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Author Topic: Mystery Dungeon - Part 1: Rebirth  (Read 3106 times)

Offline Roko

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Mystery Dungeon - Part 1: Rebirth
« on: December 26, 2010, 10:31:33 PM »
Based on the storyline of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team for DS.

"Are you okay? Hey! Are you dead or something?" I felt my eyes open, the light stung, "Hey! You're awake!"
A Charmander was up in my face. I assumed its trainer was the voice I heard.
"You were out cold there, buddy. Are you hurt?" the Charmander's lips moved in sync to the voice. I looked around for its trainer. Nothing.
"What's wrong?" it spoke, "you look scared."
I was certain now; it was the Charmander talking. I had heard of talking Pokémon before, but I didn't take the stories seriously.
"I- where's your trainer?" I asked, reluctantly.
"What's a trainer?" it asked, confused. Something was seriously wrong. "You're kind of weird... what's your name?"
"Pete..." I answered.
"Pete? That's a funny name!" the Charmander burst out in laughter.
"Is it? It's a pretty normal human name..." Charmander looked at me, shocked.
"Human?" it asked.
"Yeah... I'm a human... can't you see?"
"You look like a normal Bulbasaur in every way..." I took my eyes off of the Charmander and looked down. My hands were green, short and stubby! I got up and tried walking, I fell onto my arms, or forelegs and scampered to a nearby river. I peered in and saw my reflecion.
"Ah! It's true. I've turned into a Bulbasaur! But how did this happen? I don't remember a thing..." I muttered to myself.
Charmander's reflection stood next to mine.
"Erm... are you sure you're okay, Bulbasaur?" he asked.
"Err... I don't kno-"
"HELP! HELP! MY BABY!" I was interrupted by a female voice. A Butterfree flew over, obviously panicking. "Please help my baby!" she cried.
"What happened?!" asked Charmander, in shock.
"A giant fissure opened in the ground and my baby fell in," she began, "I flew in to try and help, but Pokémon attacked me! Help, please!"
Charmander looked over to me.
"Bulbasa- huh, Pete... we should go help that baby Catarpie, c'mon!" Charmander ran forward, I stayed still, in shock.
"C'mon, Pete!" he shouted at full-volume.
I quickly snapped out of my confused trance. I had to just live with being a Bulbasaur for now, and go to save the Catarpie.
"Okay," I answered Charmander, "I'm coming!" Charmander smiled.
"Alright, Pete. Let's go save Caterpie!"

To be continued...
Even though most of you (the ones who have played Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red anyway) know what will happen next...
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 10:37:49 PM by Domino »