Hello, i'm kinda new. I've been following PU for some time now. First of all it looks GREAT!
But as to why i'm posting my first thread is because i was a loyal follower of PWO (pokemon world online) for quite some time.
But they just got shot down by Nintendo
http://forum.playerdex.com/Index.php/topic/24282-nintendo-doesnt-like-us/I know the topic has been up before in this thread:
http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php?topic=880.0BUT, the insurance was that the other mmo's wasn't going down. well now they are.. Is there any way you can be sure to stay out of trouble with nintendo?
As far as i've read, it was because of the donations that PWO were shut down. Don't get me wrong i'd be happy to donate if it would help you guys in any way.
But i'd like a little insurance that my money wont go to waste since i don't have a lot (;
Hope you guys stay strong, long live PU! and R.I.P. PWO..