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Author Topic: Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)  (Read 47859 times)

Offline Naoko

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #105 on: July 20, 2010, 10:57:01 PM »

~ Rani ~

Rani turned and nodded to the captain. She hesitated before stepping into the projector, thinking about what to say. It didn't have to be anything special, just a short introduction. Something that would let people know who she was. She turned as she heard Kagori talking. She smiled and bowed to him. He seemed like a nice person to be partners with. Taking a deep breath, Rani stepped inside the projector. When the captain turned it on, she said her introduction.

Hello, everyone. I'm Rani, and I'm your new team member of the Zero Alliance. I hope we'll get to work together on different assignments. I'm sure we're strong enough to do whatever we need to do. We'll make sure we succeed...That's really all I have to say. I hope to see you all soon. Good-bye for now. She bowed as she finished her intro and stepped out of the projector, giving a relieved sigh that the intro was done with. She never liked talking to people that much, but she loved becoming good friends with them. She waited for her next order.

Offline ninja neb

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #106 on: July 22, 2010, 01:54:05 AM »
Sir, how are my requests coming through, and since we now have Rani, i think it would be best if we returned to the Armarda and biult a new ship, that could house all 3 of us. This ship is too small and we need to refit it for both Kuro and Rani.
Yes, good point. Alright return to the armarda, i shall make the order for the new ship. Good day sir, i shall prepare the ship for the portal. Kagori left the hologram chamber, with the captains holo still in place. Kagori didn't head to the cockpit as he tried to make the captiain believe, he headed straight to Mana. Walking through the corridors, he opened up a holo to check where they were. Just outside portal range from the world that never was, good. Placing his hand against the wall, Kagori opened a portal to go into the captive cell where Mana was being held. Jumping through the portal, he closed it and prepared to open up a new one, just when the map in his other hand told him they had just hit portal range. Turning to Mana, Kagori spoke. Mana, its time for you to go. I am going to open a portal, and i need you to jump through it, and not look back. Kagori checked the map, the ship had just hit portal range and now was motionless again. Kagori forced the portal open to the place where he had first meet her, and waited for her to jump through it.

(sorry for being so breif, i'm not exactly in good posting condition and i wont be on after friday until sunday-monday >_>. Naoko, if you want to post, you can have Rani talk with the captain :) )
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 03:15:11 AM by ninja neb »

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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #107 on: July 22, 2010, 02:13:31 AM »

Mana watched as the portal was created beside her. She looked at it solemnly. She stepped in front of it, but didn't enter right away. She turned, looking at Kagori, "... If you want to finish that pizza before it goes to waste... You should reheat it..." She said, with a sad smile on her face. Her eyes started to get teary, but before Kagori could see the tears she was shedding she quickly made her way though the open portal.
     The portal felt like a tunnel that was consuming her. It may have just taken a second, but it felt like more to her. Even if she didn't look back at all, but her eyes often dwelled trying to find something. Soon enough she was back at Hollow Bastion. She made her way out of the portal on her side, and fell to the ground with a thump. "Oof--!" She went. She picked and dusted herself off. Walking through the gardens of Hollow Bastion. "Same as when I left... Just... Some signs of... Combat?" She asked. She shook her head and continued walking.
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Offline Naoko

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #108 on: July 22, 2010, 02:48:38 AM »
~ Rani ~

Rani stood and watched Kagori leave. She gave a small sigh, thoughts running through her mind once again. This happened a lot whenever she was in a new place with new people. She decided to see if maybe some of her questions could be answered. It would make he feel mre comfortable with being on the team. She turned to the captain and said, "Sir, if it is no bother, I'd like to ask some questions..."

((Short, so no pic. Thanks, ninja! I'm going to be gone from Saturday to Sunday because I'm going to a friend's house, so it's okay. :))))

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #109 on: July 22, 2010, 10:32:41 PM »

"We used to be Keyblade Wielders?" Aura slowly remembered his past...or at least part of it "Wait, like Zirene said, we have to fight ourselfs in Human Form. How do we do that, how can we beat ourselfs?" "I need to get this off my mind right, Zirene." Aura saw he had left. "Oh he probably went on a mission. "I guess I should do the same..." Aura left to go get a Mission from Saix.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #110 on: July 24, 2010, 04:08:17 PM »
I felt Mana's presence was in reach, so i went to Hollw Bastion, I knew it, she was there, walking through the Garden.
Mana! Hey, we missed you... we were diappointed we couldnt save you, are you ready to come home?
I looked, and as I said this, I felt a pain surge through my head.
AAAHHH!!!! Mana, you have been through a lot, havent you? I feel a lot of emotional pain inside you. I developed this ability when we were looking for you. Come home, and tell us what you went through.
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Offline YouHearThat

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #111 on: July 25, 2010, 05:09:11 AM »

Kuro got to the holo room to check up on Kagori, but didn't see a soul insight. "Maybe he's doing something else" Kuro thought. Kuro stood there for a second, thinking. He was thinking about if he should check on Mana but then his stomach started to rumble again. Kuro remembered there was still some slice of pizza left that he could eat. Kuro rushed to the kitchen, he stopped when he got to the table with the pizza. Kuro licked his lips in hunger, he picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite. Still the same taste but a little colder than what it was before. Kuro couldn't care and he continued to eat the cold slice of pizza.
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Offline Naoko

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #112 on: July 27, 2010, 04:00:04 PM »
~ Rani ~

The captain had turned around and answered a few of her questions, which made her more comfortable and interested in the alliance. So, there were a few other members with Kagori being one of them. The missions she would be getting in the future seemed to be tougher than she expected. It only made her smile though, because a challenge was always something that made her really excited. But Rani was a smart girl, so she'd hopefully be able to figure out whatever she needed to with the help of the others. Giving thanks, Rani walked out of the room and wandered around a little. There was something she would be able to do before the new ship came in. She walked around looking at different rooms. Curiosity simply got the best of her. I wonder where everyone else could be at this point, she thought to herself. She shrugged and continued exploring, thinking about many different things as always.

Offline ninja neb

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #113 on: July 28, 2010, 01:01:54 AM »
Kagori watched as she jumped through the portal, he smiled slightly that he had let her escape him, but now that she was gone, he had to get out of the portal range before any of XIII or Nexus managed to baord his ship through portals. He would have a hard time fighting them off, and he had no idea where Kuro was, or what his fighting capabilities were. Still, Kagori already had opened up a hologram, and was telling the a.i to slip out of portal range once again. After he finished plotting the course, Kagori left the captive cell, and headed towards the cockpit. The route he chose to take took him right past the kitchen, which he noticed Kuro, once again, sitting at the table, eating the pizza. Although the pizza should be cold, Kuro still was taking chunks out of the slice. Kuro, we are heading back to the Armarda. I'm going to the cockpit to take over from the a.i. I suggest you hold onto something before we hit lightspeed, we don't want to arrive at the armarda with you in the corner, squashed into a plub. It will be a hell of a mess to clean up and also alot of paper work to file. Kagori left the kitchen and carried on to the cockpit. As soon as he entered it, he was bathed in holographic light, giving him numerous reports of different systems activating, deactivated, and a speed meter was next to the pilots seat. As he took his seat, Kagori checked all the systems, making sure everything was running fine. Kagori opened up the secuirity systems, making sure that nothing had entered the ship without his permission, finding the ships a.i. report of when Kuro had entered the ship. Changing the hologram to a star chart, he used it to plot a course to the Armarda's chosen portal entrance. He then set the a.i. to automaticly send a request to the Armarda, so that they would open the portals so he could return to the Armarda. Sighing, Kagori sat back in his seat. Man, so many things to check. Good job i got the a.i. to help me. I wonder if Rani or Kuro can pilot a ship? 

Made by the awesome Tealize

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #114 on: August 02, 2010, 01:09:52 AM »

A man crashed into a field. He had wings, and was wearing jet black armor. His long hair was the same color. Seconds later, a spear landed, shimmering, brilliant blue in color, and dug into the ground next to him. It was several hours before he woke, with no memory of what had happened or where he was.

"What the hell? Where am I?"

His eyes turned the the spear, he gripped it's handle, and saw a name carved into the bottom. 'Myrrh'

"..Must be me. I'm Myrrh? Whatever, it'll do."

Offline YouHearThat

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #115 on: August 28, 2010, 04:00:59 AM »

Kuro had finished off his slice after Kagori left the kitchen. Kuro grabbed a napkin that was laying right next to the pizza, he wiped his hands with it and got up from the table. Kuro then searched for pole or something to hold on to when they hit lightspeed, he did not want to look like one messed up bowl of soup. Kuro searched until he came upon the bathroom, it had everything like a regular bathroom but there a water big pipe attached from the floor to the ceiling, probably to provide water to the toilet or shower. Kuro stomach rumbled and it was due to hungar, he had to do what every man does after eating for a while. "mhmm get two things done at once" Kuro thought. Kuro closed the bathroom's door and headed in to do some "business" while holding on to the pipe that was close by.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #116 on: September 15, 2010, 01:37:44 AM »

The Preceding Posts are a Part of this RP before it was Reset, I am leaving them for sentimental reasons, You as a User may Read them if you wish, but do not refer to these posts in any way on This RP.

Thank you and Happy RPing
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.