I really think it would be funner if u could level up past 100 theres a rumor that someone hacked one pokemon game and leveled a pokemon past 100 this could be possible in poke universe without the need to hack if u make it happen "Team".
No. The maximum level of a pokemon will be 100. We have however increased the time it would take to get to the max level.
I was thinking why not be able to access the pokePC boxes from the pause menu so when ur outside the pokecenter u can always switch pokemons from the pokePC to the pokemon party but keep it to limit of 6 pokemon in ur pokemon party like before and this would make traveling a lot easier
Sure it would be a lot easier. But you lose the point in transfering pokes to and from the professor via the PC. It will be kept.
Oh! I have another idea! how about u can only level ur pokemons past 100 when u complete the pokedex currently at that time then when a new generation come u lose the ability to level up ur pokemon past 100 until u complete the pokedex that includes the new generation that way it'll be a great temporary reward for completing the pokedex besides getting a temporary certificate of completing the pokedex
Look at my response to the first suggestion.
We will implement a reward for completing the national dex - (both excluding and including legendary pokemon seen).