Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

An Event idea


Alright PU Team, you've forced me to go home and get mi brother's copy of Pokemon Ruby. After an exhausting day of Ruby I was begged by a friend to play Runescape. I logged in (for the first time in a couple of months) and found that I had a lvl 3 clue scroll that hadnt even been started and I was also asked to help with this weeks's Penguin hide and seek.

If you know what a clue scroll and the penguin hide and seek thing is, then i think you get mi drift.

Summary of clue scroll/Penguin Hide and seek will be posted at the bottom of this post.

On to the suggestion:

Im sure we've all noticed the random boards and signs in every town in the GBA games (trainer tips or something like that). Im sure that its safe to say that the tips would be unnecessary in the MMO.  ( unless you all feel the need for them)

I thought that maybe the PU team could use that signs as a miniquest in way. Once a week or every other week, a sign in every town gives a different hint to a random location or a TM or HM chest.

Just as in the anime, Ash and gang is constantly side-tracked by side missions/explorations.

These signs/boards would lead to a series of other signs that give directions, specific locations, hints, clues, and riddles that would lead to a hidden chest filled with items such as TMs, HMs, Pokeballs, Potions, Lotto tix, etc.

To make things fair, these signs would be random and only for a specific set of players/Guild in a given period of time.

Each player would be given 3 game days (24 hours) to complete the task.

These would be completely optional and possibly weekly/bi-weekly

I guess this would be considered an event of sorts. Something to stray from the norm.

I think that having something like this would be great. It would promote exploration into areas that were once "too dangerous" or "too far away".

Just like in any game, a player gets set in his/her ways and sometimes things can get a little repetitve. Making something like this  random puts more exploration in the game and promotes more of a reason to explore.

Explanation of Clue Scroll:

After fighting a particlar monster, they are bound to drop an item called a clue scroll. These scrolls are rare and only one can be held in a player's possession at a time. These scrolls are ranked from levels 1-3. The higher the level, the more difficult the task will be.

Level 1 scrolls range from tasks like, Go to a certain bank and wear a hat while waving. Then you would be directed , by another scroll to another task like killing 5 goblins.
You would be given a scroll until you are finished. AT times the reward can be dug up from the earth, using a spade or simply found in a chest in broad daylight (but only the player thats completed the scroll can see it.

Explanation of Penguin Hide And Seek:

This is a multiplayer event to where a quest, in the game, unlocks the ability to spy on penguins. In Runescape, there are several worlds to where clans/groups are formed to spy on all 12 Penguins (and a recently added polar Bear). teamwork is used and unlike the clue scrolls, everyone is able to see the penguins. Points are allocated to the location of the peguin. Like if a penguin is found in a starter city, its only worth One Point but if a penguin is found deeper into the game like Moonclan Island (or tougher location) then 2 points are awarded. The max points gained in a week is 15 and they are traded in for Exp and or Money.

I hope that this idea isnt totally ridiculous.

I think that a combination of events can be done like this. I was just offeringan idea.

Would something like this be do~able?

I like your idea.

About the tips boards, it would be perhaps better to create a 'game help' page on the site for those who don't know the basics, of include it in one of the FAQ threads.

HMs? I don't think that giving HMs away like that will do any good, especially if this is a random event. I'd prefer to keep HMs obtainable by talking to someone in the game after a certain progress.

Apart from that, I think the rest should be fine. Only remains if our programmers will take them or not ;)

Nice work!


--- Quote from: Jerry on January 26, 2010, 04:57:31 PM ---I like your idea.

About the tips boards, it would be perhaps better to create a 'game help' page on the site for those who don't know the basics, of include it in one of the FAQ threads.
--- End quote ---
http://pokemon-universe.wikia.com/ ?

--- Quote ---HMs? I don't think that giving HMs away like that will do any good, especially if this is a random event. I'd prefer to keep HMs obtainable by talking to someone in the game after a certain progress.

--- End quote ---

I agree with this. HM need to be special and you should earn them.


--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on January 26, 2010, 05:05:10 PM ---
--- Quote from: Jerry on January 26, 2010, 04:57:31 PM ---I like your idea.

About the tips boards, it would be perhaps better to create a 'game help' page on the site for those who don't know the basics, of include it in one of the FAQ threads.
--- End quote ---
http://pokemon-universe.wikia.com/ ?
--- End quote ---

Hmm, no. I was thinking hints that we have in the usual pokemon games. For example, in the starter town, you have a board telling you: 'Press Start to open the menu!' (in the GameBoy  games) or... 'Press select to automatically use a set item!'

On the Game Help page there would be things like:
Press [button] to open menu (for example)
Use the directional buttons to move up, down, left or right. (I still down know how we move around, but I guess this is the simplest way.

Ahh like a tutorial level. There have been idea's for that, but it'll be added later on.


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