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Author Topic: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)  (Read 23655 times)

Offline Arieru

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2011, 03:58:51 AM »
Professor Alder is a kind yet mysterious man, as well as one of the youngest professors in all the world. He does not like speaking about his past to anyone, especially people he does not know but he was willing to divulge some tiny aspects of his life before becoming a professor.

As a young child he has always been interested in pokemon and the things hidden within their distant past. Where did pokemon originate from? What were they like millions of years ago? These, as well as many other question tug and pull at his mind. Since then Professor Alder has frevently delved into the secrets of pokemon by analyzing their ancient remains, you know fossils. He is currently analyzing an eztremely rare fossil that he discovered not too long ago with his faithful Larvitar.

Offline Krykun

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2011, 04:15:26 AM »
Professor Alder, a Pokemon researcher and enthusiast, traveled to Miryus researching Pokemon, and promoting Pokemon ethics. In infancy he was lost and raised by an Arcanine with his “brother” Growlithe. In a terrifying experience Team Rocket captured their family. Arcanine, while trying to protect her children, became seriously injured and was trucked off. Growlithe then guarded Alder by biting at anything that approached. Team Rocket netted them both and took them to their lab.  After being caged for about a year Alder began to understand the language and fiercely responded once after realizing Growlithe was being sent to another lab without him. The researchers were surprised and told “Pokemon Boy” that they would keep Growlithe if he would help them perform research. Alder was brilliant and became a head researcher later at a small facility. He was offered a position at the main facility and took it, hoping to find out what happened to Arcanine. After arriving he was disgusted with the unethical treatment of Pokemon and decided he must get out. When Pokemon Trainer Agatha broke in and started fighting Team Rocket. Alder broke Growlithe out, interrogated about Arcanine, and escaped with Agatha to Lavender town where Arcanine ended up and was Agatha’s hometown. Upon being asked his name Alder looked at the tree he was weeping on and said “Alder”. He then joined research facilities promoting ethics and tried to instill his beliefs in young trainers by helping them with their starter Pokemon.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 04:24:04 AM by Krykun »

Offline ericwashere15

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2011, 05:04:21 PM »
  From an early age, the now Professor Alder had expressed a deep interest in Pokemon. Not just in their abilities and evolution, but also their origins. After traveling through a few different regions and observing and befriending Pokemon from around the world, Alder seemingly disappeared off the face of the world. Until now.
  With the recent discovery of the Miryus region came not only a new world for trainers to conquer but also the location of Alder, whose plane had crashed there during a storm. Knowing that many trainers would arrive to challenge the new region, and sensing that his time to travel around the world was over, Alder decided to help guide trainers into the untamed Miryus and became its Professor. Now, each passing trainer is helping not only to map out the region, expand the relationships between humans and Pokemon, but also helping him explore his childhood fancy, Pokemon origins.

-138 words; Editing most likely to come
If we move with the waves
I'll breathe in the air
We'll walk til the sea is all that is near
With worn empty hands and tired eyes
Will hope be all we have left?

Offline TrainerX

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2011, 10:36:10 PM »
 Proffesor Alder
 Gender: Male
 Hometown: Blackthorne city, Johto
 Field: He studies everything about pokemon, but currently he is focusing on Mew
 Signature pokemon: Arcanine
 Proffesor Alder was born in Blackthorne city, Johto. As a boy, Professor Alder had two goals: Defeat the man that the rest of the city called the Dragon Master, and to know everything about pokemon. He received a Growlithe from his dad at the age of ten. He traveled to many different places, catching and training his pokemon while trying to learn all about them. He eventually started travelling from region to region. When he was 23 He met Proffesor Oak. A year later, he met Proffesor Elm, Proffesor Birch, and Proffesor Rowan. They all exchanged information about what they found. Proffesor Alder learned about evolution, the myths from the different regions, and other mysteries about pokemon. Then, Miryus was discovered. He heard all of the different stories about the newly discovered region, and decided to do his research there. He moved to Miryus when he was 39. He was able to study all of the pokemon discovered, why and how they evolve, and more. Then he heard that this region could be the birthplace of Mew. He quickly started researching Mew, trying to find out if Miryus was truly, the birthplace of Mew. As people started moving to Miryus, he gave new trainers their first pokemon. He now studies everything about pokemon, gives starter pokemon to new trainers, and is still trying to find evidence that Miryus is the birthplace of Mew.

 223 words
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 09:44:50 PM by trainerx »

Offline Tickles

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2011, 02:00:02 AM »
Prof. Alder was born in Celadon City in 1967. As a boy, he was always fascinated with traveling the world, and sought a career that would allow him to do so. Setting off with his partner Houndour, he realized that battling wasn't his forte. Instead, he found an interest in Legendary Pokemon and their origins. He is currently in Miryus in his sky lab, the first flying lab, offering aid to trainors as he studies and follows the legendary Pokemon that seem to have migrated to the region almost suddenly. He has a tendency to battle occasionally, as he has gotten better since his childhood, other than that, he can also be found at places where legendary Pokemon were spotted, and will always give a riddle on where it's exact location is...
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 05:05:53 PM by cortexjs »
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Offline Monzta

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2011, 03:09:51 PM »
Hi, and congratulation Mr Pokemon!
Can my entry be the one on the original post? 'cause I can't copy/pasta :(

RE-EDIT: The smartest and oldest of the proffesors, and more experienced with pokemon. He never liked attention as a child and he always used to catch bug Pokemon, though he was only small. His parents thought he was retarted, and he always used to go around by himself studying Pokemon. He drew a picture of every pokemon he saw in a little notebook, and would write its description. This is how he came up with the idea of a Pokedex. He is very generous and will keep you updated with what's going on. He is very forgetful, and this could be where you choose your character's name. ex "Uhh, what was your name again, youngling?" His friendly Chatot was one of his first Pokémon caught, and it  helps the Professor remember and read things.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 01:45:37 PM by Monzta »

Offline kavon800

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2011, 10:38:49 PM »
Professor Alder was professor Oak's son.His dad taught him everything he knew.One day Alder went on a journey with his partner pokemon Aron together they trained and defeated every gym leader and elite four person in every region. Then he grew old so he started being a pokemon professor.He helped every new trainer he saw.He was the best in the world!
i am the king you can call me King K

Offline evb

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2011, 12:49:40 AM »
Prof. Alder was one of the first professors to arrive in Miryus with his pokemon, a shiny Marowak. In the past however he had joined Team Rocket for unknown reasons as a scientist. Months passed and he saw how needlessly cruel the pokemon were being treated, so he fled Team Rocket with an egg he had stolen. After it hatched, he decided to go to college to become a professor and learn to properly study pokemon. He now is heading to Miryus to study pokemon in a more natural enviroment.

Offline shadowsun

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2011, 05:31:18 AM »
He was once a pokémon hunter, stealing pokémon he needed for a job or capturing rarer pokémon to sell (for trainers or for parts), treating them like nothing.......... but that was his previous life, one he chooses to never revisit. When he first heard about Miryus he decided that it was the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf, deciding to leave the darkness of his past and learn about the pokémon he was once trying to hunt, in an attempt to make-up for the wrongs he has committed. He keeps his hunting days a secret and began studying everything he could about pokémon, finding an interest in the specifics of pokémon behaviour, why pokémon acted in different ways. By the time everyone was settled in Miryus he had a firm grasp of almost every pokémon with only a few eluding him like the mysteries of Mew but he hoped that with some luck he could discover more about the mysterious pokémon in Miryus. Upon arriving in Miryus his hard work, determination and natural act of being a professor was quickly recognised. No one knows who he formerly was and as long as his secret remains hidden he will continue being a highly respected professor of the Miryus region. All that’s left of his hunting’s days is his Lucario who with his strength, quickness and ability of tapping into aura energy to be able to track and predicted pokémon movement was what made him a successful hunter.

Offline Emo_Monster_Boy

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2011, 09:58:09 AM »
professor Alder and professor Oak had been arch rivals since the met ten years ago in palet town the both were trainers sent by their professor to not only record the data of each pokemon but to earn enough money to travel to distant islands of the pokemon world. after ten long years of tracking down pokemon they came back with a journal filled with info about pokemon. the also both made enough money to travel the vast world of pokemon. oak stayed in palet town and used his money to become a pokemon professor while professor Alder went to the island Miryus to further better his research and to become the greatest pokemon trainer and professor in the whole world.   

Offline spirit

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2011, 11:42:45 PM »
As a former apprentice to the great Prof. Oak, the now Prof. Alder was at one time known simply as Prof. Oak's Aide, and discovered his true desire for working on the field when he delivered the HM05 (flash) to the trainer: Red. Now years later, Prof. Alder has his own aides and works in a laboratory in Myrius, where he can only be found less then half the time. Most of the Professors time is spent wandering the land with his companion Ditto, who helps him study the true nature of pokemon by taking shape, and role playing their behaviors and habits. It is not unheard of to find Prof. Alder in a patch of grass acting like a rattata, or a mountain cliff throwing rocks like a geodude.

Periodically, the Proffesor will check in with his aides at his laboratory, and can be found doing the tedious, and (for him) grueling task of adding his research to his computer from the pokedex he has been collecting field data on.

Yes, yes, I'm here, and I even made an entry. OMFG, I know.
Also, what's that? my proffesor actually works on his pokedex instead of sending 10 year old little boys out into the dangerous world to do it? That's just CrAzY~

Oh, I would also like to let everyone know how hard it was for me to write such a short entry, and let Declan know how much of a prick he is for setting such a restriction on me!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 11:44:28 PM by spirit »

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2011, 02:37:09 AM »
This Isn't too long, Right?

Professor Alder

Nickname                      Alder

Gender                         Male

Born                             August 17, 1974(Age:36)

Hometown                     Fuschia City, Kanto   

Field                             Study of proper Pokemon Breeding (Stats, moves, etc.) and Human/Pokemon Companionship

Signature Pokemon        Sudowoodo

Bio: Prof. Alder started his journey like any exicited child, at Age 10 he Traveled from Fuschia clear to Pallet, and recieved a Squirtle, from a Young Professor named Samuel Oak. From there, he traveled acrost Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and even Sinnoh, His Squirtle becoming his best friend, and loyal partner. He kept earning badge after badge, and rised through the League Rankings. Alas, each Time, he Fell too short, losing out to his rival, who saw Pokemon as War machines. Alder vowed one day that he would wipe that thought from his Rival's mind.

Later on, after meeting many people, he found someone very unique. It was someone who thought of his Pokemon as his family, not just friends.
That sparked part of his dream of being a Professor.

After crossing paths with his rival again, he discovered why he would never win. His Rival had well-bred Pokemon, even though his respect for them lacked. After losing yet again, he Tried to raise Pokemon as Family, as well as breed them well.

This, his title Prof. Alder came into light. He became Prof. of the newfound Miryus Region, and to this day, not only teaches top-notch Breeding, but also studies how a Pokemon and Human's Relationship creates such powerful strength.

He stands with his trademark Sudowoodo, because he is Firm, Strong, and Kind, yet isn't afraid to open up, and show his feelings.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 02:40:55 AM by Unbreakable »
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline hammer bead boy

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2011, 06:19:55 PM »
Proffessor Alder grew up in an orphanage and when he grew up he became a cruel pokemon stealer. One day Alder intended to steal another trainers azumarill when there was a rockfall, the azumarill spotted him and realized what he had tried to do . Alder passed out and thought he died but the azumarill had saved him. After this Alder dedicated his life to becoming a pokemon proffessor and studies the behaviour of pokemon.

Offline Charlie160809

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2) Bio
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2011, 11:46:25 PM »
The Bio is Below, The word count is 249.

Professor Alder is the most unusual of all Pokemon professors. At the age of 7, he was discovered by a hiker on a mountain. He had be raised by the pokemon living there, and had been taken in as one of their own. A particular Ghastly was very close to him. After he had been found, he was taken to a medical centre, and after a checkup was declared healthy. His counterpart, Ghastly, followed to become his pokemon. This is when he met the world-famous professor oak, who stepped forward to take him under his wing. He taught him english, maths, science and about pokemon.  after training for 10 years, Professor Alder returned to the mountain for 7 years before setting out for the new-found region of Miryus, with his now evolved counterpart, Haunter.

He never puts Haunter into a pokeball, and he is seen as his equal rather than his pokemon. Haunter uses his powers to help the professor understand his research and delve deeper into the path of the unknown. The professor is very in-tune with pokemon senses and nature, and is able to understand and exact pokemon's needs. He can sense the emotions and feelings of close pokemon and seems to have a magic touch on all creatures. He theorises in a new science - combining the spiritual and emotional with the facts and statistics. He is known to enjoy battling and training, but also spends a lot of time alone or with haunter, drawing strange equations and sketches.

Offline ulsafaar

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Re: Name The Professor Competition (Part 2)
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2011, 02:58:41 PM »
•Professor Alder



•Breewood Town
   -a beautiful town in Miryus region.

As other childrens do, Alder never get tired of liking pokemons. And as other children Alder dreams of becoming a pokemon trainer. Alder became one of the greatest pokemon trainer there is, and as time goes by, Alder became a proffesor which guides young trainers into thier first pokemon.