Pokémon Universe > Game Features

clans and clan buildings?

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They're going to be official. Mr_Dark will even be making one.
As for the buildings, they have also been confirmed, or at least, it's confirmed that there will be buildings called guild buildings, and that owning one will require that you fit certain prerequisites, whereas normal apartments and houses only require you can pay the rent.

thank you Frenchfry! what about the guild wars idea?

 I don't remember if the devs said that it would be in the game or not, but I do know that it's been discussed in a couple of different threads. Use the search bar before starting a new thread.

I'm not sure if there was a thread specifically for that, but I do remember Mr_Dark mentioning that there would be some form of ingame tournament called the Cool Horses League. That may or may not be clan related. It's also part of the reason Montza needs a good asskicking.

 I'm pretty sure that at least one person made a thread about it. I could be wrong though.


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