Pokémon Discussion > Anime & Movies

Favourite Pokemon Movie?

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PkMn Trainer Black:
Isn't MSB the second mewtwo movie?


--- Quote from: PkMn Trainer Black on March 26, 2011, 07:01:55 PM ---Isn't MSB the second mewtwo movie?

--- End quote ---
no the 2nd mewtwo movie is mewtwo returns

Mewtwo Strikes Back
The Power of One
Rise of Darkrai

I found that Mystery of the Unknown was just too boring to watch, though Charizard being a BAMF was pretty cool.

Definitely Pokemon 3. Entei is just incredible, and it has all of the Unown in it. That will always be my favorite. Plus, it's (kind of) part of the original season, which is the best.

Pokemon 2000 was good, So was both the ones with mewtwo, and the one with entei, those are the only ones I've watched all the way through.

After that I lost interest in pokemon.


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