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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183661 times)

Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #630 on: July 11, 2010, 10:39:50 PM »
Kira woke up before the sun had even risen above the horizon. Still in the tent, Kira looked towards the three pokeballs at the mouth of the tent. He needed to get to Violet fast now, as both Ralts were injured in the battle, of the night before. And Prinplup would still be worn out, since Kira only had a five hour sleep. Knowing that he could no longer battle, has it would end badly for him, Kira decided it would be best to move early, and get to the pokemon centre as early as he could, hopefully he wouldn't run into any pokemon as the nocturnal pokemon would be heading off to sleep, and the pokemon awake in the day would be still asleep. Getting up, Kira got out of his sleeping bag, put on his clothes and but the pokeballs onto his belt. Packing everything away and placing it back into his bag, Kira made his way back towards the road, and towards Violet. The sky was gradiented, with a deeper blue in the west, gradually getting brighter towards the east, in the west, Kira could still see the stars, only the brightest, as the suns light turned the sky brighter, over powering the light given off by the star. Slowly, the dark blue in the west was over powered by the pale blue coming from the east, and soon the sun had risen, blinding Kira's left eye as he made his way north.

Kira raised his left hand and placed it over his face, trying to block the sun that was slowly rising. The time was five thirty am, just has the pokemon had started to wake up from thier sleep. Kira could hear the occasional bird pokemon churp as they woke up, and began flying about searching for thier breakfast. Spearow and Pidgey were seen flying around over the trees. A Fearow shocked all of them as it burst out of the tree tops, and flew off into the distance. It even made Kira jump a little, as it flew over him. A large shadow passing over head, and a person looking up to see a legendary pokemon. Thats the stuff from the legendary bird pokemon that his dad used to tell Kira. Articuno was the one that caught Kira's attention to most, a bird, with wings of ice. Such a sight would be beautiful. Its a shame that when he searched up Articuno is his pokedex, all the dex could come up with was a error message. Kira has heard that Articuno was seen flying around Kanto, so it wouldn't be likely that a Johto dex would have any information on such a pokemon. It was enough to make Kira believe that Articuno was just an old tale told to kids as a nighttime story.

Noticing that he could see a city in the distance, Kira slowed down his pace. He knew that he was near Violet, so he calmed down a bit. He was only one mile away now, and the sun was shining brightly. His hand was still raised to sheild his face, and the pokemon were becoming more active. Zigzagoons were running along the path, searching out berry bushes for food. More flying types where in the sky, and flying around in flocks. They flew over Kira several times, in which Kira covered his head with his jacket. Past experience had told him that birds love to play a little trick on people, and if it happens, its a nasty smell and people tend to avoid you. Still, the sight of dozens of birds, all flying together, never touching each other, it was almost majestic. How do birds manage to fly and not hit other birds, when people and pokemon on the ground always bump into each other. Sometimes birds really were amazing. But thier was only one pokemon that Kira would have to fly him around. Dragonite. Kira had heard stories of Dragonite. One was that it was a terrible monster, that attacks anything that it see's. And another was that it was a saviour of sailers, who were shipwrecked at sea. Kira hoped that Dragonite was the latter type, that was kind and helpful. While lost in his thoughts, Kira had come to a standstill. He had managed to leave the road, and head into the forest. This time he was no where near the stream, but next to some small cliff. He remember seeing this off to the east of the city so he wasn't far away and he wasn't lost. But he could hear something. It sounded like a person was in pain, a woman? Kira darted off towards the direction of the voice he heard, but he couldn't locate the source of the voice. It only lasted for a few seconds, so Kira thought that it was only a product of his mind. He walked slower, back towards the direction of the city, only to find a young woman, exhausted, and holding an egg. Getting closer, Kira could see couple of pokemon around her. But he couldn't focus on them, the light in this area was being blocked by the mass of trees. Walking over to the girl, Kira asked softly. Hey, are you okay?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 01:32:19 AM by ninja neb »

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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #631 on: July 16, 2010, 04:22:20 AM »

Tsubaki jumped when someone appeared right beside her. When she jumped, she accidentally hit her head on Cloud. With the injury from before, the pain surprised her, and she fell unconscious. She hit the ground with a thump. Since she still had the egg, by reflex she fell on her back, leaving the egg safe. The egg never fell from Tsubaki's grasp. Not even when she is asleep. She wouldn't let anything happen to it.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #632 on: July 16, 2010, 06:44:22 AM »
ponyta gets attacked by a bunch water pokemon in the forest he runs away from the pokemon but ends up getting into the middle of a town but gets attacked by a pack of houndoom and houdour
he faints in front of the pokemon centre but trys to knock on the door with its head but faints beore head hits door

(POKEMON CHAOS) Eevee:tackle, quick attack, dig, shadow ball
(A RANDOM POKEMON RP)ponyta:growl
(NEW Generation)gyarados:splash tackle
allmy roleplay charcters and there attacks plus the rp thir for

Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #633 on: July 16, 2010, 09:17:03 PM »
Kira took a step back when the girl hit her head against the pokemon, and fell unconcious. He knew that she was hurt, but never expected that she would jump when he asked if she was okay. Moving over to her quickly, Kira knelt down next to her, and felt her head to check for a fever. The worst case scenerio was that she had been infected by some wound, and that she had fainted from it. Kira looked around, trying to figure out what he could do to help out the girl. Noticing the pokemon again, Kira did not know if they were wild, or if they belong to this girl, or if they belonged to a different trainer. Either way they were his only way of getting help. Hey, i know i'm a stranger, and that you most proberly won't listen to me, but i need you to go find help, please! Kira begged the pokemon. Without looking to see what they would do, he turned his attention back to the girl. She was holding something in her arms, which were wrapped around it tightly. Kira knew he would have to try and wake her up, but if she woke up here, she may be afraid. I need to get to a clearing. I can't see alot under all these trees... Kira thought. Bringing one arm around her shoulders, and another under her knees, Kira picked up the girl, and moved to the last clearing he spotted, down by the river. The girl still held the egg in her arms, her arms were the one thing that didn't seem to sleep when the girl fell unconcious. Her body just slumped, and yet her arms were like a vice.

Kira stepped into the clearing and moved into the middle of the clearing, putting down the girl gently, noticing that she had a few pokeballs on her, maybe she is one of the trainers that Kira had been trying to catch up to the past two days. Looking around the clearing, Kira noticed that barely any pokemon were around. Good, he didn't need a wild pokemon to attack while she was like this. He stood back up and released all three of his pokemon, he told the ralts to gather up some sticks and dead leaves, and Prinplup was to gather stones. Kira was going to wake another fire, since it was still early morning, and still cold. This girl must be freezing. Kira took off his jacket and placed it over the girl, and waited for his pokemon to get back with th firewood and stones. As soon as they had finished gathering he items that where needed, he had set them up and had a small fire going. Sitting down nex to the girl, Kira waited fo her to wake up, hoping that the pokemon in the forest had listened to him, and had gone to find help from somewhere. The heat of the fire was a releive or him, as he was growing cold without his jacket on.

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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #634 on: July 16, 2010, 10:06:06 PM »

Tsubaki blinked a few times, seeing the bright morning sky over her head. She felt the egg clutched in her arms. She felt something warm covering her, she jumped with a short cry. She looked around, and she saw a fire nearby. After a bit Tsubaki saw another person. No one she knew. She looked down to find a jacket. She picked it up and looked at him. "Im sorry... Is this yours?" She asked, with the jacket in her hands.
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Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #635 on: July 16, 2010, 10:13:34 PM »
Kira looked at her, suprised to see that she was able to stand up so soon after waking up. She stood, with his jacket in her arms. Yeah, thats mine. Good to see that your awake. Names Kira. Kira stood up and turned to face her. In her arms she still clutched the egg. Kira thought that she really had some sort of ftrong motherly instinct in her, for not letting it go even after being knocked out. Hows your head feeling? Kira's pokemon began to gather around him,  both Ralts had teleported onto his shoulders, and his Prinplup stood beside him. All of them seemed to be relieved to see that the girl had woke up.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #636 on: July 17, 2010, 03:40:31 AM »
Amphi woke up, he got dress fairly fast, as he was gonna be late for the rest of the contest. Once dressed he ran out of his room at the inn and ran down the street to the contest hall. When he got there he was greeted by a receptionist, and then ran off to the waiting room, just barely making it in time as the second round was starting.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #637 on: July 17, 2010, 06:56:41 PM »

Tsubaki looked at him and noticed something. She smiled, hair covering her eyes. She stepped closer to him, with his jacket in her hands. She stood in front oh him, and leaned over, careful not to drop the egg, "My names Tsubaki... It looks like you could use this more than me..." She said, wrapping the very warm jacket around him, "You two are very cute..!" She laughed towards  at the two Ralts on Kira's shoulder. Tsubaki looked down at the Prinplup, "Hi... You must be a VERY strong Pokemon..!" She smiled. Tsubaki looked down at the egg in her arms, "Its cold... Should it be..?" She asked herself. Tsubaki hopped back a few paces, and brought her attention back to the boy, "My head is fine, thank you... Certainly better than before. Thank you for taking care of me." Tsubaki politely bowed.
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Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #638 on: July 17, 2010, 07:56:17 PM »
Kira blushed slightly when Tsubaki wrapped his own jacket around him, but he treid to hide the redness on his cheeks, and coughed slightly placing one hand infront of his face. He was happy when Tsubaki turned her attention to his pokemon, all of which were happy that she spoke to them. The Ralts both teleported off his shoulders and appeared next to her. Prinplup stood next to Kira and just swayed slightly. Kira laughed at his pokemon's responses to Tsubaki, who also seemed quote amused, before she hopped backwards a few feet, to bow to him, and saying thanks.  There is no need to thank me. I only done what everyone else would of done if they seen you as you where. Also it was partially my fault that you fell unconcious, as i startled you just before you hit your head. Kira scratched the side of his face with one of his fingers, nervously. So i guess i'm sorry for suprising you as i did, Tsubaki.

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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #639 on: July 17, 2010, 08:04:07 PM »

Tsubaki looked at him, trying top remember the recent events, "--Ah! Don't worry about that... I was just a bit jumpy," She laughed, Anyway, what are you doing out here?" She asked, "--I mean, I know you can take care of yourself with your strong Pokemon," She looked at them and waved with a smile, "But um... What 'are' you doing out here?"

((I might have the egg hatch in one of the next 5 post's or something... 0w0? And post the time modifier.))
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #640 on: July 17, 2010, 08:05:30 PM »

Morning     Noon     Afternoon     Night


Sunny     Hot     Cloudy     Raining     Cold     Windy     Clear
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Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #641 on: July 17, 2010, 08:17:06 PM »
Kira smiled as his pokemon began to calm down slightly, both Ralts returning to his shoulders, and Prinplup standing still. Tsubaki asked him a question about why he was in the area, taking Kira a bit off guard, but it was understandable that she would ask a question like that. I ended up around here when i went off path while day dreaming. I was thinking about Dragonite, and wether the stories about Dragonites were true, as i want to end up with a Dragonite while i'm on my journey with my pokemon. Kagori knelt down next to Prinplup and placed his hand on its head as he finished the sentence.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #642 on: July 17, 2010, 08:31:50 PM »

Tsubaki tilted her head in question, "Dragon... ite?" She asked,

((Short post, damn... ._.))
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Offline ninja neb

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #643 on: July 17, 2010, 08:43:58 PM »
Kira looked puzzled when she didn't seem to know anything about Dragonite, he had always thought that Dragonite was one of the most well known pokemon out in the world. Kira leaned back to sit down next to Prinplup, as he started to explain Dragonite, and some of the stories that are around this pokemon. Dragonite is a dragon type pokemon, and a flying type. It is meant to be a pokemon of great size. It is bulky, yet despite this, they are very fast and agile. Orange in colour and with small wings that grow in size when it wants to fly. Many people have told stories of Dragonite being a pokemon that is dangerous, and that they are mean hearted, while other tell stories of Dragonites coming to rescue people, and kind hearted. They are rarely found in the wild, yet somehwere there is ment to be an island that is only inhabited by Dragonites. Kira explained this story to Tsubaki, finishing off the explaination with short sentence. That is one of the reasons why i became a trainer.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #644 on: July 17, 2010, 08:57:56 PM »

Tsubaki listened with the egg in her arms, "Hm... I haven't hear anything about Dragonite, but I am interested in a Pokemon named Dratini. It is the cutest thing ever..!" She began ranting every thing she has seen or heard about Dratini. She didn't know about its evolutions. She was far too interested in Dratini itself.
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