Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Profiles] A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0

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User Name: Drbg11
Character Name: Meguroco
Personality: An outgoing pokemon that can make friends easily.
What Pokemon: Meguroco
Bio: A female Meguroco that really wants to explore the world.
Age: Just hatched

Pokemon Trainer
User Name: Trainerx
Character Name: Soren
Personality: Will help anyone who needs it, but most of the time keeps to himself.
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Bio: When Soren was young, his father died. His mother died a couple weeks later. His father had been a very talented pokemon trainer, and he had wanted Soren to become a pokemon trainer. He has an older brother and sister, who take care of him. His sister has won many contests, and his brother has eight badges from Johto.


User Name: shadoheartless
Character Name: Rocky
Personality: Usually calm
What Pokemon: Poochyena
Bio: Golden Poochyena with amnesia
Age: 10 years, Level 5
Appearance: (Golden Poochyena)


User Name: Sneak4000
Character Name: Kyler
Personality: Aggressive, confident
What Pokemon: Charmander
Bio: this Charmander travels alone fighting other pokemon, though if he meets another pokemon who could be useful, he becomes allies with it.
Age: 14? Somewhere around that, at least...
Appearance: Sorry, I don't actually know how to draw a Charmander. So I colored one in from Google Images. It's colored dark on purpose.

Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Ruby (Kinchiona)
Character Name: Ruby
Personality: Shy, is only friendly to friends which she doesn't have :3
Starter Pokemon: Shinx  Nickname: Reimu
Bio: Ruby was given Reimu when she turned 11 by her parents for her birthday. She gave Reimu a lot of attention and they are best friends. Ruby is now out looking for people to adventure with and to battle and get stronger.
Age: 15


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