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Author Topic: [Official News] English names.  (Read 27593 times)

Offline Kamaran

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[Official News] English names.
« on: November 23, 2010, 08:10:03 AM »

Japanese: Victini
English: Victini

Japanese: Tsutarja
English: Snivy
French: Vipélierre
German: Serpifeu

Japanese: Janobii
English: Servine

Japanese: Jarooda
English: Serperior

Japanese: Pokabu
English: Tepig
French: Gruikui
German: Floink

Japanese: Chaobuu
English: Pignite

Japanese: Enbuoo
English: Emboar

Japanese: Mijumaru
English: Oshawott
French: Moustillon
German: Ottaro

Japanse: Futuchimaru
English: Dewott

Japanse: Daikenki
English: Samurott

Japanese: Minezumi
English: Patrat
French: Ratentif
German: Nagelotz

Japanese: Miruhoggu
English: Watchog

Japanese: Yooterii
English: Lillipup

Japanese: Haaderia
English: Herdier

Japanese: Muurando
English: Stoutland

Japanese: Choroneko
English: Purrloin

Japanese: Reparudasu
English: Liepard

Japanese: Yanappu
English: Pansage

Japanese: Yanakkii
English: Simisage

Japanese: Baoppu
English: Pansear

Japanese: Baokkii
English: Simisear

Japanese: Hiyappu
English: Panpour

Japanese: Hiyakkii
English: Simipour

Japanese: Munna
English: Munna
French: Munna
German: Somniam

Japanese: Musharna
English: Musharna
French: Mushana
German: Somnivora

Japanese: Mamepato
English: Pidove
French: Poichigeon
German: Dusselgurr

Japanese: Hatooboo
English: Tranquill

Japanese: Kenhorou
English: Unfezant

Japanese: Shimama
English: Blitzle
French: Zébibron
German: Elezeba

Japanese: Zeburaika
English: Zebstrika

Japanese: Dangoro
English: Roggenrola

Japanese: Gantoru
English: Boldore

Japanese: Gigaiath
English: Gigalith
French: Gigalithe
German: Brockoloss

Japanese: Koromori
English: Woobat
French: Chovsourir
German: Fleknoil

Japanese: Kokoromori
English: Swoobat
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Mogurew
English: Drilbur
French: Rototape
German: Rotomurf

Japanese: Doryuuzu
English: Excadrill
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Tabunne
English: Audino
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Dokkoraa
English: Timburr
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Dotekkotsu
English: Gurdurr
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Roobushin
English: Conkeldurr
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Otamaro
English: Tympole
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gamagaru
English: Palpitoad
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gamageroge
English: Seismitoad
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Nageki
English: Throh
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Dageki
English: Sawk
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kurumirua
English: Sewaddle
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kurumayu
English: Swadloon
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Hahakomori
English: Leavanny
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Fushide
English: Venipede
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Hoiiga
English: Whirlipede
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Pendoraa
English: Scolipede
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Monmen
English: Cottonee
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Erufuun
English: Whimsicott
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Churine
English: Petilil
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Doredia
English: Lilligant
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Basurao
English: Basculin
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Meguroco
English: Sandile
French: Mascaïman
German: Ganovil

Japanese: Warubiru
English: Krokorok
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Warubiaru
English: Krookodile
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Darumakka
English: Darumaka
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Hihidaruma
English: Darmanitan
French: Daramacho
German: Flampivian

Japanese: Marakacchi
English: Maractus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Ishizumai
English: Dwebble
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Iwaparesu
English: Crustle
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Zuruggu
English: Scraggy
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Zuruzukin
English: Scrafty
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shinboraa
English: Sigilyph
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Desumasu
English: Yamask
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Desukan
English: Cofagrigus
French: Tutankafer
German: Echnatoll

Japanese: Purotooga
English: Tirtouga
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Abagoora
English: Carracosta
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Aaken
English: Archen
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Aakeosu
English: Archeops
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Yabukuron
English: Trubbish
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Dasutodasu
English: Garbodor
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Zorua
English: Zorua
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Zoroark
English: Zoroark
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Chillarmy
English: Minccino
French: Chinchidou
German: Picochilla

Japanese: Chirachiino
English: Cinccino
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gochimu
English: Gothita
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gochimiru
English: Gothorita
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gochiruzeru
English: Gothitelle
French: Sidérella
German: Morbitesse

Japanese: Yuniran
English: Solosis
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Daburan
English: Duosion
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Rankurusu
English:  Reuniclus
French: Symbios
German: Zytomega

Japanese: Koaruhii
English: Ducklett
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Suwanna
English: Swanna
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Banipucchi
English: Vanillite
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Baniricchi
English: Vanillish
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Baibanira
English: Vanilluxe
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shikijika
English: Deerling
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Mebukijika
English: Sawsbuck
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Emonga
English: Emolga
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kaburumo
English: Karrablast
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shubarugo
English: Escavalier
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Tamagetake
English: Foongus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Morobareru
English: Amoonguss
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Pururiru
English: Frillish
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Burungeru
English: Jellicent
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Mamanbou
English: Alomomola
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Bachuru
English: Joltik
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Denchura
English: Galvantula
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Tesshiido
English: Ferroseed
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Nattorei
English: Ferrothorn
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Giaru
English: Klink
French: Tic
German: Klikk

Japanese: Gigiaru
English: Klang
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gigigiaru
English: klinklang
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shibishirasu
English: Tynamo
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shibibiiru
English: Eelektrik
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shibirudon
English: Eelektross
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Riguree
English: Elgyem
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Oobemu
English: Beheeyem
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Hitomoshi
English: Litwick
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Ranpuraa
English: Lampert
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Shandera
English: Chandelure
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kibago
English: Axew
French: Coupenotte
German: Milza

Japanese: Onondo
English: Fraxure
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Ononokusu
English: Haxorus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kumashun
English: Cubchoo
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Tsunbeaa
English: Beartic
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Furiijio
English: Cryogonal
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Chobomaki
English: Shelmet
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Agirudaa
English: Accelgor
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Maggyo
English: Stunfisk
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kojofuu
English: Mienfoo
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kojondo
English: Mienshao
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kurimugan
English: Druddigon
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Gobitto
English: Golett
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Goruugu
English: Golurk
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Komatana
English: Pawniard
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kirikizan
English: Bisharp
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Baffuron
English: Bouffalant
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Washibon
English: Rufflet
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Wargle
English: Braviary
French: Gueriaigle
German: Washakwil

Japanese: Baruchai
English: Vullaby
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Barujiina
English: Mandibuzz
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kuitaran
English: Heatmor
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Aianto
English: Durant
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Monozu
English: Deino
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Jiheddo
English: Zweilous
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Sazandora
English: Hyreigon
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Meraruba
English: Larvesta
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Urugamosu
English: Volcarona
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kobaruon
English: Cobalion
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Terakion
English: Terrakion
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Birijion
English: Virizion
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Torunerosu
English: Tornadus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Borutorosu
English: Thundurus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Reshiram
English: Reshiram
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Zekrom
English: Zekrom
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Randorosu
English: Landorus
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kyuremu
English: Kyurem
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Kerudio
English: -
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Meroetta
English: -
French: -
German: -

Japanese: Genosekuto
English: -
French: -
German: -

« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 06:26:14 PM by Kamaran »
"Don't touch the poster at the Game Corner! There's no secret switch behind it!"

Offline Raikt

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 08:12:58 AM »

Japanese: Pokabu
English: Tepig
French: Gruikui
German: Floink

Japanese: Pokabu
English: Tepig
French: Gruikui
German: Floink

English: Tepig

Fear teh pig.

Seriously, wat?
Weekly awesomsauce: www.collegehumor.com/video/6359051/wow-jason-statham-really-wants-wow
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I have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.
Updated awesomesauce!**

Offline Monzta

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 08:53:31 AM »

Japanese: Mijumaru
English: Oshawott
French: Moustillon
German: Ottaro
Quote from: Kamaran
English: Oshawott

What the f*ck?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 08:55:43 AM by Monzta »


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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2010, 06:55:43 PM »
I can't help it, but I just don't like the gen 5 pokémon. Yhe only thing about the new gen I like are the dreamworld ability's...

Offline Roloc

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 07:42:47 PM »
I love gen 5! :) I gets all kinds of new bugs to train. :D
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2010, 10:10:47 PM »
Snivy? Moshawott? Tepig? What the h*ll! I vote they keep their japenese names!
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline Roloc

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2010, 10:27:16 PM »
Snivy? Moshawott? Tepig? What the h*ll! I vote they keep their japenese names!

ha ha so do I.
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"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."

Offline Roko

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2010, 11:01:06 PM »
Snivy is quite fitting.
"This is my stuck-up lizard Pokémon. His name is Snivy, wot."

Tepig is TEH PIG!
"This is teh pig starter. His name is TEH PIG!"

'Oshawott' is just what the trainers are going to say when they see him.

Trainer: I choose the water type!
Professor: Okay! *releases Oshawott to show trainer*
Trainer: Aww. *white light fades, revealing what Oshawott looks like* SHA! WHAT?

Offline Raikt

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2010, 11:45:54 PM »
Snivy is quite fitting.
"This is my stuck-up lizard Pokémon. His name is Snivy, wot."

Tepig is TEH PIG!
"This is teh pig starter. His name is TEH PIG!"

'Oshawott' is just what the trainers are going to say when they see him.

Trainer: I choose the water type!
Professor: Okay! *releases Oshawott to show trainer*
Trainer: Aww. *white light fades, revealing what Oshawott looks like* SHA! WHAT?

If I could thumb up or like posts, this one would get it. That's exactly what I thought when I read their names.
Weekly awesomsauce: www.collegehumor.com/video/6359051/wow-jason-statham-really-wants-wow
Daily awesomesauce: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn4uonU_uj0
I have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.
Updated awesomesauce!**

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2010, 11:49:15 PM »
Snivy is quite fitting.
"This is my stuck-up lizard Pokémon. His name is Snivy, wot."

Tepig is TEH PIG!
"This is teh pig starter. His name is TEH PIG!"

'Oshawott' is just what the trainers are going to say when they see him.

Trainer: I choose the water type!
Professor: Okay! *releases Oshawott to show trainer*
Trainer: Aww. *white light fades, revealing what Oshawott looks like* SHA! WHAT?

Also to what Zyllnick said,  l love Gen 5, one of my favorites. It just takes a while to warm up.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline Kamaran

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Re: [Official News] English names.
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2010, 05:20:36 PM »
took the liberty to update.
"Don't touch the poster at the Game Corner! There's no secret switch behind it!"

Offline Roko

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Re: [Official News] English names.
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2010, 02:22:55 PM »
Sandile the sand crocodile...?
Nintendo rock at thinking up names.


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Re: [Official News] The gen5 starters have got their English names.
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2010, 06:50:51 PM »
Also to what Zyllnick said,  l love Gen 5, one of my favorites. It just takes a while to warm up.

your probably right, I had the same idea about gen 4 way back (I'm conservative), but now I'm thinking more positively about the gen 5 pokémon, because I know (some of) them now. It gives more possibilities.

Offline xhizor8201

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Re: [Official News] English names.
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2010, 06:54:49 PM »

Japanese: Giaru
English: Klink
French: Tic
German: Klikk

I like this one.

Offline Bing

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Re: [Official News] English names.
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2011, 03:40:26 AM »
i checked out what the pigs evolution will look like i kinda like it

by the way i'm always all about the fire starters except in d/p cause mudkip just rocks