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Author Topic: Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP  (Read 4822 times)

Offline Hyakko

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Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:23:28 PM »
Everyone is in a position of strength and weakness, we all have our highs and lows. I am a former human and my name is Exan Crowe, My life has always been so full of life and light that i never knew why I became an addict. I had many friends and many girls desired me, a gift from heaven or so they said, One day when I went on my daily pilgrimage to my humble haven that is my former parents home, I was taken captive...

By men willing to force somekind of dark desire and a taint that bred pure pleasure and extacy, in the struggle against my aggressors, I became euphoric and numb, absorbing their illegitimate power into my body. I didn't realize where I was or what had happened. All that mattered was that I didn't run out of pleasure.

No one noticed at first since it doesn't weaken you this taint but makes you stronger. People loved me even more oddly enough, I even got a girlfriend when I was splicing, as the foul taint corrupted me my sense of need for pleasure increased. at first it wasn't dangerous. But for those addicted to change and euphoria, they should know better. I started to understand pokemon and they started to like me, that brought more popularity, I love being loved by others, I hated my moments of weakness.

Pokemons sought me more and more, I aided them. My girlfriend eventually found one of my needles and abandonned me, but I didn't care. When she left me, I was not troubled but rather relieved since now I could dose in peace. I began to dress goth when evil looking markings began to appear on my body, and my hair and eyes changed, my parents were lucky in their ignorance thinking I was only dressing up in a "phase" of somekind.

Even in my efforts to keep people away didn't succeed, some found out i was dosing and they wanted to try the stuff, but because they paid me enough to dose for myself as well, I got them hooked on splicing, I had a few friends 2 girls and 3 guys. Good times...

Niki was a small hyperactive splicer in the group, she got the most out of splicing. cheerfull and pleasant she always took the group out to the tall grass to play with pokemon. I really liked Niki more so than she knows, but I liked everyone in the group.

Tsune was the only goth other than me and we shared the same favored DNA splices, She was cold to the others but warm to me, we were alike but I was Influencial. she wasnt the most out spoken but she often went into my room... She liked the power of the splices she injected and wasnt shy to point out our real potential. she was the second in command of our group. i liked her alot too.

Rupert, was a violent street kid who hated me at first until we fought and I beat him. he respects strength, he only splices with dragon dna after esperhood, because of his taste for power. He became my best friend and is very protective of Niki acting like her older brother. I don't disapprove of his actions cause they are always meant for the best of the group, never poses problems for anyone in our group. A good man.

Haji, An enigma in itself, he was always the brains of the group, never the leader, he could figure things out to benefit everyone, it was thanks to him we found out about the second type combination of esperhood. He is often seen near a computer or in his makeshift lab.

Kai, Another hyperactive bubble, whatever Niki learned she could use, Kai found out about the signature moves. once in his esperhood. Signature moves are stronger than pokemon learnable moves. He had a unique signature move sets that empowered pokemon moves beyond the norm in power and ability. Niki and Kai were close very close I evenied them but I had Tsune...

Our group was named The Shadowmorphs, because we all have the absol dark type DNA within ourselves. also our numbers  never increased since not many people loved absol DNA inside of them. The Silph corporation feared us be cause we were very hard to apprehend, and we could sense danger as part of absol DNA within us warning of impending danger.

It was a day like anyother I had not lost my form yet, but we we just starting out in splicing at the time....

Niki ran up to me along with Kai in a group hug, rupert and Haji trailing behind. I looked at them and smiled a small smile, and they smiled back with huge grins.

-"Exan, can we go outside to play with them?", They had asked me, "Its really boring with the other kids, they only play the same games over and over...."

-"Ok, lets hit the high grass once tsune gets back from buying some food for us.", I said as they abruptly left me and went running in circles around Rupert. Haji was laughing his ass off and so was I, "I think Tsune is taking too long so I'll go check up on her, take care ok?"

I left them not knowing what was actually taking her so long but my gut feeling gave me a dark omen a bad feeling so I hurried.... ((to be continued))

Offline spirit

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Re: Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 10:26:51 PM »
I always knew I was different. I never really was part of the "in crowd", but I had my friends, and the friends I had, I was close to. It was my friend Grey who got me started, she said it would be fun, and I would never experience anything quite like it. She was right.

The first time was strange, I spent the next 13 hours unable to sleep. I enjoyed it sure, but, well, the first time is always the weirdest. There is no real way of describing the feeling of your whole molecular structure shifting from one form to another, people always try to describe what it must be like, but only those who have done it know for sure. The best I can say is its a mix of insomnia, euphoria, and that tingly feeling you get when your falling too fast. It's a strange sensation, but after a couple of times, there is nothing like it.

I don't know if she knows I like her, I'm too shy to say. It was one day when i was out alone thinking about her that they caught me. It was them that made me into who I was. If it weren't for them, I would still be a splicer, but I got hooked. The acute, enhanced senses, the lengthened vertebrae, it was all too much to take, I wanted more. Before I knew it, I had become an Esper.

I didn't mind of course, I liked it in fact. I had always had a heightened sense of nether worldly existence, and had even once seen the color of my own aura -violet- but nothing could compare to how real it got when the Lucario DNA flowed through my veins. Every time I come across a Lucario now I look at his aura, hoping that i will see the distinct features like a fingerprint, that will tell me which one I got it from so that I might thank him.

It wasn't only the Lucario in me that I liked. The Arbok that i mixed with gave me a tail, and it felt awesome. It must be strange to conceive what it is like to have another limb, and all the time I try to remember back to before I was what I am now, trying to do just that, imagine another body part, but it has been too long, and the pokemon that courses through me has made me long since forget those trivial thoughts.

Grey is still a splicer, and I suspect she will stay that way. She always did have a little more self control when it came to these sorts of things. Or so she tells me thats the reason, I am not convinced, I believe she just doesn't know who she is, and that reflects in her inability to choose a pokemon mate. It's fine though, I know she has issues, she has gone through a lot in her life, and it makes sense that she has conflicting emotions and thoughts inside her. It's not like she is a ticking time bomb like other emotional disconnected people. She deals with it by splicing and going out into the world, and so when you speak with her, you feel as though she is normal, gene splicing aside. I don't get it though, I mean, I know I'm one of the only people that knows her troubles, but people are always putting down these drugs as bad. How can something so bad, contain someone and keep them so stabilized? It keeps her happy, and functional, I say she is doing what she needs to. But maybe I'm just being selfish, she did come to me and ask me to do it with her. She didn't like splicing alone, and now I'm an esper, I have her to thank, her and those assholes at the lab.

But I digress. As for me, I don't mind being alone. I was always alone, and I have grown kind of accustomed to it. True, I have never had a girlfriend, and I only have a few friends. But like Grey, I'm happy. And it's not like I'm hard to get along with, people who meet me, normally like me a lot, i just don't feel the same connection i with most people that I do with some. Perhaps that comes from my ability to sense this others can't. Being in-tuned does make one a little different.

So when I'm out and about, I'm sometimes alone, like I am right now, and sometimes I'm with one or two other people. I guess you could call me a drifter; I don't mind being alone, but I can make friends and hang out with various people. I go out on adventures for days at a time, and sometimes i meet someone like myself, or a pokemon, or a group of other splicers or espers, and I may spend a day, or even a week with them before separating again. You learn things this way, things you wouldn't learn by only being with the same people all the time.

These are the things I think about when I'm on my own. These and many more. unlike Grey, I don't have the whole upsetting background, well I do, but not the same flip-flop way, well I do, but... oh, I suppose it must be like describe the transformation process if you have never done it, you can't really understand what I mean, unless your in my head.... and unfortunately that is usually pretty difficult, not that it would be a good place for most sane people to vacation. anyway, back to where I was. Unlike Grey, I don't have the whole need for splicing to keep myself sane, but like her my mind does wander and I do think about things in a process most people don't understand. I guess thats the best way to explain it.

So here I am, thinking to myself, and enjoying the scenery. There are many pokemon around, and I am not surprised to see a pack of espers down the hill, but what does strike me as odd, is there seemingly unaware nature. There all absol's so I would assume they can feel that omniscient presence not too far away. I may not be able to sense danger the same way they do, but thanks to the power of aura, I can sense negative energy, and this one is not very pleasant. Normally, I would just ignore something like this. It may not be positive, but if it's no threat then I will continue walking and eventually it will be too far out of range. But this time people's lives are at stake. It's strange, but only one of the espers down there seem to feel something.

For the time being I will remain perched on a high branch atop an oak tree and watch. If i'm needed, I will do what I can to keep them safe, but I would rather keep my presence unknown.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 01:03:38 AM by spirit »

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Re: Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 12:20:57 PM »
Waking up on Bill's couch was a strange experience... I can only imagine that I'm not the first DNA-confused man to have nearly died of shock here - and I very much doubt I'll be the last.
Still I felt great - it might have been my relieved companions cuddling up to my cold chest... the feeling of being needed - having someone that genuinely cares for you... even if they are Pokemon... well it's nice.
Though, there was something else... I felt powerful, yes, but... power was never a vice for me. I think it was the feeling of freedom. Letting out all this chilling vapour was like bearing my soul, for once I want projecting what I really felt. Just... cold and dry. It was relieving, my angst was so pented up all these years, and now it was finally flowing freely.

As I cleared my chest of animal forms and peeled myself of the lounge, the freezing vapour made the fabrics of the cushions stick to my clothing... I noted that they were torn.
Looking down, I found feathers. My feathers.
My arms had transformed to... wings of sort. They were like the wings on an Aerodactyl. I had my human hands, but the wings extended beyond them - when fully stretched, the final feathers were perfectly parallel to my arms.

"Woah..." I said, almost as if I'd had a few too many Pecha berries.
"You're... not... mad? Furious?" Bill asked from across the room.
"I'm not brimming with gratitude, if that's what you're asking... this is unnatural"
"Well, I've been turned into a Po-"
"Can you change me back?"
"Not this time, I'm sorry."
"Well, let's just say you really owe me those Pokedex entries now... don't think I've forgotten."
"Oh come on I just promise those so new trai-"
"I expect full Pokedex entries - not just partial, right?"
"I'm a quantum physicist! Not a bio-"
I felt kind of justified slamming the door in his face, though I wasn't entirely sure of what to make of all this.

I never really cared about what happened to me... I only cared about my goals. I wanted to immerse myself in the world of Pokemon, I wanted to come out with the greatest Pokemon team in the world. 
It seemed somewhat like a cruel irony to have the world of Pokemon immersed in me, however...

As I passed over Bill's garden bridge - I fell.

I woke again to a new burning sensation on my nose, as it was licked by the icy tongue of Glaceon... complimented by the familiar bloody talon scratches on Pidgeotto's favourite thigh.
I winced in pain... for once not at my thigh but at my wrist - looking down to catch a glimpse of a feather being sucked into my skin.
It felt so surreal, and yet my conscious mind was embracing it as fact - was I really so apathetic towards such a horrific experiment?

I sighed.
Despite the warm day, the only weather to balance a hailstorm of such magnitude - my breath was like frost.

Still, we needed to get training. I'm glad I bought a change of clothes.
I turned to the grassy hill near the Day Care Center - it looked like a fine spot, far enough to not get the noise from the hustle and bustle of the city.

I primarily wanted to sort out Eeve--Glaceon's new capacities, and see how she fared versus Pidgeotto - being Ice, she shouldn't have an issue - but... well, Pidgeotto surprises even me.
"Okay Glaceon, let's see what you can do."
Glaceon started by mimicking the fog on the day of her evolution. It was beautiful - but deadly. I couldn't see anything that wasn't my nose for at least a minute before I had a sudden pang of weakness in my temples... I gazed down for a minute, and looked up to see... just see... the trees and grass 10 meters away... faintly the trees further down the hill...
Perhaps Glaceon had seen my pain, and stopped?
But she hadn't. I knew because I could see her.

"Hold on, stop Glaceon," I ordered.
I looked down to see unfamiliar feathers...
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 12:26:04 PM by Level5Pidgey »
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.

Offline Hyakko

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Re: Pokemorphs?![NC-17] RP
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 02:21:26 AM »
As I get there I see that she is in a fight. She is fighting 20 are so punks all trying their best to kill her with pokemon they had trained to a higher tier of strength but she didn't kill any of them. These guys were toyed with and tossed around with her violent moves like rag dolls. They were badly wounded and so were their pokemons, she limped and picked up her backpack filled with food and snacks. The real problem is that power has a short duration, espescially when using your power in a big fight liek this, i think she must have does up to three times today.

-"Thanks for showing up I was going to run out of juice soon!", She said as she kissed me on the cheek,"This stuff does have alot of power!"

She said those words as her fourth injection goes into her body, her eye does a brief twitch before going back to her normal cold stare.

-"I dunno know about doing anything since you did all the work...", I told her as i had no cause for taking her thunder, "I guess we should leave town and go for a picnic with the others, Niki is really bored..."

When we finally got the others we took out the team all the way to the oustide ring of the city there were some pokemons wandering aorund and Kai and Niki ran off to play with some Altaria with childlike glee. The Altaria didn't mind, so they had a lot of fun until some Poochyena joined in on the fun... Rupert was stuck running after them to keep them within his sight and safety.

-"Looks like Rupert has his work cut out for him...",Haji retorted as he gazed back to Tsune with an interested look on his face, "Besides I want to know what happened in your fight earlier?"

-"Can it Haji!", she said with a cold tone, "This is none of your business."

-"Ok can we actually have one day without you two love birds fighting?", I replied as they showered me with hot coffee but I rolled out of the way, "Watch your tempers, you two. You almost got coffe on the food, would be a nightmare if Kai and Niki got to have some coffee espescially Niki..."

Both put their cups down and glared at me. I didn't care for their menacing glare, After everything ended peacefully Niki, Kai, Rupert and the two pokemons came for a nice meal before the two pokemons left for their respective territories, we all came back home.

My parents gave me one hell of a greeting as they ordered me to my room and searched my pockets, they had found Needles inside my room. My girlfriend wasn't through with me it seemed, apparently she didn't like the fact that me and a few friends were still dosing, she saw Tsune dose so she ratted me out to my parents.

-"You know I thought your EX was just lying about you since you were going through that phase. but when she told us to search your room we found a suitcase ful of needles waiting for your veins.", My father said to me as his brows lowered in anger, "What is hurting you so much that you have to go and use Drugs?"

-"Honey, don't waste the life we tried so hard to put into this world!",my mother said to me while holding a hankerchief, "You have to stop this drug use or we'll forever loose our little sunshine..."

I couldn't question the motives of my parent's actions they thought, it was like a drug but it wasnt a drug. how to explain those guys the powers that it gave me?

-"Listen you two this isn't a drug, altough it doesnt look like it but this thing injects Pokemon Dna into a person's bloodstream and enables that person to use pokemon moves and understand those creatures, the problem is that it doesn't last all that long and we can't afford to use too much.", I tried to tell them but they weren't listening, "I didn't try it because its fun but some people forced the injection into me and I keep dosing to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay."

-"Look not only are you grounded but trying to lie your way out isn't going to make this easy for any of us... but you are going cold turkey until you fight it off for good.", My father said with certitude, "You are not going to go out until we can make sure you aren't going to dose again..."

-"No dad don't do this to me!", I told him I was in a very bad spot,"Mom! What did i ever do to you guys to deserve being punished, aren't my marks high? Why am I being punished?"

-"Its not my son talking it the drug talking.", She said as she closed my bedroom door.

My own mother saying that my own words aren't my own words but the drugs words....My parents not only kept me in my room but they took away my computer, all my entertainment, and only thing I was allowed doing for months afterwards was my homeworks which I had always done before seing my friends. They gave me strict meals void of sugar, my drinks were only water.

The worst I had ever suffered was the withdrawal symptoms, from not dosing and seeing the saddistic smirk of my ex saying that she had won my own parents over...Each day it was unbearable, the DNA tried to be purged form my body, but I wanted to keep it in my body.
excruciating pain was felt throughout my body, nothing hurts more than the feeling that you
were being torn apart.

I had tried to go cold turkey before and it never even worked, since we arent dealing with chemicals. My dad was essentially killing me, after four months hearing my ex laughing on the other side of my door with my family, I grew desperate. My dad had put bars on my window to keep me in...

But one night someone had unbolted te bars and taken them away. My window was opened and my injections were given to me. I immediatly overdosed because of the withdrawal I wasn't able to correctly limit the amount I took. I had turned in an unbelievable way, The worst is that it hurt so bad when when you were turning form a meager splicer into an esper, essentially because the formula reached saturation point and my body was undergoing a molecular transformation. This kind of sudden change would normally kill a person but apparently they had perfected it. When I woke up I was an incredible pokemon specimen.

I could see in perfect darkness, lowlight like normal daylight. But I wasnt preppared for my ex double crossing me with such a set up. She when and told My parents she heard a strange noise and saw me unbolt my bars(which should have been impossible) and head for a dealer and returned home with drugs. She then said I had taken from them money (when i was being locked up the whole time so I couldn't even have done that and plus I am not a thief). My parents were so pissed at me my father punched me and threw me out of my room saying he didn't want a sneaky thief in his house. I was bewildered, but I was going to get revenge.

After a few days of hunger you realize that youll eat just about anything, that's when I found out about berries, the pokeberries were actually good and not only good but tasty as well. I ate berries and leveled trainers in an effort to prepare my funds for some Glaceon DNA I would probably need alot of doses. It took me a whole month to afford about 6 doses of Glaceon DNA and those gave me access Ice type Moves but things were not as easy as before I learned that I would now forever be an absol dominant type with a glaceon upgrade. I was far more beautifull, in the end but with even more time I developped more moves for myself, a total of sixteen moves, 8 dark types and 8 Ice types. I learned the price for more powerful move sets, signature moves are once and only types that take my aptittude for average powermon moves.

I had also moved considerably, towards the north until I hit a cold mountain, I had terrorrized trainers with my own powers, until I was faced with a league champion who utterly overpowered me and left. But they had no intention of letting me go freely. The silph corporation and caught me when I had been at my weakest, and placed me in a special container that put me into a deep sleep...

I had gone to sleep for a long time, not knowing when I would wake up, I used my dark heritage to sway a pokemon, to my aid. It was comming towards me, but I knew not which one it was But I wanted out of my deep slumber and out of that place....