Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Name suggestions for citys/caves/routes etc.

<< < (10/10)

Den of the Fallen (for ghost types)

See if you can put in a volcano (Maybe Pyro's Peak?)

Cyclone City (I have a feeling its already in a pokemon game....)

Verdan Valley (Never been a valley in pokemon that i know of.)

Can't really think of anything other another world w/ Dark, ghost, and physic pokemon and unknown. (similiar to distirtion world maybe?)

The plains of Judgement (strong average pokemon and ghost)
Cyclone Castle (Possibly a tower for flying types)
Road of the lost (Strong Ghost types and possibly Ground/Rock)
JELLYFISH FIELDS (hurrrrr it's a joke)
Mt. Apocalypse (No clue. Maybe psychic, rock, and dark types)
Nightmare Cavern (Dark, psychic, and ghost)


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