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Author Topic: Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)  (Read 47857 times)

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2010, 11:45:31 PM »

Mana stopped and stood back to back with Aura, she was fighting two neoshadows on her side. Only one attacked at first. She quickly examined its movements and saw all she had to do was simply step to the side. When it started to pull its arm back, Mana decided to attack, "'If your hands are in the correct position, 'then the form would be very effecting against unsuspecting opponents.'" Mana placed her closer hand above, and the other below the scythe. She pulled the closer hand down, and pushed the other upwards, to slice through the first Neoshadow. The other one was more tricky, now that it knew she could attack that way.

Mana ran to the side, and then jumped at it, but the shadow knew she would, it quickly swung its arm and hit her right in the stomach, and Mana coughed, the air getting knocked out of her. She was sent flying and impacted into the wall,
--Gah!!" She cried, and fell to the ground. Her breathing was faint as she tried to get up. She was on her knee clutching her stomach as the neoshadow was closing up to her. When it ws in range it swung its arm, Mana quickly jumped towards the shadow while it was distracted. Mana was able to slice through the waist, but she fell to the ground soon after.

She tried to see what was happening with Aura,
"He still has... Two more..." She thought. Mana tried to get up. One limb at a time. When she finally was able to breathe, and stand on her own she made her way to Aura. The shadows were still distracted, focused on Aura. She jumped spinning her scythe and brought it down on one of the shadows. She sliced through, but not enough to defeat it, "'Scythes, with the curving blade, are used for multiple hits, instead of just one at a time.'" She finally remembered. After the scythe sliced out, she brought it under and then over her arm, bringing it back for a second attack. She defeated it, but she was still hurt from the impact from before.

((This is way different than what I wanted to post... =3=...))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2010, 12:55:23 AM »
Kagori had been watching the entire scene, in the shadows where nobody would see him. He watched, and he took mental notes of all the heartless. Thier appearance, strength, fighting style, everything he saw, he made notes off. The heartless fought recklessly, as if they were nothing but mere animals, not thinking about how they should fight, instead it appeared that they were fighting from pure instinct. That kind of battle stlye would not be so worrying, if it wasn't for the fact that they attacked in packs, never alone, and thier brute force made up for the lack of logic in the battle style. Truely a troublesome opponent, if you was ever caught alone or off guard, like the two infront of him now. The heartless attacked them both while they were alone, and now they were together, they desperatly were trying to force them apart. Maybe they do have some kind of logic after all. The two from the organization, now watching these two fight amused Kagori. Thier moves where sluggish, must be rookies. Still they where handling the heartless quite well, so they must have some power, even if they are still fighting from what they learned, and not came up with. As he stood, Kagori readied his bow, placing an arrow onto the string, maybe he could finish off the pair, then the heartless.

Kagori watched, motionless as the pair dispatched heartless after heartless. Even though only four heartless had led the attack, and then two more showed up, bigger and stronger then the other four, only one remained. And neither of the organization looked like they had the strength needed to battle on. This was the perfect time to strike, if Kagori was as cold as his superiors told him to be. But as he brought the bow up, the arrow flashing as it caught some light, pulling back the arrow until the bow began to bend, he hesitated to fire it. He had a perfect moment to kill them, and he could not take the shot. Something held him back, and it wasn't fear. He felt sorry for the two. What a way for thier stories to end, an arrow piercing them, killing them, just as they managed to fight off a bunch of heartless. Still he had the arrow readied, and if he let it go, it would have to hit something. Then Kagori turned to the one thing he has forgotten. The heartless, it stood over the male, and looked like it was ready to kill him off. Closing his eyes, inhaling then exhaling, Kagori stepped into the light, then fired the arrow. The arrow pierced the heartless's left claw, then a second pierced the right. Finally a third arrow pierced through its head, sending it flying down the corridor.

Kagori placed his bow on his back, and smiled softly. He was glad that he was alone for this mission, otherwise he'll be facing a death charge for treason, Saving the lifes of an enemy that he was only ment to be scouting out. Bringing up a single hand and placing it to his right hand side, on the wall, he made a portal that would take him back to his scout ship. Turning to face it, Kagori placed one foot inside of it, then turned to the nexus people. They both where looking in his direction, unfortunatly. That means that they both knew that he was there, and they both knew something wasn't right. He quickly flashed a smile towards them before jumping into the portal, and landing in his ship. Turning his head back to the portal, he raised his hand again, and closed it. Kagori considered himself lucky that they didn't have the strength to follow him through the portal, otherwise he would be dead for certian. Jumping into the pilots seat of the ship, Kagori headed away from the world, a world that looked like it was only half complete, just has the reports said it would look. After he got a safe distance away from the world, Kagori sighed, reaching out for the left computer panel, pressing a button then flicking a switch, to activate the stealth and invisiblity mode. Leaning back into the chair, he closed his eyes, knowing that he wouldn't be found, and thought of what just occured. And how he managed to get to where he was now.

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2010, 01:42:52 AM »

-Aura- Theme Song for Aura
Aura and Mana saw an Arrow fly in between them and pierce the last Novashadow in the left claws, then another arrow hit it in the right and then a final arrow pierced it in the head and threw in down the corridor. "What just happened! Who did that!" Aura looked around, and then looked at Mana who was looking  at the Man who had done this. "He was going to hit us, he isn't on our side! He's not a Nobody!" but the Man couldn't hear him from the sound of the portal he had just created with his arm "Wait...what is he!" But before he could ask anymore questions Aura fell to the ground from the fatigue of all the fighting. The man jumped into the portal Aura noticed from his new position on the ground. The person waved, oddly enough, back out to Aura and Mana. Then he was gone.

Aura was still conscious just now he was on the floor, so so confused. "If he came here for us and accidentally shot that Heartless or whatever he did, then he is probably going to come back...OW!" Aura was still in a lot of pain. "Mana what do you think about this guy? You haven't really talked yet."

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2010, 08:40:49 AM »

Mana still kept an eye out for anything dangerous, Mana heard a creek and swung her scythe downwards right above her, symmetrically slicing a mere Shadow, "Huh? Oh what? Sorry... I was just thinking about the guy with the arrows. She laughed. She turned around after a second thinking. After the questions in her head had an answer faced Aura, "Um... I don't really think that stranger was trying to attack 'us'... More like save us... The arrows were aimed too precisely... So... I don't think he's a bad guy... She said to him, trying to change his thoughts. She turned to where the portal was created, and where he made his way. "Thank you..." She said smiling, "What am I saying... It's not like he can hear me... She laughed, "Come on, lets get some rest..." Mana said back to Aura. She made her way back to her room, where the Shadows completely ruined her room. Mana sighed, spending most of the night tidying up her room. When she finally was able to sleep, she only had 6 hours of sleep. All she needed was 5.

((Oh... The exp stats... ;_;))
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 06:44:20 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2010, 08:42:06 PM »

-Aura- Theme Song for Aura

Aura was up at his room too. But he couldn't stop think about what he and Mana had said. "We need to figure out who's side that guy is on. He could be an Ally or he could be an enemy. It just doesn't seem like he was a Heartless, Nobody or Keyblade Wielder, so what is he...I don't know but I need to get some sleep."
Aura turned over and tried to go to sleep but he could never do that when something was on his mind. He sat up. "Maybe Mana's right, those arrows were aimed kinda precisely...maybe he just happened to be there at the right moment, but that still doesn't answer my last question, but we can ask the guy if he comes back." Aura again tried to go to sleep, but this time he managed to.
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2010, 09:27:53 PM »
Now, listen up Kagori. This is your first mission. One of many if the figure heads see your potential. So make sure you don't fail. You are to go to the world that never was, and you are going to scout out that place. You are to repport back everything, every tiny detail, person, creatue. We already have gathered alot of information from other recon units, but we believe they may of missed something. You are going to find out what this something is. You are going to find the head quaters of Organization Nexus.
Organization Nexus, sir?
Yes, we already know the name, and the the world where they have their base of operations, we just have located this HQ.
I will do my best, sir.
I know you will, son, now a word of warning. This organization isn't the only thing we are up against. It seems that there are a number of fractions, constantly fighting against each other. One fraction is a small group of people, who use a special type of weapon, a Keyblade its called. The weapon is strange in design, and not much else is known.
So i guess you want me to scout out these people who use keyblades aswell? Sir.
No, focus on Nexus. And wait until i finish my briefing before you ask questions Kagori.
Yes sir, sorry sir.
Another fraction are creatures known as the heartless. These are dangerous creatures and we have no intel on how they came into existance. The way they fight is a new style to us, so if you ever encounter these creatures, be carefull, and gather as much intel as you can. They are easily identifible by the hole in thier chests. There are many variations of this creature. Then there are the nobodies. These seem to be controlled by Nexus, and a second organization called organization thirteen. It seems Nexus and Thirteen are linked somehow, but we have no idea how. The nobodies are also linked in with the Heartless, we don't how, but it seems when the Heartless appeared, so did the Nobodies, and then organization thirteen showed up, then Nexus. All of these are linked somehow. But that link is something we shall discover over time, and not part of the mission given to you. Kagori, a ship has been prepared for you, and you will be briefed about the ship by the techs who biult it. Listen well, good luck. Dismissed.

Kagori saluted the captain of the 68th fleet, a man who had taught him everything he knew about war. Turning on his heels, Kagori made his way to the docks, where a transport shuttle waited for him. On the shuttle, Kagori was told about how his ship has been developed to suit his needs for recon. It had stealth and cloaking biult into the systems, and had room to hold two captives for intel gathering and interrogation. It had rest rooms, and a small armoury, which held a small number of bows, an assortion of arrows, and a number of outfits, tailered to his size, for different missions. Then he was told how to operate all of the systems, since it was a ship designed to be handled by a single pilot, the systems would be simplified and compressed so the pilot wouldn't have to move around much to reach the control panels. He was thankful that he had taken pilot lessons a for a few years before he was selected to be one of the recon units, otherwise he would be lost with all of the tech talk that was going on around him. Finally, after what had felt like a decade, Kagori had reached the armarda. The empress really has outdone her self with the armarda. No other leader had managed to gather a force of this size, in all of the Zero Planes history. Landing on one of the small carriers, Kagori was escorted onto his ship.

Walking around the cockpit, Kagori took in the sight. His very own ship, paid by the empress herself, made to suit his needs, and fitted with everything he needed to make sure that his mission was accomplished. Sitting down in the only seat, Kagori opened up the main computer, looking through all the co-ordinates to see if he could find anywhere that Nexus's main base would be located. The captian had taught him all about finding anomalies in data, and he had grown quite adept at it since his time in the recon squad. Suddenly a big hologram appeared in front of the seat, behind the main control panel. Moving the panel to the side and standing up, Kagori saluted to the person in the hologram. Kagori, hello, I am Admiral Hunker, head of the 1st invasion fleet. I am going to tell you now that as soon as you leave the carrier, you are going to be alone. If you get attacked, we will not help you, if you get captured we will not rescue you. If you die, we will not come for your body. As soon as you leave, you are independent, alone. We have already input the co-ordinates for the world that never was. You set sail in 10, good luck. Admiral Hunker, out. Kagori sighed and sat back down into his chair. He was alone after taking off, and this was his first mission. No pressure.

Kagori moved out of the cockpit to search around the ship. He first went to the armoury, to check out just what he was given. Opening all of the weapon boxes, he found a small collect of short bows, all of which where made of a different matieral to give each one a certian strength, even though short bows where for medium range combat, one of the collection caught his eye, as it was one of his own designs, and not militarily produced. It was made of a flexible metal, and the bow was edged on the outside, so if Kagori was caught in a close range battle, he would be able to defend himself. Moving away from the bows, he opened the rack that held two dozen quivers, all filled with arrows. All the arrows where mass produced military design, so they where reliable, and could deal some damage. Moving onto the outfits, many of them where just like his own clothes, just made from different matierals, and coloured different. Suddenly, an over head voice sounded through out the ship. T-1 minute for take off, please take your seats. Kagori, closed all off the compartments which held the bows, arrows and outfits, and made his way back to the cockpit. Not ten seconds after he strapped himself in, the engines on his ship started up. The hatch doors opened up, shining a light into the cockpit, and then the sling that his ship was attached to flew out of the hatch, taking his ship with it. As he took off, a portal appearred infront of him, one which took him right to the world that never was. That was only one day ago

Kagori opened his eyes, he must of nodded off. Reaching for the control panel infront of him, he searched around the ships information banks. He had found Nexus's base, or at least, the sleeping quarters. He thought that he had best compile all of the information that he had gathered on the heartless, and on the two people that he had encountered during his recon operation. Tapping away at the panel, a hologram popped up over the panel, informing him of that he had just recieved new orders. Finishing inputing all the data he had gathered, he opened up the new orders that he has been given. He never thought he would recieve an order like this already, but there was not alot he could do. Closing the message, Kagori opened up a combat simulater. Using the data he had gathered on the two nexus people, he staged a fake battle between him and them, trying to find out which would be the best way of capturing at least one of them. He spent a good two hours, testing and testing, but with the limited data he had on them, he couldn't come up with a complete plan. Lets when Kagori decided to make his way to the world known has Hollow Bastian. Still in stealth and cloaked mode, he piloted his ship to the world. He searched for a location that was deserted, desolate, and that would be perfect for a small scale battle, and when he finally found it, he opened up a portal to it. Switching the ship into auto-pilot Kagori jumped through the portal. He now stood in a town square, completely open and deserted. Knowing that what he was about to do would attract attention, Kagori set of a distress beacon, hoping that someone who wasn't to high a rank would show up.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 09:39:27 PM by ninja neb »

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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2010, 10:01:07 PM »

Mana woke up with a yawn, stretching. She rolled out of the covers, changing, and did what needed to be done every morning. She picked up her scythe, handing it over her back and walked down the hall. "All the heartless are gone... I guess the others took care of them..." Mana told herself. She made her way to get another mission. When she received it, "Hollow... Bastion..?" Mana asked, "Eh, yes. There have been many reported Heartless sightings, and we would like to send you and another to take care of that problem." "Another..?" "That is up to you to decide..." Mana walked out and into the halls thinking about the mission, "So all we have to do is defeat all the Heartless..? Seems too easy... They aren't telling me something... Anyway... Who should I bring along? Zirene..? No... If there are too many not even my speed would be enough. So that leave Aura... He is pretty reliable... Well... Until I find him, I'll be reading up..." Mana said, pulling out the book on scythes. But instead of reading where she left off, the skipped to the back. "'In the end, when a scythe user is about to take to final steps into mastering their weapon, there is a terrible crosswalk the user must go through. One road leads down to learning the 'Weapon Themselves' path. A very powerful skill, but can only be used on certain conditions that vary from user to user. The user will he allowed to summon scythe blades from their body at will. [spoiler]((Example))[/spoiler] Another road would be the 'Black Blood Madness' path. This form would be the most fragile, and the user would be able to use this at will. This skill has its drawbacks. The mind would click into madness, and the user would be lost in the madness being able to watch, and remember what the madness has done. The user loses their sense on what is right, or wrong. The users blood becomes black as long as they use this, and with the black blood it becomes hard as iron, and they wouldn't feel any psychical pain what so ever. The user also becomes hysterical by the madness, and wouldn't be able to control their actions as when they are in control of their own mind. The user would be lost in their own mind, but if they have enough will power they can be able to click back into themselves, dispelling the madness from their mind This form should never be used by a novice, they would be consumed by madness. [spoiler]((Example Example2))[/spoiler] And the last one would be 'Painful Rage'. If there would be a great emotional pain the user has suffered, Losing someone close to them, then the user passes into this form. They would attack recklessly, Without control, and non-stop. This is the simplest form, but its simpleness would be its strength. [spoiler]((Example))[/spoiler] Mana closed the book with a sigh. Putting it away. "Who knew scythe users had it so hard... Mana found Aura's room. She leaned against the wall, waiting for Aura to come out, so she could tell him about their newest mission.
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2010, 10:17:00 PM »

-Aura-Theme Song for Aura
Aura woke up, but didn't really want to get up, but he knew he had to. So he did it the simplistic way possible, and he rolled himself off of the bed. "Ow!" He said hitting the hard floor. "Well that defiantly isn't the most mature way but, if you want to get out of bed I guess it works." Aura was never the tidiest person, but he wasn't really messy either. But he never made he bed or at least put it off most of the time. "I'll do it later today." Aura got his clothes on. He went to his bathroom and splashed hot water in his face, it always got him awake. He was about to walk out his door..."Oh, my sword!" He ran over to his Bed and grabbed it. "I knew something was missing." He walked out of his room and noticed Mana outside his door, "Oh good morning Mana."
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2010, 10:28:19 PM »

"Weapon Themselves... Black Blood Madness... Painful Rage..." Mana kept running the final options through her mind, but then they were suddenly interrupted, --Ah! Aura, I have a mission for you and I, we go on a Hearless extermination..!" She smiled, she explained what needed to be explained, and then made her way to Hollow Bastion with Aura.

"... Black Blood Madness..."
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2010, 10:38:19 PM »
((Just a note, Nexus weapons are Part of your "being." If you lose it, you can call it back. Then you can also hide it.))

"I have heard that you have been Slacking lately, Zirene. I dont want to hear this again. The last thing we need is a Demyx Repeat." -Saix.
"Sorry about that, I promise, It wont happen again."
"See to it. Now for your mission. Mana and Aura have gone to Hollow Bastion, I want you to go as well, but for a different reason. You did hear about the Scout that was here, right?"
"I did, hes an Archer, like me."
"Yes, Thats right. During his visit, I was patrolling, when I recieved some Low Frequency. A similar Frequency is being recieved from Hollow Bastion. Your Task is to Investigate. If Your comrades are having trouble with Heartless, try Killing some Heartless. If you see The figure with a Bow, Shoot. Dont hesitate."
"I Wont fail Lord Xemnas, Aura, Or Mana."
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2010, 10:42:40 PM »

-Aura- Theme Song for Aura
"OK, sure sounds fun." Aura and Mana made their way to Hollow Bastian "So...about that guy that we met, do you really think he was helping us? I mean he didn't look like he was from Nexus, Heartless or a Wielder. I'm just saying, we should watch out for him just to be on the safe side. But if he comes back we can ask him...its not likely he will answer though." Aura made sure he had his Sword again, he forgets it a lot and looked at Mana. "Are you okay? You seem...I don't know you just seem different."

((Aura, you think to much. We have a lot in common.))
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2010, 10:55:46 PM »

"... Painful Rage..."
Mana heard the next one. It sounded faint... Like it was far away as in distance. She jumped when Aura asked, "Eh, what? Sorry... It's just... No, forget it... We have a lot of work to do..!" She smiled, but then leaned in closer and whispered, "I think there is something we aren't being told able the mission..." Mana said. She leaned back out seeing that they have made it to Hollow Bastion. "So where are the hollow..?" She asked, looking around she saw no hollow. Just Gardens filled with brightly growling flowers.

"Black... Blood..." "... Its louder..." Mana closed her eyes. Listening.
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2010, 11:02:55 PM »
I Smirked as I jumped, rafter to rafter. My job was to remain unseen, unless action was required.
I Grew closer to the location of the Frequency, until I saw a figure, Clutching a Bow. (Its the Intruder....) I Mustered up all my energy, Forcing it all into my Shot, I didnt bother aiming in a fatal area, I had a gut feeling it wouldnt kill him. So I aimed for his arm, so he couldnt fire a counter-shot. The time came, and my judgement, firm. I released the shot, and it was enough to severely weaken his arm, but not enough to disable it. Knowing it would be best, I dropped down, face to face.

I did what I could, but I was unsure of the result. I still had a chance,
"Who are you? Where did you come from? Why did you Invade our Home?"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 11:08:46 PM by Unbreakable »
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2010, 11:06:09 PM »

-Aura- Theme Song for Aura
"It's okay, if you want to say something you can, I don't mind. But if you don't that's fine too, but I do know something is wrong, I can tell you are distracted. But I won't bug you about it. Yea you might be right, you said we are just going to kill some Heartless, but they usually don't just send us on missions to just kill Heartless..." Aura was distracted by looking at Hollow Bastian. "Wow this place is huge!"
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Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2010, 11:13:37 PM »

((A little bit too much on the godmodding, don't you think unbreakable..? >.>? That kinda made it unfair for Ninja... :/))
Mana stopped, and then she smiled at Aura's concern. "Thank you, but its okay... When the comes I'm sure I'll be able to handle it..." She said. She looked at him to see he was distracted by the giant Castle, she quietly stepped closer to him, and blew down his neck, hopeing he would jump. She quickly stepped back to see his reaction,

"...--pon ... --lves..." "... I can't... hear it..."
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 11:22:57 PM by ChibiVampire »
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