norman.

- That was a wonderful match! Your Swellow sure is strong. I'd like to battle you.
- I'm sorry, I don't think that you are ready yet. How many badges do you have?
- I have two badges, recently got yesterday
- That's what I thought. This trainer you just saw has actually four badges and I beat him. I don't think that you stand a chance. You should come when you're ready. I'll be waiting for you then.

Jerry sadly went away... he had completely forgotten that Petalburg also hosted a Gym.. one of the places he had to go through to get to the league. He went on his route, and then found someone sitting down... he too had a pokenav like his! A combusken was besides him, looking down at the pokenav.

Jerry approached, besides him was his Marshtomp.

- Uh... hello there! Is something the latter? You look somewhat confused about your pokenav.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #494 on: June 21, 2010, 08:07:07 PM »

"Yeah I'm not really sure how to work it, I just got it from a guy I know but he forgot to teach me how it works" "Combusk-Combusken!" Flare loved to meet new people. "Calm down Flare!""That's a nice Marshtomp you have there. But I didn't catch your name."
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 08:08:38 PM by LucarioX »
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