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[Profiles] A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0

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Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Mysterium
Character Name: LaLune
Personality: Shy, Mild-Mannered, yet fiercely loyal to those she cares about.
Starter Pokemon: Murkrow
Blackthorn City
Hoenn Region

Within the center of rocky caves and streams resides a small city. LaLune was born and raised in Blackthorn, home to the fierce dragon-type gym leader, Claire. When LaLune was little, she always would play away from the other children, alone and without a friend. Her temper never seemed to waver, as she stayed sweet, yet became shy as she strayed from the social part of life. After a few years had passed, she became determined to make something of herself- to go off and train a pokemon, much like the others in her city had done. Her only friend became a Murkrow she had found, often taking her leftover dinner to it as soon as the sun had set. She never thought of the Murkow as her pokemon, but as her friend. As their bond grew, she set off with it, to find her future.
Age: 19


PU Name: Reshiram-VS-Zekrom
Name: Flame

Profile Skeleton: Salamence
Bio: Flame has been wanted by Poachers, Trainers, and even Gym Leaders. He has never come close to being caught because he doesn't even let the Trainer or Poacher attack. Flame lets out quick bursts of fire then uses Dragon Claw quickly. He falls into traps very easily, then once he escapes goes on a rampage. His favorite food is a fruit found in deserts, and fresh tree leaves. He can fly at about 70MPH, making him a target for flying type trainers. The easiest way to beat Flame, is to trick him or use his favorite fruit as bait. He has only been knocked out by Ash and Brock.
Personality: Crass, Not So Bright, Clumsy, Strong, Cocky, and Cunning
Starting Location: The desert above Castelia City

(Thought I might try this out, it looks kinda fun!)

User Name: Darkstar64
Character Name: Hex
Personality: I'm a pokemon who is friendly to other pokemon, but hostile to trainers.
What Pokemon: Umbreon
Bio: I've been owned by one trainer, but abandoned by him too. I've been living among other pokemon in a forest divided by a path that goes straight through the middle of it. My best friend is a Pidgeotto, who tells me of the things he sees when he flies. Flying is one of my dreams. I don't tell anyone, but even though I'm hostile to trainers, my biggest dream is to find a new one who will take care of me.

(I couldn't find an image that looked like this without the gray markings on the back. Pretend those aren't there.)

User Name: The Fox
Character Name: Igneous
Personality: Igneous is a lonely pokemon who dreams of evolving. He doesn't like other pokemon and tends to stay away from people.
What Pokemon: Bagon
Bio:Igneous has been trying for 3 years to evolve, but can't seem to. After his last attempt to evolve he set out to find out why he cant.
Age:about 4 years

User Name: Shin21
Character Name: Larvesta (or whatever nickname the one that catches me gives me)
Personality: Shy, but serious in battle.
What Pokemon: Larvesta
Bio: Being born in the ruins of Relic Castle, she never were out of them until she one day came out, now she is a bit shy about everything while exploring the Unova Region but when in battle, she fights with all she has until she falls uncouncious.
Age: Young


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