Entertainment > Japanese Entertainment

Code Geass (anime)

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1. Saw it on Adult Swim
2. Suzaku, and his little group, including the scientist, i also like Lulu though
3. Most of the student council people, aside from the red haired girl, Lulu, and Suzaku
4. Guren Mach II
5. I like them both but i choose Britannia

Not seen it yet but looks good its on my to do list need to finish up Bleach and Naruto first :D


--- Quote from: Deaglan on November 14, 2010, 08:49:07 PM ---Not seen it yet but looks good its on my to do list need to finish up Bleach and Naruto first :D

--- End quote ---
bleach and naruto aren't even done yet, so how can one finish them?

1. How did you find out about it?
A:Well I found out by watching a anime music video about it.
2. Who's your favourite character?
A:Lelouch of course! He's awsome with his power to control other people!
3. Who is your least favourite character?
A:The douchbag Charles, I mean, LOOK what he did to both japan AND Lelouches mother and sister!
4. Favourite Knightmare?
A:Lancelot is my favorite and i dont know why.
5. Britannia or Japan supporter?


--- Quote from: Lilliandil on October 26, 2010, 02:07:09 PM ---1. How did you find out about it?
A: By a friend
2. Who's your favourite character?
A: Lelouch! He's inteligent and so cool.
3. Who is your least favourite character?
A: Suzaku, he pisses me off
4. Favourite Knightmare?
Guren Nishiki
5. Britannia or Japan supporter?
I hail Lelouch!
--- End quote ---


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