Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
Trick Room?
(You guys can edit whatever)
*Trainer walks into a forest at the point where your team should be about 50 or higher*
Old Man: Dammit, someone is coming, I need to get this over with, Trick Room, go!
*You stand there for a second, and a man walks in*
Man: I saw that a bunch of Pokemon were attacking, whats going on?
Old Man: Ugh, two, this is good enough for a test run. Stop attacking.
*Old Man leaps into the spot of the multitude of Trick Room*
Man: We gotta go in, I don't usually trust Stranger's but you don't look suspicious, I'm Ruben, c'mon!
*You two leap in*
Ruben: *Pant*, we made it, into this Dimension, it seems to be like the world where Giratina Dwells. But they are different, by far.
Old Man: I wouldn't say that, everything is similar in one way or another, right? Either way, if you came to be the big heroes, think again. This is where one chapter in the world ends, and another unfolds, bwahahaha, I don't need you two here any more, brave ones, prepare to die! Bwahaha!
*You go into a Double battle with Ruben, fighting the Old Man.*
Old Man: Damn, well I guess you win, It was the perfect plot, create a world out of Immense amounts of the move Trick Room, I had to do a test run. Then the slowest o Pokemon will get there chance to shine, like I never could.
Ruben: I know you didn't mean any harm, but the world is the way it is for a reason. Any changes are not good.
Old Man: Maybe your right, sorry...
Ruben: It's fine.
Old Man: I guess I should be going. Can you release these three Pokemon for me, I've tortured them enough.
*Old Man leaves*
Ruben: I guess people can change. Thank you, so much. Let's get outta here.
*They leave*
Ruben: I guess I should leave. Good luck, and I'll release these Pokemon later. Take this for the help.
Quick Claw x1
10,000 Pokemoney.
Ruben: Catchphrase: "I fight Hoenn Style!"
Exploud Lv:55
Aggron Lv: 55
Salamence Lv: 55
Old Man: "You'll never stop me, Hmph" (All Pokemon have the Trick Room move)
Gengar Lv: 60
Porygon-Z Lv: 60
Kecleon Lv: 60
Also the Trick Room effect lasts through out all battles in this world.
But this isn't all:
Trick Room Part 2: (Happens prolly after the Brutal 5 are finished, or wherever you guys think is best)
*You walk back into the forest*
Ruben: Dammit, this again
Old man: I'm sorry, Ruben, this is me, it needs to be done.
Ruben: You don't understand-
Old man: And I never will, I need this, I was always bullied, beaten down, by Bullies Pokemon, in School, I couldn't run away! Those Pokemon need a chance! Like I couldn't have!
Ruben: I can't stop you can I?
Old man: Never.
*He leaps in*
Ruben: Hey, sadly you didn't have your best timing, we already fought a minute ago, he Ko'ed three of my Pokemon, but I got three of his to, but we gotta stop him. Now! Let's get going!
*You two leap in*
Ruben: Whew, still not used to that.
Old man: Give it up, it's over, once I get these Pokemon to build the new world, everything will be new, and perfect.
Ruben: Answer me this? What about the fast pokemon, they will be slow!
Old man: They've got to be fast they're whole lives.
Ruben: Why do you think they're is the TM: Trick Room, to give them a chance.
Old man: Don't lie to yourself, no one uses Stat moves, it's all about Physical.
Ruben: Maybe Psychical is just what you need!
Old man: You won't be fighting long, Solrock, hit him hard with your Rock Throw!
Solrock: Sol!
*Hit's Ruben*
Ruben: Augh!
*Flies at wall*
Old man: Now you, get ready!
*Battle begins, without Ruben, Old Man has three Pokemon*
Old man (After defeat): Why aren't you stronger!
Ruben: Ugh, you can't treat them like that, you claim to love Pokemon, but you are treating them like crap!
Old man: Maybe you are right. But that doesn't change my thoughts on Trick Room.
Ruben: Then why don't you stay here alone, where you can grow to love you Pokemon. And Trick Room is still true, you can be happy.
Old man: I wan everyone happy!
Ruben: Everyone is happy now, urgh!
*You help Ruben up*
Old Man: Fine, I'm sorry I treated you guys wrongly, I just need this.
Ruben: We understand, and you can always leave here whenever you want.
Old Man: Thank you, and farewell!
*You two leave*
Ruben: Well somehow we did that. Where are you going now, I dunno, but thank you for helping me again. Take this!
TM: Trick Room
15,000 Pokemoney
*You walk a few steps away from Ruben... and a shadow moves in the grass...
A text bow appears:
...and whichever you choose come out of the bushes, and you can battle and catch it.
Again you guys can change anything you want to. And a couple things:
A. Old Man's Pokemon Catchprase: "You'll never stop me, hmph!"
1. Gengar Level: 60-65 (Same for others)
2. Porygon-Z
3. Kecleon
(First half, first battle, second half, second battle)
5. Lunatone
6. Dusknoir
B. Ruben can be rechallenged if you go to the portal, he will say:
"You can't go in! OR do you wanna battle?"
Then you can battle him, with Pokemon: Catchphrase: "I fight Hoenn Style!"
1. Aggron
2. Salamence
3. Exploud
4. Shiftry
5. Kingdra
6. Houndoom
C. I probably missed something, so please comment!
Seems okay to me.
And maybe add some twist...
...and whichever you choose come out of the bushes, and you can battle and catch it.
--- End quote ---
Change to:
...and whichever you choose, it is the next pokemon on the list which appears :P
That may be a little too far fetched though.
Okaaay, I'm going to be completely honest. I don't really understand the first chapter. Does some kind of room appear in the forest? :S
And there's the issue with cinematics as we're still not exactly sure how this will work out.
Other than that I quite like the option of re-battling Ruben.
From what I understood, this 'portal' could be pictured as something similar to the portal to the Distortion World in Platinum, a sort of black and dark blue hole which will act in the game as a warp panel, in the 'trick room world'.
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