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Author Topic: [RP] Medieval Times  (Read 4775 times)

Offline Mr Pokemon

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[RP] Medieval Times
« on: November 17, 2010, 01:28:14 AM »
War is coming.
Knights and soldiers ride off to foreign lands to fight against a powerful enemy, the Samil's. They leave their families and whatever lives they had once had behind. The region known as Osterion has been turned from a peaceful place to a land of fear, hate, and treason. King Byron IV has descended from sanity, increasing the chaos in Osterion. You live in the town of Atlattel, a relatively small town that, much like the others, is becoming chaotic. You have potential to accomplish many things in your life, but it is up to you what you want to do.

Jobs (If you have a request for a new job I should add, PM me or post it on the OOCC thread)

  You fight for your land. You are skilled with your weapon(s), yet not as good as a knight. You live in the towns barracks, waiting for the call to arms. Meanwhile, you live like a normal person.

  You are the leader of soldiers. You are the one responsible for keeping them ready for battle, and commanding them when the time of battle comes. You, too live in the barracks, although in a nicer room, with a nicer bed.

  You are a knight in training. You envy the knights you see riding by, and wish to one day become one. Your training schedule is rigorous, though, and you barely have time to do much but eat, sleep, and practice. You live with your master. He teaches you of chivalry and trains you in the ways of the knight

  You are an elite soldier. Knights are most often armed with a lance, sword and shield, but you may choose different weapons if you wish. You probably own your own house in your town, but if you travel a lot, you will often stay in inns.

  You travel the lands, playing your music for people to make a living. You probably don't have a home, but instead stay at inns wherever you travel. You are well traveled, and people like to talk with you to find out what is going on in other places of the world.

  You trade your goods to whoever will buy them. You may travel short distances or long, wherever you can get the most money.

  You are a master of metals. You make weapons, armor, and tools for those who need them. You normally find a town and settle there, making whatever the townspeople require, but you may travel, selling your goods to different places.

  As a craftsman, you are a master of making many things. You sell them to whoever needs them. These goods may range from leathers and clothing to pottery.

  You live off the land, planting and harvesting crops to sell at the market. You probably have cattle and a variety of other livestock. You have probably never traveled far from your farm, but it is possible that you have done a bit of exploring in your time.

  The world has been harsh to you. You are the laughing stock of society. Every day you beg for money, food, water, and clothes.

  God is your way of life. Your religion dominates all. You live with your brothers in the monastery and pray many times daily.

-Town Crier
  If there is news, it is your job to get it out. Armed with a cowbell, you go around town yelling to let everybody know what is going on.

  Much like a soldier, you have skill with weapons and are a good fighter. You also live in the town's barracks. Unlike the soldier, though, you guard the town or the important people who require protection.

  You are a master of swords, as your name implies. You train squires to become knights, or men to become soldiers. It is likely that you are one of the towns important people, and you are close to the lord of the area.

  You are in training for a specific trade. You may be training to become a blacksmith, a craftsman, and so on. You train with your master for a while before taking on the trade for yourself.
  Much as the name implies, you steal things. Usual armed with a dagger or sword, you steal either gold or objects from people, whether they are in their shops or walking along the road.

  Ranger's are masters of stealth. You have the ability to move silently, blend in with your surroundings, and shoot a bow with incredible accuracy. Becoming a ranger takes constant practice and even more still to maintain your abilities.

  You are an advisor to the king. You are wise, but probably unskilled in combat. You usually require an armed escort if you wish to travel, unless you wish to be held for ransom or killed.

  You live on your own. You travel around, finding your own money, however you can. People tend to stay away from you, and they might have good reason to.

  As a master of murder, you are payed to kill targets. You may work for one specific person or group, or travel around and work for many individuals.

*Upon request only

Map of important locations. This is not a map of all the towns, just some of the important ones. It also shows the two warring regions.

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« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 08:30:07 PM by Jerry »

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [Pending] Medieval Times
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 02:53:00 PM »
APPROVED. please make some RP posts.

Why? cause its fun.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.