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Author Topic: Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)  (Read 47855 times)

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« on: July 11, 2010, 01:56:10 AM »
"Organization Nexus, we are proud to have two new members enter in our quest to become whole, Mana and Zirene."

Today was my first day in Nexus, and I wasn't alone, Mana joined me on my journey to find my purpose.... I struggled to remember who I was when I was Human, but my memory was hazy. I decided since my first mission wasnt until tomorrow, Id better get some rest.
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 02:04:27 AM »

Mana stood quiet as she was being introduced into the organization. He was looking down at the ground, thoughts running through her head when she was a human, "Big sister! Hey, Mana!" She tried to ignore them, now she was a Nobody. "Wonder what starts tomorrow" She said, imagining the many things that would come.

((Unbreakable, you never answered that one Message... =3=))
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 02:07:05 AM by ChibiVampire »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2010, 03:34:58 AM »

Aura was in his room trying to feel but he knew it would just fail every time. He was new here and he just couldn't stop trying, he would be the newest member but those other newbies Mana and Zerene. He knew he had another mission tomorrow so he turned out his light and tried to sleep but he couldn't stop thinking about his old life.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2010, 04:09:54 AM »
"Mission #1: Target Practice"- Saix
"I need this a lot, where will the location be?"

"The Skyscraper of dreams, Teleport outside the castle, at the top of the structure, your task is to shoot targets, further and further away. The mission ends when you miss 2 times, Xaldin is going with you to make sure the data is accurate. I looked, "ha, that ones easy." *bolt* of course, another popped up.  after 7 targets in all, one popped up that would require more strength to hit. I focused, *ping* "Yes! another." I ended up hitting 11 in all. Then my RTC would bring rewards

"11 targets hit, not bad, for a newbie. Here you go."

((this is the part where I add my reward to the total.))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 04:51:36 AM »

((I take it that would be my first mission too? :P?))
Mana made her way to briefing, and then learned she was assigned for "Target Practice". She made her way to the location where the targets would appear. Mana wasn't one to use magic, so it was made into a "speed" test with a time limit and ground targets. Mana started her swings with a single arm, after the first target popped up and she ran straight to it. The target would fight back so there was no need to take precaution. She sliced it with a swing of her scythe. 2 more appeared, but it looked like they were made out of different material than the first one. She ran beside them, when she hit the second one the first one was already cut down. 3 more. Also with new material. "I see... "

Mana ran straight at it and held the her scythe with two hands this time, and made her way through the three, having to pull her scythe through them. 4 more. New material, "This isn't just a test of speed..." She whispered to herself, she made her way up to them, she wouldn't be able to cut them down so easily as the first one, so she had to hack them down one by one, wasting the time she had left. 5 more. New material. Mana was getting sick of the changing targets, but it was a test, so she had to ace it. She charged at 1 target, and then she jumped. "Ha!" She yelled as she came down, she sliced it in half, but she didn't stop there, she continued by grabbing the hitting her scythe with her palm so she could hit the second one, she span away from the first one, and came at the next one. 3 left. She jumped at the closest one, but unfortunately it wasn't as good a jump as she wanted. "Damn... finished with 12..."

She thought, before her scythe had landed. When it did, it barely made it an inch through. She yanked out her scythe and walked to the teleporter, "Wow... That wa--" "--I don't want to hear it..!" She cut someone off, It was someone that had to accompany her to mark her results. Mana, thinking she did terrible,  made it back to the organization, walking through the halls, and then she stopped. She fell against the wall dropping her scythe, with a sigh, and she sat down leaning against the wall. "Nice going, Mana..." She told herself.

((Theme song... :3))
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2010, 05:12:59 AM »
((Sorry in a rush, no picture, you should make an OOCC, tell me if I messed anything up.))

Aura woke up "I guess i'ts time for my first mission, I'm ready for the worst." Chaos made his way to the Target Practice place "Are you ready for your first mission?" "Yes, I can do it!" "Fine then...Begin!"

Aura ran to the first target and slashed it open at once, he jumped in the air and propelled himself off of a wall and slashed his Sword hitting three targets at once. He then jumped and spun around destroying two more "Wow this is easy." "Never underestimate an opponent!!!" "OK, but its just a target." "No everything is an enemy!" Aura hit another target, they got thicker though and it didn't make it through the first time, he sliced it again breaking it. He rushed across to the other target and sliced up another one, Aura hit one with his fist. It didn't finish it so he slashed it with his Sword. Aura threw his Sword knowing he was out of time at his target and it hit two more before hitting a wall, he ran over and grabbed it. "Time!" Saix shouted.

"You hit 10 targets..not terrible I guess." Aura panted "Here take this as a Reward" Saix threw something to Aura.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 01:58:58 PM »
((I added the rewards for training.
Lets stop OOCC please, Ill make a Post for that from now on.))

A Day Off

Today, Sa?x announced no missions would be conducted today. He didnt tell anyone why, but it didnt matter, we were free the whole day.

I decided to port to the Sky Scaper, for more target practice, There were 23 targets total. As before, the first 11 were easy. I relaxed, focused, and tightened my aim. 5 more than last time, 16 total... My "work" was done so I RTCd. After that, I spent the day with Mana and Aura.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 02:12:42 PM by Unbreakable »
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2010, 05:59:29 PM »

A day off was called, so Mana decided to spend what time she could training. But nothing with her scythe, She spend what time she could studying strategic books. She was learning a lot of new strategies and battle plans. In when she was about to leave she came across a chunky book on scythes and scythe strikes. It had some very interesting forms. Little motions that could drastically increase one thing or another. She took the book with her and made her way to the training field. After skimming the first few paragraphs in chapter one. "Chapter one is on speed, two is on flexibility, three..." She stopped, and then decided to take the training test again, the same from before.

Mana made it to the 5th set like before, but used the books knowledge. She moved her ankle to a certain point and then jumped. She jumped, not into the air, just alone the ground to add to her speed, "It really works..!" She said surprised, and came down with a force to continue from before. She kept using the same tactic, one after another the targets were cut after another,
  "Eleven.... Twelve.... Thirteen.... Fourteen..." She counted in her head, "Seventeen... Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty... And now for twentyo--" She stopped, during the last jump she was unaware of her standing, she stood on the Target. Something unstable, and is slipped, moving from under her feet. She came down, falling. "Aah--!" She hit the ground, scythe scraping the ground.

She sighed after getting up,
"At least I did better than last time..." She smiled. She stood up and made her way back to the Organization. There, she found a fellow new comer, Zirene.

((I don't see why out Characters can't like... Have a conversation with eachother  xP! Not just missions... xD! Oh... I'm sorry... Its not my Rp... Forgive me... :/))
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 09:07:30 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2010, 09:39:08 PM »

Aura woke up, "My arms are kinda sore from slashing my sword around yesterday." Aura walked down the Hall and heard Saix call a Day off. "Hm, A day off, that doesn't happen very often." But Aura decided not to worry about it. He went over to the Training Place, obviously to train. "I've never been here but Saix said this is another place to train."

Nobodies came out, He got his weapon ready and started slashing them. First it was basic regular Nobodies but then they started getting tougher, Aura had to work harder but he was glad, he liked being strong and this was helping him. He was almost done, "This is too easy, but I'd better not say that. It could always get harder if I jinx it"

But then three Dragoons came out,  "Apparently I did Jinx it, I guess these are the Final Bosses." Aura ran at the first Dragoon stabbing it with the tip of his sword. He pulled it out and hit it again with his Sword. The Dragoon threw its weapon at Aura but it flew past barely scraping Aura's arm. He sliced it once more finishing it.

Aura moved onto the next one, out of breath but still fighting this time Aura grabbed the tip of his Sword so that the place where his arm usually is was now in the air. Then he hit the Dragoon in the head with it. Now it was unconscious, Aura then sliced it where its heart was supposed to be and thought he had finished it. But it got back up, Aura threw his sword at it finishing it "Wow, this is harder then I thought"

He ran onto the final one Aura walked back a few feet, stuck his sword in the ground and jumped on it and then into the air. "There, a little extra air time." Aura landed on top of the monster but It was only hurt, not dead. Aura spun around and jabbed Dragoon with his elbow and then he stabbed it and finished it off.

"OK so that 7 Dusks, 2 Creepers, and 3 Dragoons." As Aura was walking around he noticed Mana and Zirene. He spend the rest of the day with them.

((Sorry for the long post guys, next day off i'll just not train at all, I just wanted so bad too fight a Dragoon.))

« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 10:32:29 PM by LucarioX »
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2010, 06:16:40 AM »

Mana saw standing in the hall, She was deeply into the book she had found. "Chapter two... Flexibility..." She said out loud but then continued in her head, "'A scythe in a way resembles a spear. You can use the wrist of your hand as a center of your attacks. A scythe is curved for reasons involving it can be spun to create slashes, or gashes.'" "Oh... I see..." Another way of flexibility is movement. Depending on what your hand placements are you can manually push your scythe back up, and then down at your opponent. This being the curve of the blade. You can also move yourself with the scythe, adding your own force with the Scythe. The book came with examples on every page. Images what went step by step showing that the proper techniques were. Mana was lost in the book. Learning all the knowledge it held. And she wasn't that far in.

"'Scythes, with the curving blade, are used for multiple hits, instead of just one at a time. Another good skill would be to attack from bottom to top. If your hands are in the correct position,--'" Mana started to examine the example next to it, the hands were under the scythe bringing it up by force. "'then the form would be very effecting against unsuspecting opponents. Mana flipped the page onto the next, but she was surprised at the first sentence, Nothing says you should rely solely on the scythe itself, the user must be well adapt with physical combat. Since your hands would be busy with the scythe, it would be best to learn how to fight with your legs and feet. Not only would this form increase your reflex, but with your scythe as well. Mana closed the book, and sighed. Just on time Aura arrived and joined up with her and Zirene, "Oh... Good evening Aura, how has your day been..?" She smiled, facing him.

((I'm trying to get Mana to be able to learn the Scythe skills... In This... xP! Not all of it... Just... The non blue energy attack, but the form yes. :3 ))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 06:57:06 AM »

"Pretty good, I trained all day so far and then came here. So you guys are the too latest people here right? Mana and Zirene?" Aura noticed the book Mana was holding, "What is that, Aura looked at it, "Oh a book for Scythe-users? Yea I was going to get a Scythe but the I decided on my Sword" Aura pulled it out. "So what have you two did all day?"

((Sorry about the short post Chibi, I didn't really know what to say without asking Questions))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2010, 08:22:23 PM »

Mana smiled and laughed, "Well you passed up something great!" She said, "I have been... Reading... Its not really as boring as you think," She teased. She put the book away, she wouldn't have time to read now that Aura has come around. But she didn't mind. When she pulled her hand back she noticed something was missing from her wrist. Then her mind was racing, "Did I misplace it? Did I forget it?" Questions racing through her head, "Uh... Excuse me..." She quietly said walking off.

When she turned the corner where they couldn't see her, she ran. She ran all the way into her quarters. When she first came in, she turned on the light, seeing how perfect her room was. Mana knew what she was looking for, but she couldn't find it anywhere. She looked through the drawers and on the shelves. She sat down on her bed with a sigh of defeat. She lied down, her head hitting the pillow, when she landed on something hard. She got up, looked over, and picked it up. She smiled to find it was a black bracelet. A poorly made one. Mana put it on,
"Big sister! Hey, Mana!" Ran through her head, louder. She sighed again, but then just walked outside her room, scythe in her hands. And bored with nothing to do.

((If you watct... this the reason Maka is being stupid, is because the madness... xP))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2010, 09:01:21 PM »

Aura was getting worried about Mana "She's been gone a long time. I hope she is okay. I'd better go make sure she is alright..." Aura figured she was probably in her room because she said '"Did I misplace it? Did I forget it?"' and then left. "Yeah, if she lost something it is probably in her room, I'll check there first."

He was closer to her room but still not there when he saw some black figures in the distance, "What are those things?" They got a little closer "Wait are those.....Heartless!!" they cornered him and he fought off a few. But then they got stronger and Aura was still weak from his battle with all those nobodys. Aura became unconsious, he knew he was still alive but he was in a lot of pain...

((Again, not very good at long posts...))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2010, 10:01:00 PM »

Mana heard a creak, standing she quickly checked in her room. "--What!?" She jumped when she found 3 heartless shadows around her bed, and two Gigas Shadow by her dresser, "They shouldn't be here..!" She said loudly, but that attracted their attention, and they all attacked her at once. Mana was able to block them all the the pole of her scythe. After a second the five of them were able to make Mana take a few steps back, but it was going with her plan. After there was room to attack, Mana pushed them all back and slice at their waist. Or what seemed like it.

After that she ran down the hall where she was able to find Aura,
"Aura! she called out. With her yell 3 shadows turned around and started to attack her. She noted that they were attacking too recklessly. She easily jumped over them, and swiped at their backs. She faced the rest and saw they still had their attention on Aura, Mana decided to use what the book had taught her. Using one hand, she spun the scythe. She had the position right for a while, but she quickly lost control, and it fell out of her hands. It landed with a loud clank, and now the heartless' attention was on her. They quickly surrounded her, leaving Aura unattended to.

Mana quickly reached for her scythe, but was beaten by one of the Heartless. She gasped at the surprise. She tried to pull the scythe out of its hands, but it was too strong. And then a shadow from behind her came in for an attack. Mana barely saw it and she had just enough time to dodge by jumping to the side. She didn't jump away, she was still holding on to her scythe that was being forced onto the ground.
"' Nothing says you should rely solely on the scythe itself, the user must be well adapt with physical combat. Since your hands would be busy with the scythe, it would be best to learn how to fight with your legs and feet. Not only would this form increase your reflex, but with your scythe as well.'" She remembered what it said in the book, "Whoever wrote that must be a scythe genius!" Mana said out loud, while she was still in the air, she moved her legs into a kicking position, was smacked her leg into the Heartless' neck. She wasn't really good at physical combat, but it was enough to send away the heartless.

She took her scythe, but she was still surrounded by many heartless. She knew she wouldn't be able to win.
"The heartless are getting... Stronger...I can't make it to Aura..." She thought, examining the enemies around her. "Unless..." She thought. She took a running start in the little room she had, and pressed the pole of her scythe down onto the ground, where she pole vaulted over the ring of enemies. She made it out, and by Aura, but before the heartless could be able to attack, she took his hand, and started to run down the hall, "Come on!!" She yelled out to him.

((Fun, fun... :P))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2010, 10:33:08 PM »

Aura faintly saw Mana fighting Heartless, but it was all a blur. The Heartless had hurt him pretty bad, but he noticed that he hadn't broken any bones. Aura came back into consciousness and saw Mana on the floor, Aura tried to go help, but was still a little to dizzy. He tried again closer this time but still not up. Then he saw Mana start kicking "Must be from that book..." Aura said in a whisper, not on purpose but his voice hadn't came all the way back to him yet. Then Mana made an extraordinary Pole-Vault over the Heartless. "Whoa..." His voice was back but he didn't think Mana had heard him.

She grabbed him by the Arm pulling him of the ground and shouting "Come on" at him. This did bring him back into full consciousness though. "Nice Pole-Vault over there." Aura turned around and started running instead of being pulled. They ran into more Heartless at a hallway though. But the other ones were a little behind, they both started attacking the 4 Neoshadows blocking their path. Aura grabbed the first Neoshadow by the Ear and stabbed it in the chest, and turned around to the next one and threw it in the air, slicing it in mid-air. But the two Novashadows came out of no where. Aura didn't know how Mana was doing but he knew he would need some help.
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