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Author Topic: The 4 Normals  (Read 15418 times)

Offline eddiedelta8

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Re: The 4 Normals
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2011, 10:56:44 PM »
i would choose snorlax and miltank

snorlax because he can learn belly drum so he has full attack power and because he is huge  and ash has one

milktank because that is always the pokemon i lose against in pokemon heartgold/soulsilver at the normal type gym :( and because when i go to the farm on HG SS i can get moomoo milk from the milktanks

tauros........well i just dont like tauros i rarely see one and i beat it every time when i do and if i catch it i never use it anyway

slaking if i could find a slaking i would catch it even though you can only attack with it every other turn i kept losing against i think it is my players dad on pokemon ruby with his two slakings :(
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