Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Profiles] A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0

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Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Aura-Wolf
Character Name: Kiro
Personality: Kiro is a kind-hearted person who has a fiery determination. His strong will allows him to have a strong sense of justice. His intentions and heart is true; a very strong caring person towards Pokemon.
Starter Pokemon: Riolu

Bio: Kiro is an eager go-getter. In the years before he found his first Pokémon Riolu, he lived with his mother and father. His mother eventually left to pursue her dream in becoming a top Pokémon coordinator and Kiro's father, in secret, was an Aura Guardian. Everyone but his family did not know he was an Aura Guardian. Within Kiro's early years, he was taught how to develop a good aura and learned how to use it. Kiro, being an only child, he had a best friend named Tairou.

One day, before Kiro found Riolu, they went exploring in an area they were forbidden to venture. An Arbok attacked Tairou, deadly poison began to circulate through his body. Kiro carried his friend all the way home in a rush; eventually being sent to a hospital. In their efforts to save him, they failed and he passed away that day. As Tairou lay on his death bed, Tairou's wish was to see Kiro grow up to become the best he can be. Tairou wanted him to succeed and become a Pokémon master. In the midst of it all, Kiro appologized repeatedly and blamed himself for Tairou's tragedy. After that day, Kiro met Riolu; both having perfectly matched auras. Ever since then, Kiro planned to keep to that promise, his best friend's final wish. After Kiro turned ten, he left his hometown to start on his quest.

In the present day, he is now eleven and has two badges from the Unova Region and three badges from the Sinnoh Region. He has mainly been training alone with his Riolu in the past year. Along the way, he caught a Litwick, Electabuzz, and Deino.

Age: 11 (Had Riolu since 10).
Appearance: (He has darker brown hair with golden eyes like a Wolf.)

Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Lugiafan96
Character Name: Yamada
Personality: Bold
Starter Pokemon: Oshawott
Bio: A very bold, yet mysterious trainer that normally keeps things to himself. He loves Pokemon and has a dream to either be a breeder, or a pokemon master. When he was little his father and mother died in an accident, and was taken in by an orphanage/pokemon fostering home in his home town, Nimbasa City. He's now in New Bark Town to begin his journey.
Age: 14

Pokemon Trainer

Username: sdds1234
Name: Matt
Personality: Friendly, tricky, strategic, and smart.
Starter Pokemon: Turtwig
Bio: I am a funny guy who loves pokemon sense I was 3.
Age: 12

Pokemon Trainer

User Name: TheSolx
Character Name: Solar
Personality: Kind, Helpful, Determined
Starter Pokemon: Rhay Jr. (Rhyhorn)

Solar were born and raised in Violet Town. He have traveled Jotho, Kanto and Hoenn, and gathered a fair amount of badges (have not competed in any Leagues) and Pokes. His favorite type is Ground and he is often seen with his Rhydon, Rhay.

Age: 18
Something like this ^^

User Name: Meowth
Character Name: Evio
Personality: ...Um, angry when he encounters a dragon type, happy all the other times.
What Pokemon: Eevee
Bio: Evio's parents were killed by a dragon type pokemon when he was very young, so he has immense hatred all of them, he is now adventuring trying to beat any dragons he finds...usually failing.
Age: 1 year, yes he is already trying to fight dragons, and as i said failing and they can't bring themselves to kill him.



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