Since I love you guys so much. (As friends) I am going to be VERY helpful with stuff for Black and White

I'll post events!
Liberty Pass Victini event!Right! The one that is going on now is the Liberty Pass event!
You guys know about Wi-Fi mystery gift. (I hope) This is how you get it.
1.) Go onto Pokemon B/W main screen. Click on MYSTERY GIFT. Select over Nintendo-Wi-fi connection.
2.) Recieve the Mystery gift.
3.) Go to a Poke-Center and on the LEFT there should be a man in green.
4.) Talk to him and you will recieve the Liberty Pass.
5.) STOCK UP ON GREAT BALLS. This little pain takes some doing to catch.
6.) On one of the docks there is a boat. I think it's 4-5 to the left of the pokemon center. (I can't remember)
7.) Talk to the Boat driver, he will ASK for your Liberty Pass. Say yes and you'll board the ship
8.) Make your way to the lighthouse after battling Team plasma along the way.
9.)When you reach the BOTTOM of the lighthouse you'll meet a Team Plasma guy. Defeat him then SAVE!!
10.) Battle Victini and CATCH HIM. This is your 1 and only chance!
11.) Congratulations! You caught it!